| A Message from Pastor Kelly This Sunday, in addition to being a communion Sunday, whether we gather around the table of Christ to be nourished by what God desires to do among us, we have the kick-off to the Food Truck Party Vacation Bible Camp week with Chef Andrea and DJ Cupcake. And we continue our efforts to stuff 2,000 backpacks for the kids of Nashua.
And as if that isn't enough, we have a wedding! We will celebrate with Allan Webb and Bharati Makhijani, who by some miracle have found one another. In a world that can be so full of ache, these two have found in one another delight, companionship, mutual respect, and a desire to share this journey of being human together. So they are saying their vows in our sanctuary in the company of God and those who know and cherish them. We'll celebrate the covenant of marriage right after the regular morning worship service ends around 10:45ish.
And while we often bemoan all the virtual changes and challenges the pandemic has brought to our gatherings, in this case, it is truly a blessing that friends and family will gather online with us from nine other nations in seven time zones – some as far as 12 hours ahead. (So it will be late night for them.)
I hope you will join us, in person if possible, to bless this happy couple and be a part of their service where they make a life-long commitment to the challenge to love one another more fully, more freely, more deeply.
--Pastor Kelly |
It's Time!
VBS 2022 Food Truck Party!!! |

| Join us IN PERSON for Vacation Bible School 2022... Food Truck Party! After two years of VBS Care Packages, we are very excited to announce that this August we are returning in-person for VBS!!! Register your chefs now! We will have programs for children ages 3 years through 6th grade. Click on the link below for more information.
We look forward to helping your children be on a roll with God as we learn how great God is during our VBS week! How will your children grow spiritually this summer?
Register here: https://forms.gle/NrM4Qup6T9gU2WFG8
Main Street UMC needs YOU! I have had an incredible team of volunteers working behind the scenes the past two years to bring our children Vacation Bible School Care Packages, but this year WE ARE BACK! We are returning to in-person VBS, so I need all hands on deck. If your God-given gifts do not include working with children, that's no problem... There are numerous ways you can help! And you can start by spreading the word about VBS with anyone and everyone.
Click on this link for more information and to select the way(s) you would like to help: https://forms.gle/fTHJ8wfoHycDQD4s7
I thank you so much for your support and consideration in helping with VBS 2022! We're on a roll with God!
Andrea Weir, VBS Coordinator 

| Granite District Summer Conversation with Bishop Devadhar Sunday, August 7, 2022 Tilton-Northfield United Methodist Church (400 West Main St., Tilton, NH)
You are invited to attend an informal afternoon of holy conversation with Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar. This will be an in-person only event. Bring your questions for the Bishop regarding any unfolding United Methodist ministry matters. Please bring a lawn chair as we hope to meet outside. Light refreshments will be provided. Tentative Schedule: - 3:00 - 4:00 pm - Prior to the arrival of the Bishop, clergy will gather to meet, greet, and socialize with each other. Please bring a favorite snack to share.
- 4:00 - 6:00 pm - Clergy and Laity meet with Bishop Devadhar
REGISTER HERE to let them know you're coming. |
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If you can help out the office in our transition time to a new office administrator--either to staff the office and answer phones and emails, or to learn to create newsletters and email blasts this summer--please let Pastor Kelly know. |
Save the Date August 15th-17th when Main Streeters who are interested in shaping our worship series for the next year will come together online with those at Church of the Resurrection to prayerfully discern our series for the coming year. Come as you can and get inspired for worship. This year's retreat also features information for those interested in learning how to take our online presence to the next level!!
Watch the video link for more information:

June 2022 Finance Snapshot General Fund (GF) Total GF Revenue from YTD Receipts Available 6/30/2022 YTD: $222,148.08 Total GF Revenue Budgeted through 6/30/2022: $234,946.44 Total GF Expenses Paid through 6/30/2022: $217,090.49 Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 6/30/2022: $236,423.80 Notes on General Fund We are current on payments due through May to suppliers. In June, we paid one half of our monthly amounts due for New England and World Missions. This brings us to having five and a half months paid of our annual amount.
Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) & HON Cont. (Capital Campaign/Elevator, Connector, Renovations) - Balance due on HON Loan as of 6/30/2022: $127,226.31 (Loan was $358,343.45) - In June the monthly payment of $883 was paid. HON Cont. funds on hand 6/30/2022: $9029.19. - Loan pay off date is 2/8/2039. - Total Paid (including interest) Using HON 1, 2 & Continued as of 6/30/2022: $1,912,998.89
Funding for the Future, 100 for $150 (Endowment) – Received this year as of 6/30/2022: $1450 Anyone can be one of 100 people or families giving $150 (or any amount) each year to grow our endowment for the future of this church.
Parsonage Mortgage – As of 6/30/2022 we owed approximately $58,500 on the parsonage. The parsonage mortgage will be paid off on 1/23/29.
Thank You We are grateful for continuing donations to cover the Heart of Nashua loan payments. We also received a donation for lawn mowing.
Expenses Most of our expenses are paid from General Fund money. Donations are always needed and welcomely received for this fund. In the summer, the church gets a vacation from paying property insurance bills, but they resume in the fall with a double payment due and a new rate not yet announced.
| Pastors' Sabbath days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday |
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