May 6, 2018
Words from the Pastor
"According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it. Each builder must choose with care how to build on it."
First Corinthians 3:10
On June 13, 1867 the cornerstone of the soon-to-be-built Main Street Methodist Church was laid with members of the Rising Sun Lodge, No. 39 of the Masonics of Nashua providing some grand pageantry. A little more than a year later, on July 22nd, the church building was dedicated to the glory of God and the service of future generations of Methodists in Nashua. Thus began the illustrious history of the church that has now stood as a living presence on Main Street and become "the church with a heart in the heart of Nashua."
Although the church building has witnessed many changes during its 150 year history, the most significant of those changes is just now coming to fruition. By the time you read this issue of the Mainstreeter we should have received our "occupancy" permit and begun the process of living into our new spaces and amenities--the two story connector between the church and Wesley Building; an elevator; a new nursery on the second floor of the Wesley Building; four new bathrooms; a new sound system and video projector system; a newly refurbished sanctuary including the addition of air conditioning; and an expanse of green space out front. What a wonderful way to celebrate our 150th birthday with this addition of space and the many new opportunities that it will provide for mission and ministry!
I hope that you will join us on Sunday, May 20th as we gather together like our forebears in 1868 to re-dedicate our newly refurbished "old" spaces and dedicate our new spaces. We will have many guests with us including representatives from the city of Nashua; our District Superintendent, Rev. Jim McPhee; representatives from the United Methodist Foundation of New England; our capital campaign consultant, Tom Melzoni; and hopefully some curious members of our community. In many ways this event will mark the start of the next era of our mission and ministry and delineate the rebirth of the United Methodist presence here in Nashua.
Later in the year we will continue our celebration of the past as we gather on numerous occasions "to remember the past and those who had vision" while also "giving thanks for tomorrow, full of surprises…" (verses 2 and 3 of "What Gift Can We Bring", UMH, #87.) The year 2018 is shaping up to be one of historic proportions for the Main Street United Methodist Church. Let us give thanks to God for the past, the present, and the future as we continue to evolve in our commitment to be God's church on Main Street.
Gratefully Yours,
Pastor Rich
Worship Ahead
5/13 - The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday
Mother's Day
Tithe Sunday
Scripture: Acts 1:1-11; Luke 24:44-53
Theme: The Wait is Almost Over!
Waiting is never easy. We have experienced this as we have waited for the completion of our construction project and the opportunity to use this new space and especially, the elevator. The disciples were told to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from on high. For them, the wait was almost over, but what would Spirit-empowerment look like? We will have to wait until the following week to find that out!
Calendar for the Week of May 6
Use of Connector and Elevator Pushed Back Again
We have learned that the City Planning Board will not give the final approval for our project until the landscaping is completed and the final paving of the parking lot is done. Thankfully the landscaping is all but complete and the paving took place on Friday. Assuming we pass muster with the planning board this week, we should have full use of the elevator and connector for Mother's Day weekend. We hope that you will be with us for the inauguration of this new era in the history of the Main Street UMC!
Dedication of New Spaces Planned for May 20th
Just a reminder that we will be dedicating our new spaces including the newly refurbished sanctuary; the new sound system and video system; the elevator and the connector itself on May 20th during the 10:30am worship service. We have extended the invitation to all who have worked on these projects with the hope that we can recognize each of them for their contributions. We will also have a number of special guests with us representing the city of Nashua; the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church; and the United Methodist Foundation. A reception will follow in the vestry.
150th Anniversary Plans Continue to Unfold
Please save the date of Saturday and Sunday, September 28th and 29th, for the major celebration of our 150th anniversary. Saturday will begin with a special concert in our sanctuary featuring Emily Adams. We will continue with an evening banquet that will be held in the St. Patrick's gymnasium located just up the street from us. It will be catered by Celebrations Catering and will provide an opportunity for many former pastors, staff, and members to return to join us in looking back to the past while preparing for a bright future. Finally, our Bishop, Sudarshana Devadhar will be our guest preacher on Sunday at the 10:30am worship service. You won't want to miss this spectacular weekend!
A Conversation with Dewayne
"We learn from our mistakes," Dewayne observed one morning at Café Agape as Shirley Michael showed him how to crochet and he lost a stitch. It seemed like an appropriate comment about life in general, so I asked Dewayne if he would let me interview him. He agreed.
Dewayne was born in Louisiana but at the age of two, was adopted by his mother's great aunt and moved to Texas, about 1 ½ hours from Houston. She had lost her only child and offered to take Dewayne while his mother went to rehab because of a drug problem. Dewayne's birth mother thought she would get him back afterwards, but the adoptive parents didn't want to give him up.
It was not an ideal upbringing as his new father was abusive, losing control while whipping him with a cow whip, and one time leaving him outside all night in near freezing weather. Dewayne has fond memories, however, of going out as a family to eat together, usually for good Mexican food—something hard to find here in Nashua.
"People are friendly in Texas," Dewayne said, "but I don't miss the racism, close-mindedness--and the hurricanes." He also commented that where he lived in Texas, there wasn't the same drug problem that is so prevalent here in Nashua, the northeast, and other areas of the country.
Dewayne has been on disability since 2005 for severe mental illness, which includes bipolar disorder, secondary PTSD, borderline personality, and anxiety. When he takes his medication, he can function quite well. In fact he is a budding author and has a blog and a book on Amazon entitled, Southern Gothic Tales. His pen name is Edward Alex Lively. He writes horror stories because his meds often give him nightmares, which become the inspiration for his work.
When he was 19, Dewayne went to live with his birth family and became very close to his grandfather. He learned about his heritage and is proud of his good family lineage. His pen name, Lively, was his great grandfather's name.
But one time in Texas when he went off his meds, he was arrested for assault. "Medications really help, but one also has to go through therapy." And as Dewayne said at the beginning of this conversation, "We learn from our mistakes."
As for his dreams for the future, Dewayne would like to be recognized as a good writer like Stephen King or have one of his stories turned into a movie. With the proceeds of his success, he'd get a little two-bedroom cottage with bird feeders and a deer feeder, and he would continue to write.
Right now, he has trouble getting a job because of his mental illness, so another dream is that the stigma of mental illness be removed.
-submitted by Mary Marchese
For more information about Café Agape, click on the link to the presentation given in church on Sunday, April 29.
We Are Looking for Historical Church Photos
If you have a photo of a Wedding, Baptism, or other church event, share it for use in our 150th anniversary celebration. If you have a digital version, upload it to the shared folder below. Fill in the photo description and give the year. If you only have a hard copy, we can scan it quickly in the church office during coffee hour. Contact Jerry Harrow (Jerry.Harrow@mainstreet-umc.org) 673-6024 for more information.
Album for contributing Historical Church Photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/QFEILDOIllOtnfrY2
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