March 12, 2018
Words from the Pastor
"He drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, a rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!"
From the Poem, Outwitted, by Edwin Markham
These words were shared by the preacher at my ordination service many years ago and have stuck with me ever since. Sometimes our tendency as human beings is to create small, comfortable circles where only those who are like us are included. But LOVE can never be limited to a select few. Indeed, as our gospel reading for the fourth Sunday in Lent reminds us "God so loved the world"- indeed God's circle is as large as a circle can be. Interestingly, those who tend to claim John 3:16 as their favorite verse in the bible often tend to understand God's love in very exclusive terms. God loves Christians but not people of other faiths. God loves Christians like me, but not those whose beliefs and practices may be different than mine. This verse cannot be clearer though--God loves the whole of God's creation, the world and all that is in it--the natural world, the animal world, human beings of all kinds.
How large is your circle? Does it include only people who are like you? Is it limited to those whose religious and political beliefs mirror your own? Is there room in your circle for people who make you uncomfortable perhaps people who even want to exclude you from their circle? We are called to be a people of ever-widening circles whose love for God and our neighbor requires that we enlarge our circles in ways that are more inclusive than exclusive. In doing so, we bear witness to the God who loved the world in Jesus Christ and offers to everyone eternal life.
Worship Ahead in March
3/18 The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 12:20-33
Theme: Choosing the Way of New Life: The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a new covenant in which the law is written on the heart rather than on stones. Jesus speaks of new life growing out of the "death" of a seed planted in the earth. New life is waiting to break forth, not only as we welcome spring, but also as we complete our Lenten journey.
Calendar for the Week of March 11
Easter Plant Order Form
The Main Street United Methodist Church is offering white lilies and tulip plants for the Easter Services. Perhaps you would like to provide a plant in honor of someone or in memory of a loved one. Please fill out the form below and enclose a check, payable to the Main Street United Methodist Church. Lilies are $13.00 and Tulips are $10.00 per plant. Place the order form and money in the offering plate or mail to the Church office. You may also call in your order to Terri at (603)-891-2526
Plants will be available at both the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Each plant will have a label with your name on it.
The deadline for ordering is March 25th.
Thank you and enjoy the Easter Celebration ~ Worship Committee.
Telephone Number: __________________
Number of White Lilies: @$13.00_________
Number of Tulips: @$10.00___________
Total Enclosed: $__________________
In Memory of: ________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: _________________________________________________________________
_____ Leave for a shut-in
Shop Amazon Smile and Donate to MSUMC
Starting March 12 and continuing until the end of the month, Amazon Smile will triple donations to charities. That means if you sign up and make a purchase during this time period, 1.5% of the cost of your first eligible purchase will go to a charity.
Main Street United Methodist Church is listed as one of the charities and so far, has received $97.95 from Amazon Smile.
To sign up for Amazon Smile:
1. Go to Smile.Amazon.com.
2. It will guide you to select a charity. If you want to donate to MSUMC, type in Nashua United Methodist Church and follow the directions.
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