Friday, November 22, 2019

November 29 Mainstreeter Online


 November 22, 2019




 A Word from the Pastor


"It is the heart that gives the fingers just let go."

Ibo proverb from Nigeria


    In his book, Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer, the monk and spiritual writer, Brother David Steindl-Rast shares the above proverb as he talks about giving whether this act of giving be the sharing of our words of thanksgiving, the sharing of our resources, or the sharing of our forgiveness.  He points out that "giving is something that only the heart can do".  So, how can we teach our hearts to give? First and foremost, we do so when we recognize that all of life is a gift and that this gift cannot be earned but comes to us as the gratuitousness of the universe.  Brother David goes on to say, "In gratefulness we open ourselves to this gratuitous universe and so we become fully graced with it.  And in doing so we learn to move gracefully with its flow, as in a universal dance."


    As we enter into this season of Thanksgiving may we truly learn to move gracefully through life with a heart filled with the desire to give- to given thanks to God and each other; to give of our resources to help our most vulnerable fellow human beings; and to offer forgiveness to those who have offended or hurt us.  May our hearts truly know the gift and the giver and may our mouths and our fingers freely let go. 


    May you and your loved ones experience fully the joy and peace of this time of thanksgiving.


                                                                                                                                                                Pastor Rich




11/24    Thanksgiving Sunday

                Choir singing

Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Philippians 4:4-9

Theme:  Peace through Prayer and Gratitude- "Don't worry, be happy" was a big hit for the singer, Bobby McFerrin.  The apostle Paul has a similar twist on things when he says, "don't worry, pray with gratitude instead" and you will experience the "peace of God".  We will explore just what Paul means by all of this and discover a secret well worth knowing.


12/1      The First Sunday of Advent

                Lighting the First Advent Candle

                Holy Communion

                Choir singing

Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5

Theme:  A Vision of Peace- The prophet Isaiah, writing in the midst of a time when Jerusalem and Judah were threatened by foreign powers who were much stronger than the army of Israel dares to envision a day when peace would reign, not through violence, but through learning God's ways and walking in God's paths thus leading to day when nations "shall learn war no more."




On October 20th we celebrated Consecration Sunday and presented our pledges of support to God for the year 2020. As of November 18th 70 pledges had been received in support of the General Fund in the amount of $217,213 and another 22 pledges were received towards the Heart of Nashua Campaign to pay down our debt in the amount of $25,820.  If you have not as yet submitted your pledge card please do so as soon as possible by mailing it to the church office to the attention of Bill Francis, our Financial Secretary or by including it in the offering plate any Sunday.  Your commitment and support are greatly appreciated.




Each week we will try to highlight a particular opportunity for you to serve in and through the Main Street UMC. 


This coming Sunday we will be having our annual Souper lunch and Greening of the Church starting right at noon.  Our over 40's group, F Troop, will be providing the soup and bread but we are need of as many hands as possible to assist in preparing the church for the up-coming Advent and Christmas seasons.  Please plan to stay, whether for 20 minutes, an hour, or more.


The following Saturday (see below) is the annual Holiday Stroll when the church is one of the host sites for concerts, children's activities and fundraising activities.  We are in need of lots of help to welcome the hundreds of people who will come to the church that night.  Once again, you can plan to help for a short amount of time or all evening.  Please sign up now!




The annual community Thanksgiving worship service, offered by the Nashua Area Interfaith Council, will be held on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00pm.  The service will be held at the First Church at the top of Library Hill.  The Interfaith Choir, led by Julie Oliver, will be participating in the service.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.




We will once again be a host site for various Holiday Stroll performances which will take place in our sanctuary.  The date of this year's stroll is Saturday, Nov. 30th.  With our expanded space we will need more volunteers than usual.  We usually try to have people serve for two hour stints: from 4-6pm; and 6-8pm.  We are also in need of folks to help with the clean up after 8pm.


If you are willing to help out please speak to Deb Luszey or Pastor Rich.  A sign up sheet can be found in the vestry to indicate your time preferences.  Thanks in advance for your support!




We will be filling Thanksgiving baskets for our newer refugee neighbors this year.  We will be getting turkeys and some vegetables from the NH Food Bank through the Soup Kitchen, but will need rice in 2 to 5 lb. bags, oil, juice, dried beans, coffee and tea, butter or margarine, cookies, sugar, salt, flour, and fresh fruit and vegetables such as onions, squash, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, oranges or other fruit. Encourage children to help choose items from the bulletin board in the vestry, then bring them in on ingathering Sunday.   We also are happy to receive cash donations to purchase milk, rolls, and eggs on the day of distribution and to fill in missing items.  Ingathering Sunday for Thanksgiving is this Sunday, November 24.  Baskets will be distributed to those families on the same day so that we can distribute the perishable vegetables.



Advent Study: All is One

Wednesdays, December 4, 11, 18

10:30-Noon, Church Vestry

Come join us for a day time Advent Study exploring how mindful awareness of nature can stimulate mindful awareness of God's presence in all.   God reveals God's self in nature then through nature appears as Jesus Christ.  Now we know God as Emmanuel with and within us. Rather than a class book we will use music and readings from the Bible and multicultural sacred texts. Your creative juices will flow as we create nature collage mandalas over the course of the 3 classes.


Please bring a small nature item or photo to the first class and plan to share its significance to you.  A signup sheet will be in the vestry during coffee hour to help us with space and class material planning as well as child care needs.  Class facilitator is Pam Breniser.




LIGHT OF THE WORLD- Join Amy-Jill Levine as she traces the Christmas narrative through the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, and the visit of the Magi.  This DVD based class will be led Paul Pederzani with assistance from Pastor Rich on December 8th.   Amy-Jill Levine has the distinction of being one of the few New Testament scholars who are Jewish.  She is a New Testament professor at Vanderbilt University.  The class begins on Sunday, December 1st and concludes on Sunday, December 22nd.  There is no vestry class on December 29th.




Are you looking for a bit of peace and quiet in the midst of the hectic Christmas season?  If so, we have just what you need!  On Sunday, December 15th at 5:00pm we will hold an Advent Taizé Service featuring calming music, time for quiet reflection, meaningful prayers and readings, and all in a candle lit setting.  Come find your quiet center in the midst of this Christmas Season.  This service will be held in the second floor lobby.  This year we will have live music led by Irene Harris and other church musicians.



Looking for Nativity Sets

Again this year we would like to fill the cabinet in the ladies' parlor with nativity sets, probably through Epiphany in January.  If you have a small set that you would be willing to share for a few weeks, please bring it to the church office marked for Pam Breniser.  If you can include a note about their origin or special significance to your family that would be helpful.  Please be sure your name is on/with it.  We are hoping to get some from other countries or made from unusual materials.  Bring them in any time now. However, they won't be put in the cabinet until after the Christmas Stroll. 



An Open Letter from the MSUMC Reconciling Committee to the Entire,

Beloved Community at MSUMC:

As our congregation continues to walk through a challenging crossroads, the Reconciling Committee wants to thank everyone in our community for your role in our recent vote to become a Reconciling Congregation. No one was untouched by this process, and it was work to understand our community's many different perspectives respectfully in Christian love. Since the Early Church, communities of Christians have needed to work together in the context of strong differences of opinion.


We would like to offer special recognition and thanks to those in our traditionalist community. We are at this crossroads because we value diversity, and as part of that value we cherish those who uphold, live by, and give voice to our most orthodox, most ancient traditions. We have been personally touched by those who maintain orthodox beliefs and still make every effort to understand, care for, and be in community with those pushing at the edges of our faith. We want to use this letter to especially let our traditionalist members know that we think that your perspective, voice, tradition, and role in our community is a special and important part of our community. Working with multiple Christian ideas helps all of us to grow as Christians. Please accept this letter as an expression of profound love, respect, and recognition of your important role in the body of Christ. You are dear to all of us and always will be.


In Christ's Abundant Love,

The Reconciling Committee



If you

Baked for the Fair

Helped with Fair Setup or Cleanup

Made amazing crafts for our tables

Donated something wonderful to Grandma's Attic

Donated soup, eggs, dessert, tuna or time to Holly's Kitchen

Shared greenery from your garden

Came to the fair and shopped, ate, or brought a friend


   Thank you from the United Methodist Women



Acolytes Needed

Would your child like to be an acolyte for the church? Acolytes bring light into the sanctuary as a reminder that God is with us in worship, and carry the light out of the sanctuary at the end of the service as a reminder that God is with us in the world. Special training is required before a child can serve as an acolyte. Acolyte training is available to all children after they begin third grade. One parent or guardian must also attend the training session with the child


To schedule an acolyte training session on a date and time convenient for you and your child, please email Ann Rose at



CROP Hunger Walk

Many thanks to Nonny Egbuono, our CROP Hunger recruiter, and Erica Borroto, who organized money on the day of the walk.  Thanks especially to all of our soggy walkers, who raised $2030 with the help of the rest of Main Street UMC!!



Café Agape

Café Agape has had some changes in leadership.  We thank Shirley Michael for all of her dedicated service as she steps back from her leadership role with Pat Kerrigan.  We welcome Deb Andrews as our new co-coordinator.  If you would like to donate a small gift item, such as a local fast food gift card, to our Café Agape patrons for Christmas, please see Pat Kerrigan.



Scouting for Food

Thank you for remembering to put out your bag for Scouting for Food.  If you forgot, you can always bring in a bag for us to take along to the food pantry!



December 2019 Odd year out

Hi, Joe from Finance and Stewardship.  As we near the end of 2019 I've reflected on my columns this year, and also looked at what I wrote in previous years.    I've been writing these columns since 2016!    It's very interesting to gauge the progress we've made since then.


I've also reviewed my committee meeting notes and my overall memory of past years.    I've noticed a trend:  Our odd years have been more financially challenging than even years.   Our even years (2014, 2016, 2018) have been difficult enough, but our odd years (2015, 2017) have been very challenging indeed.


Let's say that again: our odd years have been more financially challenging.  I've gone back to 2014 and the pattern has been consistent.    2017 has been our most difficult year in this period, at one point we were $50,000 behind in our ministries and missions funding.


I can't pin why odd years have been more difficult.   Perhaps it's the cycle in our Heart of Nashua capital campaign that caused particular stress.   Maybe it's related to the income cycle of some very generous benefactors to the church.   It could be some other reason.   It is very interesting however.


As you know, 2019 is an odd year.   And sure enough, we are tracking behind in our ministries and missions funding (general fund on your envelope) as our other odd years.   Not as dire as 2017, but we are still behind at this point.   As in other years (odd or even), I plan to make a year-end appeal to our congregation for our end-of-year ministries and missions.


Please take heed in my upcoming year-end appeal.   In addition, Phyllis Bowden, our treasurer, updates a nice summary in the weekly bulletin.   Please read her summary, with an eye towards an area you feel committed towards.   In the past she's mentioned our overall ministries and missions (general fund), Heart of Nashua status (including loan balance), and items in particular that need your support.   Many generous givers have identified with key needs and supported accordingly.


It's because of your generosity that we've been able to meet our mission obligations year after year.    You know the good work our church does in our community and in the missions we support.  You've come through in the end every year.  I look forward to your generosity again this year.


Thank you,

Joe Dechene



Rada Knife Sale

United Methodist Women are running a Rada Knife and other kitchen supplies order sale.  This is the final 2 weeks, so please look over the catalog and place your order.  These items will be here in time for Christmas Gift Giving.  (There are boxed knife sets, wood blocks, baking pans, as well as individual items that make great gifts and stocking stuffers). Look for the catalogs and order forms on the piano in the Vestry following both services.   All orders must be turned in by December 1!



Gift Card Fundraiser

Beginning now and throughout the Holiday Season, MSUMC will be participating in a gift card fundraiser with a company called Scrip. Scrip is fundraising while you shop.


Here's how it works: Our members can buy gift cards, e-gift cards or mobile gift cards through the program. You'll pay the full face value, but earn an immediate rebate percentage amount for MSUMC that's typically between 2% and 16% depending on the retailer. Then, use that gift card on your normal purchases or give it as a gift. So, for instance, you could buy bagels and coffee from Panera Bread with Scrip and earn 8%. You're not spending any extra time or money— it's just earning for our church!


Sign-up by visiting and clicking on the REGISTER button. The MSUMC Enrollment Code needed to sign up is 7EF7366757686


There is also a mobile app called MyScripWallet that is available for both Apple and Android Devices that can be used to participate on a mobile device.


NEW THIS YEAR is also the ability to pay for online orders using a credit card so you do not have to be limited to writing a check or linking your checking account info to make a purchase!


During the month of November, a paper order form with a limited amount of gift card choices will also be available in the vestry for those who would rather participate that way.


Questions?  Contact our Scrips program coordinator (Laura Graudons) at or 595-2412.





PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Mainstreeter Online Blast on November 29.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

SPAM from Pastor Rich

Hi All,
Please ignore email messages from Pastor Rich requesting favors. His contact list has been hacked.

Pam Axtell

Administrative Assistant

Main Street United Methodist Church

154 Main St

Nashua, NH  03060



Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 15 Mainstreeter Online

 November 15, 2019




 A Word from the Pastor



"Holy or Christian conferencing is a practice John Wesley included, along with prayer, Scripture reading, fasting and the Lord's Supper, as a way of experiencing God's grace. The roots are biblical. Leaders assert that every Christian should practice it, within and beyond the walls of the church."

Taken from the Web Site "United Methodist Insight"


    On Sunday we will come together as members of the Main Street United Methodist Church to engage in the act of "holy" conferencing.  Holy Conferencing has had a long history in the Methodist Tradition dating back to John Wesley.  It is "a way of experiencing God's grace" as noted above and an opportunity for the people of God to discern together God's will for the church.  To the extent that we open ourselves up to the leading of the Holy Spirit we can truly be open to the surprises that God might bring in this experience.  While Sunday's gathering will likely lead to a vote that vote might not be what any of us expect given that holy conferencing, when done well, can transform situations from the expected to the unexpected.  What we will do Sunday has little to do with voting and everything to do with listening for God's voice as we seek to discern our future together.


    The following are some principles that are helpful to keep in mind as we participate in holy conferencing on Sunday and at other times in our life together as a church.


  • Every person is a child of God. Always speak respectfully. One can disagree without being disagreeable.
  • As you patiently listen and observe the behavior of others, be open to the possibility that God can change the views of any or all parties in the discussion.
  • Listen patiently before formulating responses.
  • Strive to understand the experience out of which others have arrived at their views.
  • Be careful in how you express personal offense at differing opinions. Otherwise dialogue may be inhibited.
  • Accurately reflect the views of others when speaking. This is especially important when you disagree with a position.
  • Avoid using inflammatory words, derogatory names, or an excited and angry voice.
  • Avoid making generalizations about individuals and groups. Make your point with specific evidence and examples.
  • Remember that people are defined, ultimately, by their relationship with God -- not by the flaws we discover, or think we discover, in their views and actions.

    May our experience of holy conferencing prove to promote God's kingdom values and enable us to bear witness to the love God within and outside the walls of this place we call home.



11/17    The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

                Bell Choir playing

                Choir singing

Scripture: Isaiah 65:17-25; Revelation 21:1-7

Theme:  Visions of a New Reality- Both the Post-Exilic prophet known to us only as "Third" Isaiah and John of Patmos in the Book of Revelation share their vision of the new reality (new heavens and new earth) that God is desiring to create.  It is a reality is which God will dwell with us and transform all of our relationships with each other and with the whole of creation.  




On Sunday, November 17th our District Superintendent, Rev. Taesung Kang, will preside over a specially called session of "holy conferencing" in which we will consider the proposal put forward by the Reconciling Congregations Committee which states,


"That the Main Street United Methodist Church become a Reconciling Congregation by:

                    - embracing and enacting our Welcoming Statement

                   - joining the Reconciling Ministries Network

                   - becoming visibly welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community

                   - being intentional, discerning and passionate in our welcoming of all people."


All people are welcome to attend with voice but only church members are able to vote according to the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church.  A person must be present to vote (no absentee ballots) and must be present at the actual time of the vote as well.  Please be in prayer that we will be open to the leading of Gods' Spirit as we engage in this experience of "holy" conferencing.




Sunday, October 20, we celebrated Consecration Sunday and presented our pledges of support to God for the year 2020. As of November 11th 70 pledges had been received in support of the General Fund in the amount of $217,213 and another 22 pledges were received towards the Heart of Nashua Campaign to pay down our debt in the amount of $25,820.  If you have not as yet submitted your pledge card please do so as soon as possible by mailing it to the church office to the attention of Bill Francis, our Financial Secretary or by including it in the offering plate any Sunday.  Your commitment and support are greatly appreciated.




The annual community Thanksgiving worship service, offered by the Nashua Area Interfaith Council, will be held on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00pm.  The service will be held at the First Church at the top of Library Hill.  The Interfaith Choir, led by Julie Oliver, will be participating in the service.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.




We will once again be a host site for various Holiday Stroll performances which will take place in our sanctuary.  The date of this year's stroll is Saturday, Nov. 30th.  With our expanded space we will need more volunteers than usual.  We usually try to have people serve for two hour stints: from 4-6pm; and 6-8pm.  We are also in need of folks to help with the clean up after 8pm.


If you are willing to help out please speak to Deb Luszey or Pastor Rich.  A sign up sheet can be found in the vestry to indicate your time preferences.  Thanks in advance for your support!



What Reconciling Is and Isn't

By now you've probably heard that MSUMC is looking at becoming a Reconciling congregation, but you may not be familiar with the term and unsure of what becoming Reconciling actually means. Here's a brief overview of what it would entail, courtesy of the Reconciling Congregation committee:


Reconciling is:

  • Intentionally, publicly, and visibly welcoming the LGBTQ community inside and outside our doors
  • Living out our statement that "we welcome all who seek to love God and neighbor"
  • Supporting LGBTQ individuals in our congregation and community


Reconciling is not:

  • Excluding straight individuals and those in opposite-sex marriages or relationships
  • Excluding those who believe marriage should be between a man and a woman
  • Performing same-sex weddings at the church
  • Putting our standing in the New England Conference at risk
  • Adding a new financial burden


We hope to see you at noon today for the vote!



November UMW Meeting

Wednesday, November 20 at 7:00 pm

We will review Yuletide Fair results. We will discuss the December Ham and Bean Mini Fair and presentation of Christmas ornaments to children. Since we don't meet in December this is our opportunity to have preliminary discussion of future events. Nancy Long will facilitate this meeting  and Carol Riley will do devotions.



Advent Study: All is One

Wed. Dec. 4, 11, 18

10:30-Noon, Church Vestry


Come join us for a day time Advent Study exploring how mindful awareness of nature can stimulate mindful awareness of God's presence in all.   God reveals God's self in nature then through nature appears as Jesus Christ.  Now we know God as Emmanuel with and within us. Rather than a class book we will use music and readings from the Bible and multicultural sacred texts. Your creative juices will flow as we create nature collage mandalas over the course of the 3 classes.


Please bring a small nature item or photo to the first class and plan to share its significance to you.  A signup sheet will be in the vestry during coffee hour to help us with space and class material planning as well as child care needs.  Class facilitator is Pam Breniser.





Friday, November 8, 2019

Novmeber 8 - more Mainstreeter News




Saturday, November 9 – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm



Grandma's Attic

Arts and Crafts

Christmas Shoppe

Cookie Walk


Harvest Thyme

 "Sit and Chat"

Holly's Kitchen


Our annual church-wide Yuletide Fair is the source of income for the very active budget of United Methodist Women that benefits both the church and community.



Veterans Day Parade

The Veterans Day Parade in Nashua, will start at 10:15 am and begin at Holman Stadium. Some of our youth who will participate in the parade are Jakob and Caroline Graudons and Aidan and Kieran Besada. The youth who will not participate in the parade will be getting ready at the front of the church building at 10:30 to root for our marching youth and distribute cookies to our living heroes, the veterans. Please come and join the youth on November 11th!


November 8 Mainstreeter Online


 November 8, 2019




 A Word from the Pastor


God of compassion,
God of dignity and strength,
watch over the veterans of the United States
in recognition of their loyal service to our nation.
Bless them with wholeness and love.
Shelter them.
Heal their wounds.
Comfort their hearts.
Grant them peace.

God of justice and truth,
Rock of our lives,
bless our veterans,
these men and women of courage and valor,
with a deep and abiding understanding
of our profound gratitude.
Protect them and their families from loneliness and want.
Grant them lives of joy and bounty.
May their dedication and honor
be remembered as a blessing
from generation to generation.

Blessed are You,
Protector and Redeemer,
our Shield and our Stronghold.  Amen.


    As the ministry of Café Agape continues to unfold we have found that there are more and more veterans who come on a frequent basis.  Thanks to the insight of a few of our new volunteers, all of whom are veterans themselves, we have begun to be able to more quickly identify who the veterans are and to direct them towards the services that they are eligible for and deserving of.  We are grateful that Deb Luszey has also been able to make some connections with veteran's organizations and to even have a social worker come to speak to some of the veterans. 

    As we observe Veterans' Day I invite you to pray the prayer included above and consider how you might also serve those struggling veterans who have already served us and our nation so faithfully.  May we not only remember their service but also provide the means and the opportunities for those veterans who are living life on the edge to make their way back to wholeness and health.

                                                                                                                                With Prayer and Gratitude,

                                                                                                                                Pastor Rich




11/10    The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

                Recognition of Our Veterans

                Choir singing

Scripture: Haggai 1:15b-2:9; Second Thessalonians 2:13-17

Theme:  Promises of Future Glory- The prophet Haggai encourages the Hebrew people to continue the work on the restored temple by assuring them that its future glory would exceed its past glory.  He speaks of a future Messianic age in which this transformation would take place.  From our perspective we know that the physical temple has been replaced by a people, the church.  Has this promise yet been fulfilled? 




Sunday, October 20, we celebrated Consecration Sunday and presented our pledges of support to God for the year 2020. As of last Monday 67 pledges had been received in support of the General Fund in the amount of $216,813 and another 21 pledges were received towards the Heart of Nashua Campaign to pay down our debt in the amount of $25,720.  If you have not as yet submitted your pledge card please do so as soon as possible by mailing it to the church office to the attention of Bill Francis, our Financial Secretary or by including it in the offering plate any Sunday.  Your commitment and support are greatly appreciated.




Each week we will try to highlight a particular opportunity for you to serve in and through the Main Street UMC.


Our annual United Methodist Women's Yuletide Fair will take place tomorrow from 9am-2pm.  There is always need for more volunteers.  If you can help just stop by and let them know that you are there to work- they will put you to work for as long as you would like to help.




District Resource Days, no matter which district is sponsoring them, are open to anyone.  The District Resource Day for the Metro Boston District will be of interest to many of our Vestry Adult Sunday School class members since it will feature Diana Butler Bass.  The event will take place on Saturday, November 16th from 9:30am-2:30pm and it will be held at the Weston United Methodist Church, 377 North Ave., Weston, MA 02493. You do need to register and there is a $10.00 cost to cover the lunch that will be served.  Please go to the following link to register or speak to Pastor Rich and he will register you-  If you are interested in attending and desiring to car pool please speak to Pastor Rich.  Here is what the Boston Metro District Website has to say about Dr. Bass:  Dr. Butler Bass has authored many influential and poignant books on how to seek an authentic renewal of the practice of Christian faith and community.  No matter what the future of UMC will look like, such a future has to come as the birth of a new spiritual awakening and practice as a Jesus movement. Time with Dr. Butler Bass will create an opening where we can prayerfully and practically engage in how we can usher in such future of God in our midst.  Clergy and church leaders are encouraged to attend.  Don't miss this great opportunity! 


Diana Butler Bass (Ph.D. Duke University) is an award-winning author and internationally known public speaker and thought leader on issues of spirituality, religion, culture, and politics. 


She has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, and FOX, has been interviewed on numerous radio programs, including shows on NPR, CBC, and Sirius XM, and has work featured in numerous print and online newspapers and magazines including Time, USA Today, and the Los Angeles Times.


From 1995-2000, she wrote a weekly column for the New York Times Syndicate. She was a founding blogger for both Beliefnet and Huffington Post religion. Her bylines include the Washington Post and She has preached and taught in hundreds of church, college, and conference venues in North America and beyond.


Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Diana Butler Bass was raised in Scottsdale, AZ, and loves Santa Barbara, CA, as her "soul" hometown. She lives in Alexandria, VA, with her husband, Richard Bass, and their dog, Rowan. These days, she balances travel (which she loves) with her concerns for Virginia politics, a passion for environmental issues, supporting local farms, reading poetry, cooking, gardening, Washington Nationals baseball, and Duke basketball.


You can follow her online at, her public author page on Facebook, and on Twitter @dianabutlerbass. 



Acolytes Needed

Would your child like to be an acolyte for the church? Acolytes bring light into the sanctuary as a reminder that God is with us in worship, and carry the light out of the sanctuary at the end of the service as a reminder that God is with us in the world. Special training is required before a child can serve as an acolyte. Acolyte training is available to all children after they begin third grade. One parent or guardian must also attend the training session with the child


To schedule an acolyte training session on a date and time convenient for you and your child, please email Ann Rose at



What does Reconciling really mean?

By now, you may have heard about the upcoming vote on whether or not to become a Reconciling congregation. If you've been carefully reading your bulletin, you may have also seen some information in previous weeks about what that means. However, it is equally important to discuss what it does not mean.


First and foremost: becoming Reconciling does not mean that the church will start hosting gay weddings, nor that Pastor Rich will be in any way compelled to perform them. This is forbidden by the Book of Discipline and we will continue to abide by that. Same-sex marriage is neither the impetus for nor a factor in the vote.


In addition, it does not mean that anyone will be excluded. The last bullet in the motion to be presented is "being intentional, discerning and passionate in our welcoming of all people" and this does truly mean all people. No one will be made to feel unwelcome for being straight or involved in an opposite-sex relationship. You will still be welcomed if you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, or if you believe in a different definition of marriage. MSUMC has always played host to a diversity of opinions and becoming Reconciling will not change this.


Becoming Reconciling also involves no financial commitment on the part of the church. While the Reconciling Ministries Network does recommend that participating churches give something, there is no penalty for not giving anything. Individuals within the church would be free to give or not as they choose, but no donations would be required.


Lastly, this will not damage our standing within the New England Conference. The Conference itself actually voted to become Reconciling several years ago and has stated its opposition to the outcome of the vote earlier this year. If we become Reconciling, we would be in good company in the Conference, as there are over 50 Reconciling congregations in the New England Conference alone.


Please join us next week after the 10:30 worship service for a special Charge Conference where we will vote on whether or not to become a Reconciling congregation. Regardless of your feelings on the matter, we want your voice to be heard and hope to see you there!



