May 12, 2020
A Word from the Pastor
Going home, going home
I am going home
Quiet like, some still day
I am going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Never fear no more
Mother's there expecting me
Father's waiting too
Lots of faces gathered there
All the friends I knew
I'm just going home
No more fear, no more pain
No more stumbling by the way
No more longing for the day
Going to run no more
Morning star light the way
Restless dreams all gone
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun
There's no break, there's no end
Just living on
Wide awake, with a smile
Going on and on, going on and on
Going home, going home
I am going home
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun
I'm just going home
William Ames Fisher, words
Written to the tune of "Largo" in Antonin Dvorak's New World Symphony
I am sitting here listening to Dvorak's Ninth Symphony, otherwise known as the New World Symphony, while I write this column. I still remember the first time I heard this symphony as though it was just yesterday. At the time I was drawn to it because it reminded me of the music of John
Williams in the first Star Wars movie (A New Hope). It turns out that this was intentional on William's part as he borrowed from Dvorak's symphony to inspire a sense of a new hope for a new world in that first movie. I have loved this symphony ever since and more so as I have learned more about Dvorak and the making of this symphony. Although he was from Bohemia, Dvorak was drawn to the "new world" of America in the late 1800's and came to this country where he directed the New York Philharmonic. He was especially inspired by the music of native Americans and black Americans and incorporated their musical themes into this symphony.
One of Dvorak's American students, William Ames Fisher, later added words to the familiar tune known as the "Largo" from this symphony and in reading these words I could not help but feel all of the emotion that it stirs within a person as we long for the return home. It seems to me to put into words all of the feelings that I am having as I think about the future beyond this pandemic. Home in this case is not so much a place but a way of life that at this moment at least is not possible. I think about "going home" to church as we once knew it, gathering together as children of God who love and support each other, knowing the power of presence and yes, touch. Home is also a return to some sense of normalcy in all of the other areas of my life. While I realize that none of this may happen very soon, and that the future will have a "new" normal, different from what we have known in the past, I nonetheless long for whatever this new sense of "home" will be. Fisher himself is said to have explained the meaning behind the words to this song as, " a moving expression of that nostalgia of the soul all human beings feel."
If you aren't familiar with Dvorak's New World Symphony I would encourage you to give it a listen. I can't imagine that you will not be moved by it. And, if you want to hear a soul stirring version of "Going Home" be sure to check out the version by Libera. It will move you beyond anything you to tears as it has done to me each time I listen to it (You can find it on You Tube).
Goin' Home,
Pastor Rich
Staying Connected
Over the course of the "stay at home" time that we find ourselves in volunteers from the congregation have been reaching out by phone to our entire membership. One of things we have found though is that so many of you have given up your land lines or otherwise changed your phone number and we no longer have the correct number for you. We would love to up-date our data base with this correct information so please either e-mail the church office at office@mainstreet-umc.org or call at 603-882-3361. We expect to begin round 2 of our calling soon and would love to connect with you!
Worship Video
Although we are no longer able to do the live streaming of our worship service from the sanctuary, Pastor Rich is live streaming a service from home which is available on-demand on Facebook shortly after the service. You can use the Facebook app on a smartphone, or a web browser on a computer. "Like" our page and you will be notified when we go live each Sunday.
If you choose to not use a Facebook login, you can still access the live stream during the service time from our web site home page by going to the box to the right (you may need to refresh the page if you arrive early). Previous worship services are available by scrolling down through the postings.
Please note that Pastor Rich is also live steaming a Wednesday morning devotional reflection each week as well. Just follow the directions above to watch it live or any time afterwards.
Giving During This Uncertain Time
Although we are scaling back most of our church activities which will reduce our expenses during this time, we still have staff who will be working- cleaning the church thoroughly; providing office assistance from home; providing pastoral care remotely, etc.- so we will still be incurring expenses that will need to be covered as best we can. To the extent that you are able please maintain your financial pledge or give regularly. Contributions can either be mailed in to the church or you can utilize our on-line giving options by going to the following web address:
Thank you for your on-going support, for your prayers, and for your faithfulness to God and one another.
As many of you are aware we have the ability to meet virtually using "Google Meets" which is similar to ZOOM. We have met in this way for Church Council meetings, Finance meetings, and other meetings as well. Any group can have a meeting scheduled through Google Meets- UMW, UMM, choirs, church committees, or just social groups of any make up.
This coming Sunday we will be providing the links during the Facebook Live worship service that will allow us to have a virtual fellowship time right after the service. So, please plan to join in by clicking on one of the links (vestry, kitchen or lobby) once the service is over (you may want to get a cup of coffee first though).
If you would like to set up another meeting just be in touch with Jerry Harrow or Pastor Rich with the day, time, and names of those who you would like to meet with. An invitation with the details will be sent out and your meeting can commence at the appointed time.
In this unusual time of "sheltering in place" let us take advantage of the opportunities provided to us to stay connected as a congregation.
As we increasingly look forward to the day when we can begin to get out more and hopefully even gather for worship in our sanctuary we are faced with a new reality- that of wearing face masks anytime we are in public places. In order to do this we will all need to have more than one cloth face mask available to us and we have a group of church folks who are gearing up to make some to have available both at church and to give out. If you would like to have a couple of the masks please call the church office at 882-3361 or e-mail the church office at office@mainstreet-umc.org and your name will be added to the list. Once they are available we will be in touch with you and arrange to get the masks to you.
UNITED METHODIST MEN'S NEWS: It is with sincere regret that the annual United Methodist Men's Golf Tournament held in June each year will have to be postponed. It is hoped that it can be rescheduled for September so please stay tuned for more information.
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