November 13, 2017
Words from the Pastor
Veterans Day Prayer
Susan DiamondGod of compassion,
God of dignity and strength,
watch over the veterans of the United States
in recognition of their loyal service to our nation.
Bless them with wholeness and love.
Shelter them.
Heal their wounds,
comfort their hearts.
grant them peace.
God of justice and truth,
rock of our lives,
bless our veterans,
these men and women of courage and valor,
with a deep and abiding understanding
of our profound gratitude.
Protect them and their families from loneliness and want.
Grant them lives of joy and bounty.
May their dedication and honor
be remembered as a blessing
from generation to generation.
Blessed are You,
Protector and Redeemer,
our Shield and our Stronghold.
One of the things that I have come to see since moving to Nashua and becoming the pastor of this congregation, is that there are a significant number of military veterans, who make up the citizenry of our city and the membership of this congregation. You do not have to look far to find a veteran involved in the community and in the church. When I think of all of the veterans, who make up this congregation, I can only be grateful for the faithful service that is offered to God and the church, even as it has been offered to our nation.
The other place in which I experience our military veterans' though is among the homeless population of our city. We have had more than our share of veterans come to Café Agape for the hospitality that we are able to offer to them and many who are the patrons of the food pantry through the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Some of these veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) directly as a result of their service to our nation through their experience of combat in Afghanistan or Iraq. Others have struggled with addiction, whether to drugs or alcohol and still others suffer from mental illness.
As we take the time to honor our veterans for their service, let us also go the second mile and do our part to insure that they receive the needed services so that they may move from homelessness to housing and from illness to health. Thankfully Nashua has much to offer military veterans and organizations, such as Harbor Homes, have set a goal to reduce the number of homeless veterans to zero. Let us offer our support to this effort through the ministry of Café Agape, through the support of Veterans Count (a service of the March of Dimes), and though our own volunteering in programs for Veterans.
With gratitude and praise,
Pastor Rich
Worship Next Sunday – November 19
The 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Thanksgiving Sunday
Reception of New Members
Choir Anthem
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:7-18; Luke 17:11-19
Theme: Forgetfulness and Ungratefulness
Our scriptures, especially the Deuteronomy reading, warn us not to be forgetful of all God's gracious and loving acts in our lives, our church, and our community because forgetfulness leads to ungratefulness. Let us not be like the "other nine" lepers, who having been healed by Jesus, went merrily on their way; but instead, let us be like the one, a Samaritan, who returned to give thanks to Jesus.
Announcements from Sunday, November 12 Calendar for the Week of November 12Building Update for 10-November-2017
Since our last update:
- The loan for the project has been signed and is now complete! Pastor Rich and Ted Luszey met with Dan Hussey from the Foundation to review the project, which included a tour of buildings. Dan was pleased with the progress and our vision for the future.
- The framing of the new construction is 90% complete. The exterior and interior wall framing is complete. Completion of the exterior sheathing is expected by Thanksgiving.
- Roofing work has begun and is expected to be complete by November 17th.
- HVAC, electrical and plumping work has begun in the new construction, ductwork can be seen next to the elevator shaft.
- Hallway from the new construction into the Wesley Building has been roughed in.
- Work to prepare the removal of the stained glass window from the Sanctuary and to relocate the rear upper wall of the new construction is complete. The new location has been framed and can be seen on the upper rear wall.
-submitted by Ted Luszey
Holiday Stroll
On Saturday, November 25th, we will once again be a host site for Nashua's Holiday Stroll. There will be a dance recital held at 5:45 followed by musical performances at 7:10 and 8:35pm. Our choir will not be performing this year. Downstairs in the vestry there will be a joint fundraiser by our own Downtown Crossing along with the non-profit "Chefs of NH" group. The Gate City Immigrant Initiative will also be passing out free food and providing a welcome for immigrants during this same time frame. We are still in need of volunteers to help. If you could give an hour or two, that would be great. Please speak to Jerry Harrow or Pastor Rich in order to sign up to volunteer. Thanks in advance for all your support.
We hope you like our new look for news! Feel free to send comments to mainstreeter@mainstreet-umc.org |
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