May 13, 2018
Words from the Pastor
The following prayer was shared recently by Bishop Sudarshana Devedhar, resident bishop of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church. It captures well Bishop Devedhar's own heart. I am pleased that he will be with us in person on Sunday, September 30th to help us to celebrate our 150th anniversary of mission and ministry in downtown Nashua.
Creator God,
who sees fit
to make us in your image,
who gazes with love upon what you make,
and calls it good ...
Save us —
from our myopic view
of the Word and of the world,
that we may see and know
the wonder and splendor,
of your company with us.
Crack us open —
through unexpected encounters with you,
in the other, the overlooked, the outsider,
and heal us,
from the inside
Remove from our eyes —
blinding cataracts
that keep us bound
by the illusion
of our separateness,
blind to the beauty
within and around us.
Move us —
from the center to the margins,
from apathy to engagement,
from caution to courage.
Conform us —
into the likeness of Christ,
dead to death,
risen to life,
Word of love
made flesh,
made flesh,
made flesh,
who with you
and the Holy Spirt
lives and reigns
here and now
and forever
and ever.
Worship Ahead
5/29 Pentecost Sunday
Dedication of our new spaces
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21
Theme: When the Spirit came upon the first disciples on the day of Pentecost, the room in which they were praying could no longer contain them. Moved by the Spirit, they moved outside to where the pilgrims from every nation had gathered and in doing so shared powerfully the message of God's all-inclusive love. As we re-consecrate the sacred spaces that have been home to the Main Street UMC for 150 years and dedicate newly created spaces, may we remember that when the Spirit moves, it will always move us outside of and beyond these walls.
Calendar for the Week of May 13
Use of Connector and Elevator Pushed Back Again
This past Saturday the last of our landscaping was completed. Assuming the meeting with the Planning Board goes well on Monday, we will receive our occupancy permit. We have been assured that we will at least receive a temporary permit if necessary and will move into our new spaces for next Sunday's dedication. We hope that you will be with us for the inauguration of this new era in the history of the Main Street UMC!
Dedication of New Spaces Planned for May 20
Just a reminder that we will be dedicating our new spaces including the newly refurbished sanctuary; the new sound system and video system; the elevator and the connector itself on May 20th during the 10:30am worship service. We have extended the invitation to all who have worked on these projects with the hope that we can recognize each of them for their contributions. We will also have a number of special guests with us representing the city of Nashua; the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church; and the United Methodist Foundation. A reception will follow in the vestry.
Church School Activities
The Main Street Church School students have been very busy since the new quarter began! In addition to their usual classroom studies, they have been learning about all the missions our church is involved with. They have learned about the Heifer Project and the Easter tree of life. They have helped pack health kits for Church World Service, and learned what goes into a layette kit for newborn babies, a mission project of the United Methodist Women. This past Sunday the students packed toiletry kits for clients of the Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter; these will be taken to the soup kitchen on our next service day, May 20.
Now we are hard at work preparing for Children's Sunday on June 10, 2018. Many of the children will be participating in the 10:30 service, and are eager to show the congregation how they have grown during this Sunday school year.
Vacation Bible School, Rolling River Rampage, will be August 6-10, from 9:00 AM till 12:00 PM. Registration, both online and in person will begin within the next week or so. The age range will be 4 years old through entering grade 8. If there is enough interest we would like to have a class for 2 and 3 year olds-please contact our VBS director, Mavis Pyle (860-9792 or email pylefamily@comcast.net) for more information. We are looking forward to the ride of a lifetime with God!
-submitted by Mavis Pyle
TED Talks This Tuesday—Denzel Washington
This coming Tuesday, May 15, at 10:30am, you are welcome to join us in the Chapel to watch Denzel Washington's commencement speech he gave last year at Dillard University. The speech is entitled, "Put God First."
We Are Looking for Historical Church Photos
If you have a photo of a Wedding, Baptism, or other church event, share it for use in our 150th anniversary celebration. If you have a digital version, upload it to the shared folder below. Fill in the photo description and give the year. If you only have a hard copy, we can scan it quickly in the church office during coffee hour. Contact Jerry Harrow (Jerry.Harrow@mainstreet-umc.org) 673-6024 for more information.
Album for contributing Historical Church Photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/QFEILDOIllOtnfrY2
We'd like to see your news and opinions. Consider sending an article to this weekly Mainstreeter Online. Send it by email to mainstreeter@mainstreet-umc.org
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