Words from the Pastor
"Give thanks for tomorrow, full of surprises, for knowing whatever tomorrow may bring, the Word is our promise always forever; we rest in God's keeping and live in God's love."
Verse three of "What Gift Can We Bring", UMH, #87
What will the future of the Main Street United Methodist Church look like? In all likelihood it will have some similarities to our past but will also look quite different given that we are already a very different looking congregation today than was true for most of the last 149 years. The truth is that it would be nearly impossible to predict what our future will be. Indeed, who would have thought even 25 years ago that the Main Street UMC would today be a multi-ethnic congregation that regularly attracts people from many different nations as well as people from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. As the hymn quoted above reminds us the future is likely to be "full of surprises."
Bulletin from Sunday, October 1 Calendar for the Week of October 1Next Sunday: 10/8
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Consecration Sunday
Choir Anthem
Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23; Matthew 22:15-22
Theme: Give to God the Things That Belong to God
Christian Education News
Vacation Bible School
was a huge success. Look forward to next year's Rolling River! We need more volunteers to cover all areas.
Rally Day
started with a BIG BANG! Every child in the congregation got a blown-up balloon, and they had to help make the bang by sitting on their balloon until it popped! We used some of the leftover crafts from VBS to make the first day fun.Junior Choir started Sept24th. We meet during the coffee hour, rehearse in the chapel to the tapes of the songs from VBS. Look forward to our monthly performances during the 10:30 service.
Junior Youth Group (6th, 7th and 8th grades) will start in October. We have to figure out what day and time, look to the church bulletins for that.
The move out of the Welsey went smoothly; but, I am sure we forgot something in the packing. Oh well!
Classrooms are set up in the downstairs fellowship hall and the former food pantry rooms. They are as follows: Pre-school/Kindergarten with Laura Graudons in the nursery room off the vestry. First/Second grade with Phyllis Bowden is in one of the cubicles against the back wall; so is third/fourth grade with Sharon Schmidt. Fifth/Sixth grade with Meredith Campbell will be in the room between the UMW room and the Jr/Sr high class with Karen Boyer, who will be in her old classroom.
Parents will be asked to bring and pick up their child in the Fellowship Hall for safety sake. Opening music with Joyce Tagliaferro will begin in Sunday School. Adult classes will remain the same time and location.
Halloween Costume Sunday: the last Sunday in October we are asking all Sunday School members to come to church dressed as a church historical person. Do you want to be Noah? Maybe Moses? How about Jesus? Prizes will be awarded for the best costume for each class, including adults!
Fall is a time to rethink how we want to grow as a church school. The best way to get new members is for current members to invite a neighbor or friend to come to church with us. I put out the challenge for each and every person to "Invite Someone to Church" this fall. Show them what your church means to you, it is a lot of fun; not just work.
Christ's blessings upon all.
-submitted by Kathy Whitman
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