Thursday, August 25, 2022

Mainstreeter Blast August 25, 2022

There are so many signs of new life at Main Street UMC, it's hard to keep track of them all.

We were thrilled to have over 25 people attend the Church Conference this week to elect new leaders and 5 were attending for the FIRST TIME. We have new members who have jumped into service, playing bells, co-chairing the Missions Team, chairing the Finance Team, and training to be a certified Lay Servant.

We're grateful to those who served faithfully over the years and have finished a role:
• Sharon Schmidt as Lay Leader
• Mike Brown as SPRC Chair
• Mavis Pyle as Church School Superintendent
• Phyllis Appler as Mission Chair
• Galen & Sharon Rose as at-large Council members
• Joe Dechene as Finance Chair
• Jim Besada as counter
• Jim Pyle as head usher
• Charlie Flagler as Communion Steward

And we're thrilled to welcome some new blood and some returning leaders in new roles:
• Lisa Svenson as Lay Leader
• Chuck Emery as SPRC Chair
• Scott Sommer as Finance Chair
• Sharon Schmidt as Education Chair, and Lay Servant in training
• Maggie Dechene as Co-Mission Chair
• Jenn Cardin-Smith as Co-Missions Chair
• Pam Breniser as UMW leader
• Phyllis Appler as at-large Council
• Peggy Drew as certified Lay Servant

And we appreciate those, like Donna Swanson on Trustees, who have been willing to serve past their time on the "rotation" schedule (teams have a 3-year class structure). The Book of Discipline doesn't often look kindly on this behavior because they want to protect folks from burn-out, avoid entrenched power dynamics, and encourage new voices in leadership. So we'll continue to encourage (beg/plead) for folks to explore a call to Trustees, Worship and Nurture to support the strength and sustain-ability of our ministry.
We did a lot of celebrating at the meeting. And we reviewed our core values of WELCOME, DISCIPLE, NURTURE, and SERVICE that allow us to be the church with a heart in the heart of Nashua.

Still, leaders get discouraged when there aren't enough people willing to teach Sunday School or to bring their teenagers to an evening youth group event. Or be a counter, or greeter, acolyte, usher, communion steward, etc. Or to serve on the team so necessary to coordinate our ministries. It's hard to keep up the energy.

But we know Jesus calls us into community, into relationship with a faith family where we can practice forgiveness, study scripture together, encourage one another in hard and beautiful times, and serve the world. And so that's what we're about. We hope this fall is a blessed reset of our ministry together and your commitment to this vibrant downtown congregation.

Thanks for all your ministry!

    --Pastor Kelly

Click here for the August 28th, 2022  Bulletin 


Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship

Be sure to join us for our Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship Time following the 9:30 am service. We look forward to seeing you there!
Do you know a friend or family member who may be interested in part-time childcare work during our Sunday worship?

This paid part-time staff position is every Sunday, 9 am to noon, with the possibility of added hours during some Bible studies or church-wide meetings.

  • Must be 18 years of age and willing to commit for at least one year.
  • Willingness to submit to a background check and completion of all required forms.
  • Must take our Child Protection training class.
We have a strong preference to locate someone outside of our church community to allow all of our members to attend Sunday worship services. If you know of someone who may be a suitable candidate, have them send their resume to:
If you can help out the office in our transition time to a new office administrator--either to staff the office and answer phones and emails, or to learn to create newsletters and email blasts this summer--please let Pastor Kelly know.

Get your Flat Wesley right here!!

McLaren courses resume this fall

The Conference reminds New England clergy and laity that their courses with Dr. Brian D. McLaren and the Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis will continue this fall. These self-paced online courses can be completed at any time, and you can participate even if you did not take the courses offered earlier this year. Each topic includes a live session with Dr. McLaren:

  • 7 pm Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022 — Curating Change
  • 7 pm Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022 — Your Congregation as a School of Love 

To get the most out of the live conversations, you are encouraged to complete as much of the course material as possible beforehand. Supported by the Conference, the courses are free to participants.
Learn more and register

Pastors' Sabbath days:
Pastor Kelly: Tuesday                 Pastor Kristy: Friday

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Mainstreet United Methodist Church · PO Box 1517 · Nashua, NH 03061-1517 · USA

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Mainstreeter Blast August 18, 2022

What a diversity of folks have been in the building this last week!

Different ages, languages, backgrounds, faiths...  it's been a blast to have dance parties with the Vacation Bible School kids and then the volunteers for the Backpack stuffing event.

We have been a force for good in Nashua amidst many populations this week. We are exhausted but thrilled. Pastor Kristy has been a tremendous ambassador for the congregation, a wise resource person for MANY of the social agencies, and an organizing force of nature. If she takes all of September off for an extended nap, it will be well-earned. She has been meeting with these agencies for months to plan these events and it would not have been possible if not for this congregation's commitment to adding her position on staff. Quite frankly, there are too many social agency meetings, interfaith groups, advisory boards and social justice groups for us to cover them all. But we wouldn't be the force we are unless there were two of us. So many people we met talked about how impressive our work is in the community.

Thanks for your ongoing support of Pastor Kristy, our Main Street UMC ministries in the heart of Nashua, and your faithful discipleship helping with these ministries. Shout out to Janet and John B. who so graciously helped dress folks for interviews, for Carolyn E. and Merlin who encouraged folks, for Peggy D. and other who welcomed folks and for ALL THOSE who came and stuffed backpacks including Maggie D., Pam B., Karrie L., Aidan, Kieran, Liv, Jim B., Jim P., Mavis P., Clem B., Carolyn E., and Charlie F. 

    --Pastor Kelly

Click here for the August 21st, 2022  Bulletin 


Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship

Be sure to join us for our Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship Time following the 9:30 am service. We look forward to seeing you there!
Do you know a friend or family member who may be interested in part-time childcare work during our Sunday worship?

This paid part-time staff position is every Sunday, 9 am to noon, with the possibility of added hours during some Bible studies or church-wide meetings.

  • Must be 18 years of age and willing to commit for at least one year.
  • Willingness to submit to a background check and completion of all required forms.
  • Must take our Child Protection training class.
We have a strong preference to locate someone outside of our church community to allow all of our members to attend Sunday worship services. If you know of someone who may be a suitable candidate, have them send their resume to:
If you can help out the office in our transition time to a new office administrator--either to staff the office and answer phones and emails, or to learn to create newsletters and email blasts this summer--please let Pastor Kelly know.

Get your Flat Wesley right here!!
July 2022 Finance Snapshot
General Fund (GF)
Total GF Revenue from YTD Receipts Available 7/31/2022 YTD:   $252,271.60
Total GF Revenue Budgeted through 7/31/2022:                            $274,104.18
Total GF Expenses Paid through 7/31/2022:                                   $245,427.81
Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 7/31/2022:                           $271,334.05
Notes on General Fund
We are current on payments due through July to suppliers. In July, we paid one half of our monthly amounts due for New England and World Missions. This brings us to having six months paid of our annual amount. We are anticipating a property insurance bill of about $6000 due in September after having a summer break from the payments.
Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) & HON Cont. (Capital Campaign/Elevator, Connector, Renovations)
-  Balance due on HON Loan as of 7/31/2022:  $126,803.42 (Loan was $358,343.45)
-  In July the monthly payment of $883 was paid.  HON Cont. funds on hand 7/31/2022:  $8901.16
-  Loan pay off date is 2/8/2039.
-  Total Paid (including interest) Using HON 1, 2 & Continued as of 7/31/2022:  $1,913,881.89
Funding for the Future, 100 for $150 (Endowment)
   Received this year as of 7/31/2022:  $1600
   Anyone can be one of 100 people or families giving $150 (or any amount) each year to grow our endowment for the future of this church. If you donate to this, please mark your check or envelope "Funding for the Future."
Parsonage MortgageAs of 7/31/2022 we owed approximately $58,000 on the parsonage. The parsonage mortgage will be paid off on 1/23/29. 
Thank You
We are grateful for all donations given. Your donations help us continue the mission of the church. We appreciate those who continue to donate to help cover the renovation loan payments, missions and the general fund.  
Most of our expenses are paid from general fund money. Donations are always needed and welcomely received for this fund. In the summer, the church gets a vacation from paying property insurance bills, but they resume in September with a double payment due and a new rate not yet announced. 

McLaren courses resume this fall

The Conference reminds New England clergy and laity that their courses with Dr. Brian D. McLaren and the Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis will continue this fall. These self-paced online courses can be completed at any time, and you can participate even if you did not take the courses offered earlier this year. Each topic includes a live session with Dr. McLaren:

  • 7 pm Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022 — Curating Change
  • 7 pm Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022 — Your Congregation as a School of Love 

To get the most out of the live conversations, you are encouraged to complete as much of the course material as possible beforehand. Supported by the Conference, the courses are free to participants.
Learn more and register

Pastors' Sabbath days:
Pastor Kelly: Tuesday                 Pastor Kristy: Friday

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Mainstreet United Methodist Church · PO Box 1517 · Nashua, NH 03061-1517 · USA

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