December 4, 2017
Words from the Pastor
A Prayer for December
Winter God,
in the darkest time of year
you brought in starlight,
angel song, and baby cries.
Stay with me as I journey to new birth
and celebrate this year of saints, psalms and prayer.
In the silence and stillness,
fashion my prayer into a carol of praise
and focus my life so that I may act as a herald of Christ,
the child of peace and the prophet of justice. Amen
Taken from Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms and Prayer Practices by Rev. Larry J. Peacock. Second Edition. Skylight Paths Publishing
It is fitting that the church chose to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the One who is the light of the world, in the midst of the darkest month of the year. Don't let the snow and cold of December keep you from experiencing the warmth and light of God's coming to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Come celebrate the Advent Season in worship, study, prayer, and service through the many opportunities that are afforded to us in and through the Main Street UMC. May you discover, as the author of the Gospel of John declares, that "the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it."(John 1:5)
Pastor Rich
Worship Next Sunday – December 10
Second Sunday of Advent
Tithe Sunday
Lighting the Second Advent Candle
Gifts for the King
Christmas Ingathering
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11; Mark 1:1-8
Theme: Preparing God's Way
The prophet known as "second Isaiah" and John the Baptist both announce the coming of the Lord and the need to prepare God's way. How do we prepare ourselves to experience God's coming and presence in this season of Advent? How can we prepare the way for others to experience God's presence as well?
Announcements Calendar for the Week of December 3
Important Notice
Everyone who has responded to Nonny Egbuonu and is attending the wedding of her daughter Phyllis and Ejikeme next Saturday, December 9 at 2pm, please take note. The venue for the reception and time has changed. It will now be at:
White Birch Catering
222 Central Street
Hudson, NH
From 5 – 9pm
There will be light refreshment catered by San Francisco Kitchen immediately following the church ceremony in the vestry.
Anyone who wishes to give a wedding gift, please make a donation instead to Main Street United Methodist Church with a notation #Phyllis' Wedding Gift.
What's New for Christian Education?
According to the Discipline of the United Methodist Church, the purpose of Christian Education is to provide "essential support for the lifelong process of being transformed by God's grace into the likeness of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Ministries are to be planned to assist persons in developing their relationship with God and in living faithfully in the world. The ministries are to help children, youth and adults grow in knowledge of the Scripture and tradition; develop skills for practicing the means of grace; and gain the abilities to live as accountable disciples."
You may now be aware that our Director of Christian Education, Kathy Whitman, is no longer with us at Main Street. Our Christian Education committee will be responsible for the day to day running of our education programs, under the direction of co-chairs Susan Pederzani and Mavis Pyle, and with the guidance and supervision of Pastor Rich. We, as a committee, take our purpose, as stated above, very seriously, and will do our best to ensure our programs meet these goals.
Children's Time will continue to have special guests visiting during the season of Advent and there will be a world premiere of a new children's pageant on December 24th during the 10:30 service. You won't want to miss it!
Advent is a time of preparation for a blessed event, and is also the beginning a new church year. Make it a new beginning for church attendance if you haven't been here in a while, and see what's been going on. You won't be disappointed!
And remember, there is no Church school on December 31!
-submitted by Susan Pederzani and Mavis Pyle
Altar Flowers
The 2018 Flower Calendar is available for sign-ups. It is located on the bulletin board in the hall across from the church office. Forms for the office are located next to the poster; take one with you when you sign up. Please include your name, phone number, and the message you want printed in the bulletin. The cost for the church to order is $22.50. Please turn in completed forms and money (checks should be made out to Fortin-Gage) at least two weeks prior to the Sunday you sign up.
Next Sunday, December 10, is both Gifts for the King and an Ingathering of Food for the Christmas boxes at Nashua Soup Kitchen. To help you remember what items are needed, a bulletin board of baskets is posted by the vestry doors. The boxes given at Christmas include all of the regular food items distributed in a monthly box, plus those needed for Christmas. Everyone also receives milk, eggs, and a turkey or other meat. Gravy, stuffing, mashed or scalloped potatoes in a box, seem to be the items that ran low during distribution week in November. In the "regular" category, canned tuna supplies are very low. Cash will also be very helpful.
Folks who have in the past received Christmas baskets at Main St. are invited to go to the Soup Kitchen during the week before Christmas to receive a very generous box.
Bring your unwrapped gift for the Front Door Agency or Nashua Children's Home to the sanctuary on December 10. Be sure the tag with the number on it is attached to Front Door children's gifts! Gift wrap or gift bags will be appreciated. As your birthday month is called, bring your gift forward and put it under the Chrismon Tree. You can also donate toward a special gift for a child at either location.
Our Gifts for the King celebration has been helping others have a better Christmas for at least forty years, when we began taking gifts to residents of Laconia State School. Thank you for continuing this tradition.
-submitted by Phyllis Appler
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