October 11, 2019
"You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God." Second Corinthians 9:11-13
What is the relationship between stewardship and gratitude? For the apostle Paul the answer is clear. Generosity in whatever form- generosity of spirit, generosity of resources, generosity with one's time and talents- produces expressions of gratitude to God on the part, not only of those who are the recipients of this generosity, but also of those who witness it. I know that this is true because I am often led to give thanks to God when I witness the incredible generosity of the members and friends of the Main Street UMC. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't witness first hand people being generous with their time, their skills, their resources, and their compassion and caring. I am likewise, almost daily, moved to give thanks to God for this incredible generosity.
I invite you to look around you, both while here at church and wherever else you may find yourself, and be alert to the many expressions of generosity that you see and likewise offer up prayers of thanksgiving to God. May our gratitude bear witness to our own sense of the stewardship of life as we acknowledge the gifts of God that come to us in so many different ways and through so many different people. Give thanks for all these gifts and for all these givers as well.
Pastor Rich
10/13 The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fall Stewardship Campaign Continues: Stewardship speaker- Joe Dechene (both services)
Choir singing
Scripture: Second Timothy 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-18
Theme: Stewardship and Gratitude- When we recognize that all that we are and all that we have is a gift of God we cannot help but be thankful. The Samaritan leper in Luke's story knew this all to well and had to return to give thanks to God for his healing. Does our gratitude reflect our stewardship as well?
By now you should have received an invitation from Elizabeth Wilds, our Stewardship chairperson, inviting you to fill out your pledge of support for the mission and ministry of the Main Street United Methodist Church for the year 2020. Please plan to be with us, pledge card in hand, on Sunday, October 20th. On this day we will consecrate all pledges of support to God. All pledges, no matter their size, are significant. We thank you in advance for your commitment to God and to the Main Street UMC. If you are unable to be present in worship on October 20th please be sure to mail in your pledge card in advance. If you, for some reason, did not receive Elizabeth's letter and the pledge card please call the church office and one will be mailed to you. The church office number is 882-3361.
Each week we will try to highlight a particular opportunity for you to serve in and through the Main Street UMC.
At the most recent Church Council meeting the decision was made to begin to use our regular coffee cups during our fellowship time on Sunday morning instead of Styrofoam cups. This will require that they be washed afterwards using our commercial dishwasher. Needless to say, we are in need of a number of people who would be willing to learn to use the dishwasher. If interested please speak to Pastor Rich or Jerry Harrow. Thank you for your assistance in helping to remove hundreds or thousands of Styrofoam cups from our landfill during the years to come!
Saturday, October 12, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
All are invited to join us for a workshop to make items for the Yuletide Fair which is coming up November 9 in the Vestry. Materials will be supplied but bring your favorite scissors, glue gun and sticks or thick tacky glue. There will be a variety of materials to work with to make fall or Christmas arrangements and wreaths. We may add the Santa's, elves and forest critters we made at other workshops to cute little scenes. Let your imagination run wild. If you have your own projects you are working on and would enjoy the company, bring them along. Plan to bring your lunch and stay all day or drop in as your schedule allows. Contact Pam Breniser with any questions.
Sunday at 3pm, rain or shine!
Typically this event is held in the Autumn around the birthdate of St. Francis of Assisi which is in October. There will be a Creature Reiki Practitioner who is delighted to share reiki love with your creature family members. If your creature companion cannot attend in "person" then you could bring a photo or their ashes, or something that was special to them: a toy, blanket, pillow… Posthumous blessings grace your creature and all of the Divine Realm. If your creature is wild, consider bringing a feather, or a piece of fur, a leaf from a tree under which they pass, a stone from one of their favorite resting places, a flower which has shared its nectar.
The Blessing of the Creatures can feature music, festivities, and the Procession of the Blessing, with Pastor Rich offering a blessing prayer with each creature. The event will be held on the plaza in front of the church, Sunday October 13, 3pm. For the safety and comfort of all, please note that living creatures must be on a leash or in a carrier.
Please join in the joy of encouraging and supporting ALL God's creatures!
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Main Street United Methodist Church? Interested in knowing more about the United Methodist Church itself? Interested in a refresher course on faith and church? If so, please plan to attend the series of two classes that will be offered on Sunday, October 13th and Sunday, October 20th. The classes will take place from 9am – 10am in Pastor Rich's office and will be led by Pastor Rich with assistance from our lay leaders and other active church members. Those who choose to join the church will be received as new members on Sunday, October 20th during the 10:30am worship service. Please sign up in advance using the sheet that is located on the bulletin board under the clock in the vestry.
Join the United Methodist Women on Wednesday, October 16, to help us make the Christmas Eve Service children's ornaments. It is a delight to see the excitement on their faces of the children when they receive this special gift from our church! The meeting and ornament-making will begin at 7:00 pm. We will also be finalizing Fair plans as we work, and putting finishing touches on crafts for the fair. If you haven't had an opportunity to join us previously, feel free to come to any of our events or workshops. All women of the church are invited!
Our annual Church/Charge Conference date has been set for Sunday, October 20th following the 10:30am worship service. Our new District Superintendent, Rev. Taesung Kang will meet with the Staff Parish Relations Committee at 9:00am. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together as a church community to celebrate our ministries and prepare for the future. All are encouraged to attend.
The next operatic concert to be hosted by the church will take place on Saturday, October 26th at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. "The Magic of Mozart" will consist of arias and duets from Mozart's most famous operas. The cost is $12.00 per person and $10.00 for senior citizens and students. Tickets are sold at the door only.
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