Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast July 4, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Sunday worship begins at 9:30 This Sunday!

  • Office Summer Hours noted at bottom of email

At Annual Conference several people repeated the mantra, "It's a good time to be United Methodist." It makes sense to be celebrate our denomination after the harmful language against LGBTQ folks was removed from our policy at General Conference and all our efforts at Annual Conference to repair past harms and live into a new way of church.

I would add it's a good time to be a member of Main Street UMC. We're glad to welcome Donna Johnson this past Sunday. The week before, the glitter blessing was incredibly well received as we sought to assure folks of their fabulous selves. "May the beauty you are shine as bright as the stars."

Last week, our Vacation Bible Camp adventure with God taught us about our ability to shine and trust in our faith. Check the newsletter for great photos.

And our Green Team returned from the Climate Justice Retreat in Maine inspired and ready for action. Stay tuned.

The African fabric we bought at General Conference has been turned into new paraments by Sara Chambers (THANKS). It was an effort by Pam B, Jodi, Phyllis A and Pastor Kelly to find fabric at the International Market in Charlotte. The Market itself was an effort by the Love Your Neighbor Coalition (LYNC), Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), and international delegates collaborating on ways to support one another in ministry. Anyone who supports RMN through a monthly donation (like me), is part of the efforts to build relationships across national borders. Those recurring Wellspring gifts make such ongoing international relationships possible. The fabric chosen speaks to MSUMC's history resettling refugees from the African continent and the ongoing Swahili-language congregation on Sunday afternoon. Additionally, the design is reminiscent of the "trinity" planting of corn, bean and squash together, an Indigenous combination that reminds us of the family of creation meant to nurture each other.

Robin Wall Kimmerer, in her book Braiding Sweetgrass, asks us to consider what it would mean if we believe the notion that the earth loves us.

"Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond."

It is indeed a good time to be a part of MSUMC when all these intersecting realities come together to call us on. Join us for the alphabet soup series this summer. Worship moves to 9:30 beginning THIS SUNDAY!


Rev Kelly

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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