| A Message from Pastor Kelly The chapel right now is filled with the creativity and artwork of members. I've so enjoyed exploring these pieces. And, it's now just the kind of thing you would traditionally think of as creative crafts folks are sharing. We've enjoyed discussions with those who see how they are a leader at work as creative. How cooking for others or telling stories, or playing with grandchildren as creative endeavors that feel the soul (and wear one out). Nonny says she's been intentionally listening and talking with all people as a creative way to spread and share love. Rae Bruce's book of poetry in her book, "The Glorious Disorder", considers the creative ways she's been shaped by her relationship with relatives. In a poem call, "Charatcter and Pastels", she reflects on our life a s a painting we're creating for ourselves. Look deep in to the shadows for find their secret. Consider balance. Give yourself space between beackground and foreground, tap town worries with your little finger, keep them back in shadow where they belong. Leave. no black holes to trip eyes, or trap the tongue You can compose yourself! What joy is it to be drawn into God's creative process for ourselves and for the world. We invite you to share your creativeness as a video for use on our medetative moments. Wednesdays at 1 pm for Sunday after 1 pm. Pastor Kelly | |  Liturgists Needed We could really use people to record the scripture readings (from home or away or even the sanctuary if you want to come in during the week) -- so that we have readings without a mask on to help those who have a hard time hearing when they can't see a mouth. Just pick a week's scripture, film it using your phone and upload to the shared drive "Drawn In" folder. If you need help with this process, please contact the Main Office at (603) 882-3361. HELP WANTED/HELP NEEDED- I am sure by now all of you have seen these signs everywhere and heard frequent stories about this in the news. Unfortunately, MSUMC is in the same position as we are in desperate need of counters. The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Financial Guidelines state: - No immediate family members of any appointed clergy may serve as counter
- The committee on finance will appoint at least two people (preferably more) to assist in the counting and depositing
- Counters cannot be related to the treasurer or financial secretary
- There should always be at least two unrelated people performing the count
- Preferably, the counters should be rotated from one week to the next
- Preferably, the count should take place in a secure location at the church as soon as possible following the offering
- Volunteers who handle money should not hold positions for more than three consecutive years
Qualifications helpful (but not necessary) for the job include: - Spiritual gifts of administration, helping, giving, and faith
- Experience or interest in financial record keeping and the ability to keep detailed/accurate records
- The willingness and capability to maintain appropriate confidentiality (this is critical and necessary)
- The ability to work with other individuals and the Financial Secretary
- The willingness and ability to work on Sundays after church services are completed for approximately one hour
- Ten fingers and ten toes (just kidding to see if you are still reading 😊)
The desired goal is to have enough counters so no one needs to work more than one Sunday per month. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others…If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides…" (1 Peter, 4:10-11). So, if you have the desire, ability, or willingness to serve MSUMC as a counter please let me know by emailing paul.curtis@mainstreet-umc.org or calling the church at 603-882-3361 and leaving me a message. Thanks. Paul MSUMC Financial Secretary | | Equalization Members for Annual Conference Each year the district elects lay members to attend annual conference. These members are needed to help balance (equalize) the numbers of clergy and lay people who attend annual conference. Lay "equalization" members have full voice and vote. This year's annual conference is scheduled for June 9-11, 2022, and it is likely that it will have a hybrid component so that members can participate remotely. Our district should elect 17 equalization members of which 2 should be high school age (18 or younger) and 2 should be young adults (under age 31). Equalization members must have been members of the United Methodist Church for at least 2 years preceding election and active participants in the United Methodist Church for at least 4 years preceding election. This requirement may be waived for young persons under thirty-one years of age. In this case, the young person must be a member of The United Methodist Church and an active participant at the time of election. If you are interested in representing MSUMC at the annual conference please contact the Main Office at: office@mainstreet-umc.org  | | UMW Information United Methodist Women's News Next Meeting Feb. 16, 2022 7 PM via Zoom At our January meeting we planned out our budget for the year based on funds in hand. We will dedicate part of the February meeting to planning an outline of meetings and events through June. We may consider a spring fundraiser. Some time will be spent in learning self-care and we hope to share information about one of the community programs we contribute to. The Zoom link will be sent via email closer to the meeting. We are more than a monthly meeting! We have 6 people participating in our twice a month (weather permitting) Writer's Circle. Thanks to Lynn Moseley for hosting. Thanks to Maggie Dechene for leading a book study on Right Here, Right Now, The Practice of Christian Mindfulness by Amy Oden. This is part of the UMW Reading Program. We had 9 participants in that. We have several members volunteering at the Soup Kitchen and Day Cafe and probably others around town. All are welcome. If you would like to be added to the UMW email list, please let the office know at office@mainstreet-umc.org. | |  We have a team and are ready to have you support or join right in. The Strangely Warm Frogs is our name and we are ready for some winter fun!! If you are interested in joining them on Sunday, February 6th 2022, or would prefer to donate, please use the link listed below. https://app.mobilecause.com/vf/nashnoreaster22/team/StrangelyWarmFrogsMSUMC We are only $43.60 away from reaching our team goal!! We are just hopping with enthusiasm and thank you for your support!!  | | Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | | | | | |
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