Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast May 2, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Sign up for events

  • UMW (United Women in Faith) Next Meeting / UMCOR Kits

  • UMM Meeting and Golf Tournament Sign Up

  • Ham & Bean this Saturday, May 4th

    • Retrospective meeting the following Saturday the 11th at 11:30 AM

Click Here to Donate Today to MSUMC

This Sunday, May 5th, The Rev. Dr. Hope Luckie will be preaching.  

Working with the Preachers' Aid Society of New England as the Director of Pastoral

Care and Clergy Family Services, Southwest, Hope is an ordained elder in the United

Methodist Church. With the New England Annual Conference of the United Methodist

Church, she is an active member on the Commission of the Status and Role of Women

(COSROW), a team member of the Ministry Exploration Summit and Mentor trainer for

the Annual Conference.

Hope enjoys traveling, sailing, surfing, listening to jazz, eating great food, and getting to

know diverse communities of people. Spending time nurturing her garden and my family

brings Hope much joy. She is committed to praying and working for justice in whatever

context she finds herself. With husband, Matthew Grasse, Hope has has two children,

Gabriel and Eden and three furry felines named Mary Magdalene (Maggie), Mary

Cleopas (Chloe) and Acorn.

Watch Zalmay Niazy "Zee's" Resurrection Story
Resurrection Stories Guided Journal

A collage of photos from Pastor Kelly's trip to GC in Charlotte, NC.  Photos courtesy of LYNCoalition.

Click Here for Sunday's Bulletin
Sign up for UMCOR Donations

UMM Breakfast Meeting
Saturday, May 18 at 8:30 AM

Meeting to start at 9:00 AM

ALL are invited to attend

The United Methodist Men Breakfast Meeting for the month of May will be held on Saturday, May 18th in the vestry.  We will meet for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. followed by our program which this month will be about Artificial Intelligence (AI) presented by Jerry Harrow. 

Jerry is a Principal software engineer in the Hewlett Packard Enterprise AI Division where he leads a team working on AI deployment.

He will review:

What is AI?

How does it work?

What can it do?

Should we be scared of it?

Come prepared with your questions!!!

All men and women of the church are invited to attend to learn about AI and its many uses to make your lives easier.  If you can attend the breakfast and the program please RSVP to this e-mail letting us know that you will be coming so we can provide food for you.  If you come just for the program you don't need to RSVP.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

In Christ,

Kent  Swanson

P.S.  Also, it is time to get your  green fees in to Mark Morrissey or the Church Office so we can plan the UMM Tournament which takes place this year on Saturday, June 22nd at the Amherst Country Club!  Please set up your foursomes and get ready for some great golf on on of the areas super courses.

Call Mark for any more details or find sign up forms in the connector lobby to return to the Church Office.  This is one of our signature events and we all have a great time at the tournament and "after" that tournament when we hand out trophies and prizes.  Details are located in the Weekly BLAST and the Monthly Newsletter.  Please join us!

Don't wait, get your tickets now for the Granite State Ringers concert here at MSUMC on May 18th at 2:30 PM.  

Buy Tickets Here
Register for Golf Tournament as a player/foursome
Golf Tournament Sponsor Form

Register now for Safer Sanctuaries

Online training

While we have a safe sanctuary policy in place, this new information will help you to expand your understanding of how to keep everyone safe in a new era – both digital and in person.  You can attend any one of the following sessions, even if it is not being held for our district:

May 4   Granite District 9 am to noon
May 6   Many Waters District 5-9 pm (includes breaks)
May 7   Seacoast District 6-9 pm
May 8   Green Mountain District 6-9 pm
May 18 Commonwealth East District 1-4 pm
May 20 Commonwealth West District 6-9 pm

Register Here


Register Now for VBC
Click HERE for Amazon List
Click Here to Donate Today to MSUMC

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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