February 15, 2019
"I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."
Ephesians 4:1-6
In just over a week, on Saturday, February 23rd, elected delegates from all of the conferences that make up the United Methodist Church will gather in St. Louis for an historic special session of General Conference. The purpose for the conference as stated in the denomination's web site is the following:
"The purpose will be to receive and act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward based on the recommendations of the Council of Bishops. The Commission was authorized to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and to explore options to strengthen church unity." If you would like to know more about the proposals that will be coming before the conference please plan to join us on Sunday morning at 9:00am for the Adult Sunday School class. We will be viewing a panel discussion in which four individuals will speak to the particular plan that each feels is the "way forward" for our church. Summaries of each of the plans will also be provided. You can also find out more by going to the web site, http://www.umc.org/topics/general-conference-2019-special-session. There is lots of information available that will help you to begin to see the complexities, challenges, and opportunities that will be provided by this gathering.
Please join me in praying for all of the delegates, for the movement of the Holy Spirit, and for the future of the United Methodist Church that we might somehow be both a just and a united church. I would encourage you to mark your calendar now for Monday, March 18th at 7:00pm when we will host a District Conversation led by our District Superintendent, Jim McPhee, at which time we will be able to get a better idea as to what the decisions made at this special session of General Conference will mean for our Conference and our church.
Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 6:17-26
Theme: What we think of as the "beatitudes" or blessings, whether in Jeremiah's version or that of the Gospel of Luke, actually include both blessings and cursings. It is not that God blesses or curses particular individuals but rather that the way of life that is chosen by each either results in blessings or curses depending on what we choose. The choice is ours!
At our most recent Church Council meeting we talked about how we might better highlight some of the opportunities for service that are available through the church. A suggestion was made that maybe we could have an "opportunity of the week". This will now be a new feature in the weekly e-mail blast so look for these wonderful opportunities and see if there is something that sounds inviting to you.
This week's opportunity involves volunteering at the Nashua Soup Kitchen for the food pantry ministry. On the third Sunday of each month our Hunger Ministry volunteers open the food pantry at the Nashua Soup Kitchen in order to provide opportunities for those who are unable to go to the food pantry during the week. Our volunteers will be there from 1:30-4:00pm on Sunday. Please speak to Phyllis Appler if you would like more information or just show up!
Volunteers are needed at the Soup Kitchen during the week as well as on our third Sunday. Third Sunday volunteers should arrive at the Soup Kitchen at 1:30 to set up for our food pantry, which runs from 2 to 4. During the week, Monday through Friday, volunteers work from 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., distributing food, working at the computer checking folks in, unloading produce and nonperishables, even handing out numbers. Even if you can just manage a couple of hours from 11 to 1 or 1 to 3, especially on Thursday or Friday, that would be a great help. We have a blue Heart of Nashua Food Assistance Ministry apron waiting for you!
Hoodie Sunday!
On Sunday, February 17, we will encourage you to bring in a new or gently used hooded sweatshirt. These seem to be the most popular items that newly arrived teens and young adults need to stay warm and comfortable in New Hampshire winters and chilly springs. Our Café Agape friends also find them very useful. You may bring hoodies in sizes from kids to teens to adult, both men's and women's. And if you would like to wear a hoodie that day yourself, feel free!
Give Up Something Bad for Lent, by James W. Moore
Tuesday, March 5, Wednesdays, March 13 – April 17
From: 7:00pm – 8:30pm Room 201
Please join us for this 7-session evening Lenten Study, based on the book Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James W. Moore. Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or for group study, and a closing prayer.
Description of Study: "During Lent each year, Christians give up something as an act of sacrifice and spiritual discipline. James Moore challenges us to … give up something we are better off not doing. He invites us to seek God's help to focus on eliminating one habit or attitude that is destructive. Imagine giving up envy, jealousy, self-pity, apathy, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking." He encourages us to replace it with a positive habit and to "embrace the good news of Easter."
UMW Meeting - Wednesday, February 20 at 7:00
At this time we don't have a definite focus for the gathering, but important decisions will be made for future events that the group will hold. We hope to see a good number of women there to help in the planning process.
Rada Knives Fund Raiser
Did you know that Main St United Methodist Women have been selling Rada Knives and other products as a Fund Raiser?
We have an inventory on hand for immediate purchase, with a catalog for special orders. We are currently taking orders until April 15. These will be available for pick up by early May. Stop by our display during Coffee Hour to see our current stock, or pick up a catalog to choose books, soup and dip mixes, gift ideas, and many other items.
Volunteer Training
I am happy to announce that Susan Mead will be coming to Main Street United Methodist Church. Susan is a community educator and outreach director for Greater Nashua Mental Health Center. We have asked for training in de-escalating situations that may arise in the Cafe. She has willingly agreed to come and talk to us.
Susan has spent many years in the mental health community and in Nashua. She knows many of those who frequent the Cafe. She knows their needs and the issues they deal with on a daily basis. She loves what she does and is looking forward to sharing some of that knowledge with us.
She will be providing training to Cafe Agape volunteers and any church members who might be interested. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone in our congregation. Please join us.
Date: Wednesday March 6, 2019
Time: 10:30 AM
Please let me know if you are able to attend by Sunday March 3 so we have enough materials for everyone.
Thank You, Pat Kerrigan
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