April 19, 2019
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!"
This ancient antiphonal call and response is the closest thing the church has to an Easter cheer. Down through the centuries these words have rung out to remind us that the Risen Christ continues to dwell among us and within us. The Risen Christ is a living presence that is experienced by anyone who is able to open one's mind just a little wider and recognize that not all of our experiences fit with modern science. While scientifically the resurrection is indeed just an idle tale, for those who experience Christ as a living presence in their lives the resurrection is a reality that needs no explanation. The only proper response is that noted above, "Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!"
I invite you to experience the wonder and mystery of Easter anew as you gather with us in one or more of our Easter Services. I trust that as you open your mind and heart to the mystery of the resurrection you will experience the new life that God offers to you. May your mind and heart soar with praise and thanksgiving. I look forward to sharing with you in this Easter season which is not just one day, but continues through the Great Fifty Days from Easter to Pentecost. Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
4/21 Easter Sunday
Holy Communion (8:30am); Traditional Easter Service (10:30am)
Choir singing at both services
Scripture: Acts 10:34-43; Luke 24:1-12
Theme: Idle Tale or Resurrection Experience: Having come to the tomb prepared to embalm Jesus' dead body a group of women were surprised to find that the tomb was empty. Before they could even react they were met by two angels who asked them the question, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?". Astonished, they made their way to where the disciples were gathered and shared this news only to be dismissed as telling an "idle tale". Was this the case or did their experience of the resurrection just not fit the disciples' mindset? What are we to make of the stories of the Risen Christ?
Sunrise Service at 6:30am on the plaza in front of the church
Easter Breakfast at 7:00am in the vestry. A fundraiser for our Youth Mission Team
8:30am Service including holy communion and the choir
10:30am Service including the choir
The next meeting of the Reconciling Congregation Committee will be Monday, April 22nd at 7:00pm in the vestry. All are welcome to attend.
At a recent Church Council meeting we talked about how we might better highlight some of the opportunities for service that are available through the church. A suggestion was made that maybe we could have an "opportunity of the week". This will now be a new feature in the weekly e-mail blast so look for these wonderful opportunities and see if there is something that sounds inviting to you.
This week's opportunity is for greeters especially at the 8:30am service on Easter Sunday. If you are able to help please let Pastor Rich know by e-mailing him at pastor@mainstreeter-umc.org Greeters will need to be here no later than 8:00am. Come early and have breakfast before greeting!
Main Street United Methodist Church
"Funding the Future: 100 for $150"
Following on the theme of the 150th anniversary of Main Street United Methodist Church the Permanent Endowment Committee would like to introduce a program we wish to call "Funding the Future: 100 for $150".
What does that mean?
A vision the Permanent Endowment Committee embraces is establishing a revenue stream which continues to assist the church in its mission long after we have gone. One of the primary reasons for the establishment of an endowment within the church is the willingness to build a structure (monetary) which will contribute both now and into the future.
The endowment as it exists today here at Main Street contributes approximately $6,000 per year to the general expenses of the church. The goal is to grow the endowment(s) where at some point in time the annual payout forces the church to make decisions as to "how to" utilize the revenue.
The term endowment is somewhat daunting; most times we think that it is beyond our capacity but, as with many things, rather than chase the elusive big payday we believe incremental steps will get the church endowment (s) moving towards self-sufficiency. To that end the proposal the Permanent Endowment Committee wishes to bring forth to all members is "Funding the Future: 100 for $150". What does that mean?
100 members donating $150 per year to the endowment fund. With a donation of this amount the principal in the endowment grows $15, 000 per year, in addition to the current organic growth the fund experiences each year. The expectation is that within ten (10) years rather than $6,000 per year payout the church will experience $11,000 per year and growth will continue to happen year after year. Rather than waiting for that one big donor we can collectively contribute yearly amounts that allow the church the endowment growth that leads to building a revenue stream into the future.
The fund continues to grow and the congregation pays it forward for future generations.
How to contribute:
· $3 per week identified as "Funding the Future"
· $12.50 per month identified as "Funding the Future"
· $43.75 per quarter identified as "Funding the Future"
· $150 once per year identified as "Funding the Future"
Questions? Seek out a Permanent Endowment Committee Member:
Pastor Rich Cullen Phyllis Bowen Ken Sinclair Joe Dechene
Alan MacDougall Jane Boyd Peter Parlow
Saturday, April 27, 6:00 pm Church Vestry
Come join the F Troop, our over 40 fellowship group, for a potluck. A signup sheet for the pot luck
is posted on the bulletin board under the clock in the vestry. Please join us for an evening of fun.
Hope to see you there!
Save the date for the Granite State Ringers concert!
The Granite State Ringers will be performing their Lights! Camera! Bells! concert series at the church on May 5, 2019 at 3:00 pm. This concert series features music from beloved classics, family favorites, and movies from all genres! Selections include Dancing Queen from musical comedy Mamma Mia!, the theme from the Western classic The Magnificent Seven, and the crowd favorite Les Miserables medley.
Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Tickets can be ordered online at https://www.mainstreet-umc.org/gsr
This year's Vacation Bible School
Do Good! Seek Peace! and Go After It! Psalm 34:14b
Come and join us the first full week of August.
Be a Hero at Vacation Bible School.
Help teach the Hero Codes:
How will you show your heroism?
As a Greeter for Registration? | In the Nursery? |
At the Science Center? | At the Arts and Crafts Center? |
At the Recreation Center? | In the Story-Telling Center? |
Making Music? | Being a Director? |
Being a Puppeteer? | Being the Sound Technician? |
Delivering Snacks? | Something Else? |
It takes a Village of Heroes to make Vacation Bible School a success.
Please let us know if you're willing to help by April 28, 2019.
Thanks!!!! Mavis Pyle and Sue Pederzani
Wanakee Sunday – Sunday, 5 May
Campers interested in attending Wanakee (Beautiful Spiritual Place in the Hills) this year can learn more about the variety of camp activities by visiting the Wanakee information table in the vestry after services on 5 May.
There will be registration forms & brochures available for campers and information on Camperships. And of course, we will have Ice Cream. Early registration is encouraged since some of the Summer Camp offerings are limited and are very popular. Visit the Wanakee Website at https://www.wanakee.org/ for additional information on Summer Camps, dates and rates.
Please contact Kim Crider (criderkim@gmail.com) or Jim Muise (muisej59@gmail.com), if you have any questions.
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