Friday, June 28, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast June 27, 2024

 Mainstreeter Weekly Blast June 27, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Friday night cookout at the Borrotto's!

  • MSUMC afternoon at the ballpark!  Buy your tickets for this Sunday, June 30th Nashua Silver Knights game at 3:00 PM.  Join your friends from MSUMC and cheer on our local team!

  • Summer Hours noted at bottom of email

There's lots going on at MSUMC... new groups using the building while the UU church is being renovated this summer. Vacation Bible Camp is a fun adventure with God teaching kids (and youth and adults) about trust and wisdom and a little bit of sign language.

And we've had several deaths recently that the congregation has come together to surround the families in grief and support. We're glad to have the Joyful Shepherds leading this charge to care for and nurture our most vulnerable members and their families.

We look forward to hearing about how MainStreeters are on the MOVE this summer. Remember to look for signs of the Spirit's stirring wherever you may roam and to share your experience with us. If you want an ALPHABET LETTER for our summer series on the ABCs of Faith, grab one off the front pew... or create your own alphabet poem. (A is for Aldersgate or alpine or adventure, B is for bats or beautiful sunsets, etc).

We're excited for the alphabet soup of possibilities.

Rev Kelly


The efforts to improve security and accessibility of the building for the groups that need its ministry nears completion also. Watch for the external doors to be re-keyed soon. Contact the office if you haven't switched your physical external door key for an electronic credential. Keep all your internal door keys --those aren't changing.

The Campbells took us with them to Hampton Beach for the sand castle competition.

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast June 20, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Celebrate PRIDE this weekend with us on Saturday for the Pride Parade, 2 - 6PM

  • Paxton Key update for church entry

  • NSKS this Sunday - contact Phyllis A. for volunteering

  • Summer Hours noted at bottom of email


Nashua Soup Kitchen will be this Sunday, June, the 23rd from 2 to 4. Please let Phyllis Appler know if you can help. 

Pastor Kelly is at Annual Conference this week welcoming 8 new ordinands into the ministry.  Click the link below Friday at 7:00 PM to watch the service.

Jim and Mavis Pyle brought MainStreet with them on their trip to Pennsylvania and the Model Train Convention.  Thank you Jim and Mavis for bringing us with you!




Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.