| Message from the Pastor | | As our educational system strains to adapt, and students return to classrooms both virtual and in-person, and as teachers and aids and staff struggle to find ways to safely teach, may we together pray for them all. Bishop Devadhar shared a prayer from Bishop Ernest S. Lyght (Find this prayer at https://lyghthouse.wordpress.com/) May we use this prayer as often as possible for all our teachers so that they know they are prayed for: "God of wisdom and knowledge, we enter into your school house with a deep and abiding concern for our children whose education is at risk because of the coronavirus pandemic. Please grant wisdom and courage to school boards and administrators who are grappling with the decision as to opening their schools on time, or postponing the start of the school year. "Holy Teacher, as we struggle to educate our children, our hearts are full of thanksgiving and praise for their teachers. Enlighten these women and men as they strive to impart wisdom and knowledge to their students. Grant them an artistic potter's skill as they labor to shape the lives of their students into meaningful and beautiful expressions of their potential. We pray that you would rekindle their love for the children, and stoke their students with a renewed passion for learning and a sense of wonder. Resource their pedagogy with imagination and creativity in this season of virtual reality. "God of Comfort, because we truly care we pray for the safety and well-being of the classroom teachers and all the people who support the educational enterprise – principals, teacher aides, administrative staff, custodians, cafeteria workers, nurses, bus drivers and their aides, school crossing guards, and volunteers. We pray that all schools – public, parochial, private, college – will be a safe haven for the students and faculty, free from all diseases. "Parenting God, we pray for the parents of school children, for they too must make decisions about the education of their children. Help them to make informed and sound decisions about the welfare of their children. Teach us to appreciate and love the work that our teachers engage in with their students. Bless our teachers and children so that they might be safe while they continue to engage the educational process in this Covid-19 environment. AMEN. the Reverend Kelly Turney (she/hers) Pastor, MainStreet UMC, Nashua, NH | | | Join Us For Worship This Sunday, September 13th Greeley Park Band-shell Don't miss this opportunity to see one another in person! | | RALLY DAY is Sunday, September 13th!!! The MSUMC Rally Day celebration of worship is almost here! As the day approaches, please carefully consider how you feel safest attending the event: -
If you are feeling cautious and perhaps waiting for a vaccine, the Facebook live-stream may be the place for you! Please know that you will be in our hearts and that we will be thinking of you as we livestream the event. You can participate from home. -
If you are already out and about in some ways and are really wanting to be in an in-person worship service, we will see you at Greeley Park. Either way, we will all be worshipping in the best "together" way that we can! Now, if you're joining us on online (either through Facebook or through Main Street home page), you don't need to do anything special except to get your noisemaker ready! If you're coming to the park, here are some things you should know: -
You must wear a mask at all times during worship. This is a requirement of the City of Nashua and was a condition of having the event approved by the City. -
Please review the health screening questions. (Below) Only come if you answer "NO" to all of them. -
Please bring an index card or slip of paper with the names of your household members who are in attendance and a contact phone number. Contact tracing is required by the City of Nashua for this event, and bringing the information ahead of time will greatly reduce the time it takes you to check in. If a person at the event tests positive, all persons in attendance will be contacted. -
You must check-in. Check-in tables will be available to do the following: -
Answer health screening questions. (Below.) -
Give information for contact tracing. (See above.) -
Drop off prayer requests for worship. (Optional) -
Drop off your offering. (This can also be done online or via the US Mail.) -
Sanitize your hands. This is also required by the City of Nashua. -
Seating will be by household/ family group and will be physically distanced. Seating areas will be marked on the ground for each family. Some areas will be reserved for folks participating in the service. Ushers will be available to help you find a place. -
You may not sing. Also a safety issue, per instructions of the United Methodist Church, but we can, and will, participate in other ways musically. -
DO bring a noisemaker, as we will have a fun, non-intimidating way for you to participate in music and help our children feel included! -
Food will neither be provided nor shared but we invite you to a brown bag picnic following the service in the shade across the street. Any drinks or food you bring to the event can only be for you and your household. (We know! Not our usual and certainly not ideal, but required at this time.) Health screening questions: -
Do you have a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit? -
Have you had a fever or felt hot during the past 14 days? -
Do you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing? -
Do you have any other flu-like symptoms, such as upset stomach, diarrhea, headache, or fatigue? -
Have you experienced recent loss of taste or smell? -
Have you been in contact with any confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19? -
In the past 14 days, have you or any members of your household traveled outside of NH, MA, VT, ME, RI? If you answer "Yes" to any of these questions, please enjoy the Rally Day service online. Click here for Sunday Bulletin | | | | The NH Food Bank's next drive thru mobile food pantry will be held Friday, September 11, 2020 from 1pm - 3pm (while supplies last) at Nashua High South. Address is 36 Riverside St. Nashua, NH. Our sincere thanks to the Hullinger Family Foundation for their generous support of this mobile food pantry. Please spread the word! We welcome anyone in need of food. | | | | |
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