June 24, 2018
A Word from the Pastor
Beautiful God,
you fill the earth with beauty,
painting breathtaking sunsets and
splashing colors into bouquets of flowers.
Let me bloom this month.
Let my life bring light and
color into your world.
Let me shine for you,
play for you,
delight in you.
Open me to the miracles of summer,
the flowering of praise,
the sunshine of song. Amen.
Taken from Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms and Prayer Practices,
by Rev. Larry J. Peacock,
2nd edition, Skylight Paths Publishing, 2014
By the time that you read this we will be a few days into that most wondrous of seasons--summer. I had the opportunity to enjoy the longest day of the year at our home in Maine. It is a wonderful place to be in the summer and provides me with the freedom to experience so much of what summer has to offer- fire flies, lazy days on the water in my kayak, sipping cool drinks on our deck, evenings watching the bats flitter above our lawn. There are indeed many miracles of summer to enjoy and I hope that you will take the opportunity to do so. Blessings on you whether you experience summer at home or away.
Worship Ahead
7/1 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 5:21-43
Theme: "The Ministry of Interruptions": When Jesus was called upon to urgently attend to a young girl who was dying, he found himself somewhat rudely interrupted by a woman in need. For the most part no one likes to be interrupted when they are attending to what seems to be an important matter. What can we learn from Jesus that might help us to see interruptions as ministry in its own right?
7/8 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture: Second Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13
Theme: "Grace happens": Grace, by its very definition, is not something we can earn or manufacture. It is a pure gift from God. It happens both when we least expect it and we when most expect it. Without grace we could not survive. The apostle Paul helps to explore this gift as he reflects on his own predicament struggling with a "thorn in the flesh".
Calendar for the Week of June 24
Throwback Worship Service
It was on Sunday, July 22nd in the year 1868 that the newly built "Main Street Methodist Episcopal Church" was dedicated to the glory of God and the service of humankind. Given that July 22nd of this year is on a Sunday, we will go back in time in our worship service and worship as though we were in the year 1868 (don't worry, we will still use the AC if it is too warm!) Stay tuned for more details as our worship design team comes up with some interesting and time tested ideas.
Historic Tidbit
With the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebration in September, the Anniversary Committee has gathered historic quotes to share, taken from Methodism in Nashua, 1831-1982, by J. Lawrence Hall. We will include one with each Mainstreeter Online.
"About the year of 1747 a Reverend Samuel Bird was called to settle here in what was then known as Dunstable. He belonged to another 'sect' called the 'New Lites', a branch of Methodism and followers of a Reverend George Whitfield. He accepted the position at that time as the church was neither Presbyterian or Congregational."
"At this time of events it was the town or village that supported the church and minister – those in disagreement simply refused to pay taxes or render religious support."
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