Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast October 17, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Congratulations to Pastor Kristy Besada - Inclusive Love Award

  • Charge Conference - November 3rd - Acting on Receiving a Bequest

  • All Saints Service - November 3rd

  • Volunteers Needed for November 3 (food prep and clean up for Charge Conference, Crop Walk Rest Stop greeters, etc.) Let office know if you can be of assistance.


THIS SATURDAY the NH Council of Churches will present the Inclusive Love Award, to Kristy Besada.  You can join us in celebrating at Wesley UMC in Concord, from 9:30-11:30. The keynote speaker is Rev. Theoharis of the Poor People's Campaign. Let the office know if you want to join our registration list.

The Inclusive Love Award honors a member of the clergy who exemplifies the NH Council of Churches' mission by actively engaging in the public arena on political issues that advance justice for all or prevents unjust legislation from becoming law. This award recognizes those who have taken bold, consistent stands for justice.  This person often inspires others to join in the call to action. The recipient of this award demonstrates unwavering commitment to advocating for the worth and dignity of every individual. Through their courageous witness, they foster an expansive understanding of love and mobilizes their community to work together for a shared vision of a beloved community.

Awards will presented to recipients on October 19, 2024 around 10:00am during the Granite State Jubilee at Wesley United Methodist Church in Concord, NH.

If you would like to attend the Granite State Jubilee and support Pastor Kristy when she receives this award, please let the Office know - we will register you. or 603-882-3361.

We are in need of nursery volunteers on Sunday's during church school and the Worship Service.  Beginning at 8:45 AM on Sunday's.  If you can volunteer for any or part of any Sunday, please let the Office know.  You will not be alone, there is a nursery attendant with you, but there must 2 people in the nursery at all times.

The Crop Walk is coming up on November 3rd. Join the MSUMC Team and walk with us OR donate to our team.

We are planning upcoming events for getting the church ready for the Nashua Holiday Stroll and the Christmas season.  All hands are needed to make sure this is a fun and safe set-up for all.  The trees are not heavy, but they are awkward and need a couple of people for each to make sure they are safe to carry.  Please plan ahead and join us for "Greening of the Church".

The All Saints Service is Sunday, November 3rd.  If you have a loved one that you would like remembered at this service, please let the Office know as soon as possible.

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast October 10, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Charge Conference Reports due October 15th

  • Rescheduled Bishops Day on District - Register Now

  • UWF News and Volunteer sign-ups for Fall Fair Needed

  • Church Office Closed - Monday, October 14th

  • Ham & Bean Supper Updates

  • All Saints Service - November 3rd

  • Granite District Youth Event - UMCOR Kit Donations Needed!

This week I attended (remotely) a seminar, Breakthrough: Finding the Narrow, Creative Road Between Crazy and Brilliant, led by one of my favorite authors and poets David Whyte.

He tells the story of an ancient monk walking out into the yard and hearing the early monastic bell, thinking that must be the most beautiful sound, that call to prayer, to depth, to centering yourself.  And then he hears the blackbird out in the field, also calling, inviting you deeper into the life that waits. Both are asking you to awaken to this life. Here's the whole poem, "The Bell and the Blackbird." It ends with an assurance that we all contain brilliance that is able to meet itself in new ways. "That radiance you have always carried with you as you walk both alone and completely accompanied in friendship by every corner of the world crying Allelujah.

May your participation in MainStreet UMC be a place of being accompanied on the journey, a place to hear the invitation, a place that calls forth and challenges us to awake in new ways, and a sacred gathering of those who cry Allelujah.

Pastor Kelly

Please pray for Pastor Kelly's family in Texas, especially Cousins John and Judy on the tragic and unexpected death of their daughter Kat, from Covid-related causes. Her services will be Thursday, Oct 17th.

We are in need of nursery volunteers on Sunday's during church school and the Worship Service.  Beginning at 8:45 AM on Sunday's.  If you can volunteer for any or part of any Sunday, please let the Office know.  You will not be alone, there is a nursery attendant with you, but there must 2 people in the nursery at all times.

The Crop Walk is coming up on November 3rd. Join the MSUMC Team and walk with us OR donate to our team.

We are planning upcoming events for getting the church ready for the Nashua Holiday Stroll and the Christmas season.  All hands are needed to make sure this is a fun and safe set-up for all.  The trees are not heavy, but they are awkward and need a couple of people for each to make sure they are safe to carry.  Please plan ahead and join us for "Greening of the Church".

Those on committees that are responsible for reports for the Charge Conference, the reports are due by October 15th back to the Office.  Emails have been sent to those needed.  Please return by October 15th.

The All Saints Service is Sunday, November 3rd.  If you have a loved one that you would like remembered at this service, please let the Office know as soon as possible.

UMCOR Kits with Other Local UMC Churches

for District Youth Event!

We are collecting items for UMCOR cleaning kits, which aid those whose homes and lives are devastated by fires, floods, or other emergencies like the recent flooding in

Vermont. In collaboration with the other UMCs, our goal is to provide 100 buckets. Click Link Below to see a list of needed items on Signup Genius. There is also a link from the same page to Amazon to see the items and purchase them directly. Any item donations, bring them into the Church Office and we will coordinate getting them to Manchester for the District Youth Event!

Thank you!

United Women in Faith (UMW) News

Meeting Wed. Oct. 16, 7 PM

Church Vestry in person only

Please join us next week as we make dove ornaments to be given out at the Christmas Eve service.  All materials will be supplied.  You may want to bring scissors and glue.  Please feel free to bring any project you are working on for the fair and join the fellowship.  There will be plenty of time for that.  This will be the last meeting before the fair.  Sign up sheets are on an easel in the vestry where we meet for coffee hour.  Please sign up for volunteer time slots the day of the fair and set up times if you are available during the day.  The kitchen crew will need to prep food before hand so any time you have for that will be greatly appreciated. 

We need bakers for the bake table and the Cookie Walk.  City of Nashua bake sale guidelines are posted with the signups if you need a copy. 

Please call the office if you need a ride to the meeting (603-882-3361).

Updated Ham & Bean Supper Revenues

The initial Ham & Bean Supper of the 2024/2025 season was an amazing success! The original numbers reported on Sunday were incorrect. Let's look at what the ham & bean team actually made happen this past weekend.

We fed 96 people, and sold 14 take-out containers and 1.5 pounds of ham. After reimbursing our loyal shoppers for the food they bought to make this supper possible, the supper made $806.24 Saturday night.

Then, Sunday morning, churchgoers bought $130.00 worth of food to enjoy at home. This brought the total amount that the supper contributed to the church budget to $936.24!

Thank you to all who contributed to, worked at, prepared for, or ate at this supper. Because of you, the church budget has almost $1000 in additional funds to meet our financial obligations and serve our community's needs!

In November, our incredible ham & bean team will go into action again to make another supper happen. Come join us and be a part of the action!

If you would like to attend the Granite State Jubilee, please let the Office know, and we will register you. or 603-882-3361.

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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