August 1, 2019
"Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead, find the room for hope to enter,
find the frame where we are freed: Clear the chaos and the clutter,
clear our eyes that we can see all the things that really matter, be at peace, and simply be."
Verse one of "Come and Find the Quiet Center, TFWS, #2128
Earlier this year I received the invitation to become a member of the Executive Board of the Rolling Ridge Retreat Center (see the Rolling Ridge article later in this issue of the Mainstreeter). Rolling Ridge has been a part of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church for over 70 years now and I have had the opportunity to experience its many retreat offerings for nearly 35 years. Given that the "Ridge" is less than an hour away in North Andover, MA I jumped at the opportunity to be more intimately involved in its mission as a retreat center.
That said, I would also like for you to experience Rolling Ridge and its many programs because I believe that the retreat experience, whether it be a day-long, weekend-long, or week-long retreat can have a significant impact on one's spiritual journey. From time to time in the Mainstreeter I will highlight an up-coming program with the hope that you will get excited enough to sign up for it. There is usually something for everyone and it is my expectation that one of the programs will prove to be just what you need in your life.
Should you want to know more about Rolling Ridge I would love to speak with you about it. In recent years the Ridge has seen many improvements and now is able to bill itself (honestly) as "New England's Premiere Christian Retreat Center". The retreat house itself is 100 years old this year and was built as the home of Ethan Allen. The grounds are beautiful and it sits on the shore of beautiful Lake Cochichewick which allows for canoeing and kayaking experiences.
I hope that I am successful in whetting your appetite for some of the many opportunities that Rolling Ridge has to offer. Be sure to check it out on-line for more information or check out the Summer/Fall Program booklet that can be found both in the lobby and in the vestry at church.
If you are feeling the need to "find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead" I can think of no better place to do so than at the Rolling Ridge Retreat Center.
Blessings on the remainder of your summer,
Pastor Rich
8/4 The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Preacher: Rev. David Svenson
Special Music: Lisa Svenson and Susan Joy
Organist: John Pagett
Each week we will try to highlight a particular opportunity for you to serve in and through the Main Street UMC.
This week's opportunity is to volunteer to assist with our Vacation Bible School program which will take place from Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9th. Please speak to either Susan Pederzani or Andrea Weir should you want to get involved.
The safety committee needs two volunteers to act as vestry monitors during Sunday church services for the month of Aug. If you can do a Sunday, please email Paul Pederzani at pped@comcast.net with your availability.
Pastor Rich will be on vacation beginning Tuesday, July 30th through Friday, August 9th. Our guest preacher next Sunday will be Rev. Dave Svenson. Pastor Dave was pastor of the Main Street UMC from 1992-2000. We are pleased that in retirement Pastor Dave and his wife, Linda, claim Nashua and the Main Street UMC as home.
Did you know that our Annual Conference owns and runs a retreat center for adults that is less than an hour away from Nashua? That's right, the Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, located in North Andover, MA is our neighborhood retreat center and a place with which you will want to be acquainted if you are not already! Here is how Rolling Ridge is described on its web site:
Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center is a peaceful, beautiful and historic place offering hospitality and programs for the renewal of spirit and transformation of the world. Nestled on a peninsula surrounded by Lake Cochichewick in North Andover, Massachusetts, the 40 room Georgian estate on 38 acres of woods, rolling hills and lakefront is the perfect setting for retreats and conferences, day meetings, or personal retreats. Twenty two bedrooms accommodate 40 adults and special youth accommodations sleep 75. Chef prepared delicious meals in the lakeview dining room are sure to please groups and individuals. Two labyrinths, nature trails, a summer pool and the Ridge Wellness Center provide opportunity for relaxation, recreation and refreshment. Why not check out some of the week day and weekend programs that are available at Rolling Ridge by visiting their web site www.rollingridge.org Or check out the flyer found on the bulletin board under the clock in the vestry and on the table in the lobby. There is something for everyone at Rolling Ridge!
I am aware that many MSUMC members received the daily e-mail from Richard Rohr and that these e-mails are a part of your regular spiritual discipline. Well, I have good news for you! Rolling Ridge has become home to a Richard Rohr community which meets on the second Sunday of every month and offers book studies and other programs from the Center for Action and Contemplation. Here's what the Rolling Ridge web site has to say about this program:
Join the Rohr Action and Contemplation Small Group. Rolling Ridge Executive Director Lawrence Jay describes it as a drop-in group for anyone interested in Richard Rohr or in finding a community in this spiritual-but-not-religious context in which we live.
The group meets at 3 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month; sessions are about 90 minutes.
Do you receive the Daily Meditations sent by Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation?
Have you read a book by Richard Rohr?
Have you participated in the CONSPIRE conference hosted by CAC?
Are you a graduate of the CAC Living School?
Do you wonder where you fit into today's spiritual landscape?
Are you looking for community with others who have a unitive, non-dualistic, mystical heart?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, we invite you to join us at our Richard Rohr Action and Contemplation small group. We meet on the second Sundays of the month from 3:00-4:30 pm at the Rolling Ridge Center for Spirituality and Leadership (CSL). Each month we begin with a contemplative practice and then engage in conversation that deepens our understanding and inspires our heart as we seek to integrate a Richard Rohr writing into our daily lives. No registration is required to attend. You are welcome to join us when you are able. For more information on this monthly event or to be added to the distribution list regarding other upcoming Richard Rohr/Center for Action and Contemplation events, contact Rolling Ridge Executive Director, Lawrence Jay at lawrence.jay@rollingridge.org.
If you would be interested in attending the session on August 11th please speak to Pastor Rich and we can arrange to go. If not in August, let's plan to go on September 8th.
Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter's Backpack Drive
A bin is available in the lobby for donations to the Soup Kitchen's Backpack Drive. Fill it with backpacks, notebooks, pencils, and the other things needed for back to school! Sales are on right now! Donations will be welcome through the first two Sundays in August. We appreciate ALL new donations!
List of Supplies
Backpacks for Boys & Girls Grades Kindergarten – 12th
2" Three Ring Binders -- required in High School
Loose leaf filler paper
Tabbed Dividers
Spiral notebooks
#2 Pencils
Handheld Pencil Sharpener
Separate erasers
12" Rulers
Protractor or multi-piece Drafting package
Bottled glue
Glue sticks
Scotch tape
Staplers (mini or desk size)
Student Scissors (Safety scissors for younger students)
Dry-Erase Markers for all grades (when called up to the board)
Crayons (Boxes of 24)
Colored pencils (Bright or Bold)
Washable colored markers
Pencil boxes or Pouches for elementary school children
Lunch Boxes/Snack Bags for elementary school children
Calculators for High School students
Dictionary (one per family)
Index Cards
8GB (or larger) flash drive for High School students
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