May 17, 2019
"While living the life of a wave, the wave also lives the life of water. It would be sad if the wave did not know that it is water." Thich Nhat Hahn as quoted by Barbara Brown Taylor in her book, Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others, page 45
A few years ago the Nashua Area Interfaith Council decided to begin a program called, House of Faith Tours. The idea was that we would invite each of the houses of faith in Nashua to designate a time when members of other faith traditions could come and learn something about this particular faith tradition and tour its facilities. Over the last few years we have had opportunity to visit the Church of the Good Shepherd, Episcopal; Temple Beth Abraham; the Nashua Area Islamic Center; the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; the Nashua Christian Science Church; and in June, the Nashua Presbyterian Church. Now it is our turn to welcome members of our community to learn about Methodism and hear something about the history of the Main Street UMC while touring our newly renovated facilities.
Using the "wave" analogy mentioned above by the Buddhist, Thich Nhat Hahn, what we will share with our neighbors is something about the Methodist "wave" while remembering that each of the other religious traditions represented in our community reflect other waves. We are all expressions though of the same water and that water is God or the divine essence that underlies all reality. We are not the only wave. We are not the truest expression of this water. We, like each of the other religious traditions, are one of many waves that well up on the ocean of reality and are thus expressions of the one God however we may understand this God or with whatever name we may choose to give to this reality.
I hope that you will take the opportunity to share in this event so that we may show true Wesleyan hospitality to our Inter-faith neighbors. In the process, we will have the opportunity to learn from each other as we reflect together on what we have in common as people of faith as well as acknowledge what we understand differently. Please join me on Sunday from 4-6pm as we share our faith and our facilities with our sisters and brothers from the many religious traditions that call Nashua home.
5/19 The Fifth Sunday of Easter
Bell Choir playing (10:30am service only)
Choral Choir (10:30am service only)
Scripture: Acts 11:1-18; John 13:31-35
Theme: An Inclusive Love: As the disciples began to understand the implications of their Easter faith they were faced that the reality that this faith was not limited to those who were like them (Jews) but was equally valid for those who they had previously considered to be outside the fold. God's love proved to be more inclusive than they had bargained for and they had widened their circle. The circle continues to be challenged today and is always in need of being widened yet again.
At a recent Church Council meeting we talked about how we might better highlight some of the opportunities for service that are available through the church. A suggestion was made that maybe we could have an "opportunity of the week". This will now be a new feature in the weekly e-mail blast so look for these wonderful opportunities and see if there is something that sounds inviting to you.
This week's opportunity is to volunteer to assist at House of Faith program and tour that we will host on Sunday from 4:00-6:00pm. We are still in need of a few more greeters, a sound system person, and tour hosts as well. If interested please let Pastor Rich know. He can most easily reached via e-mail at pastor@mainstreet-umc.org
The next "House of Faith" tour sponsored by the Nashua Area Interfaith Council will be right here at the Main Street UMC on Sunday, May 19th at 4:00pm. We will welcome members of the community and other communities of faith to learn about Methodism and the history of the Main Street UMC while also providing opportunity for people to see our facilities up close. Volunteers are needed to be greeters, tour guides, make coffee, provide some light refreshments and serve refreshments. A sign up sheet is located on the table in the lobby to let us know of your willingness to assist. Let's do our best to extend a warm welcome to our community to experience some good Methodist hospitality. For more information please speak to Pastor Rich.
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee has approved 15 weeks of maternity leave for our organist, Emily Adams. Emily will be away from May 26th through September 1st. We are pleased to announce that former organist, John Pagett, will be filling in for Emily for all but three of the Sundays she will be on leave. Please be sure to express congratulations to Emily and husband, Doug, as they prepare for the birth of their first child and please be sure to extend a welcome back to John Pagett.
Book and Bake Sale
TOMORROW 9:00 - 2:00
Heart of Nashua Food Assistance Ministry
May's Sunday Food Pantry at the Soup kitchen will be from 2 to 4 on May 19 at the Nashua Soup Kitchen, 2 Quincy Street. Come and help if you can, or come and get food if you need it! If you are working, come at 1:30. Help is also needed during the week, especially Thursdays and Fridays. Training is easy and available!
April 2019 Finance Snapshot
General Fund (GF)
Total GF Income Received as of 4/30/19: $139,901.57 adjusted
Total GF Income Budgeted through 4/30/19: $133,230.00
Total GF Expenses Paid through 4/30/19: $142,054.00 adjusted
Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 4/30/19: $142,725.23
Notes on General Fund
- Current on payments due to providers through April
- Mission Shares and Ministerial Support paid in full through April
- Donation received to pay snow plowing through April – Thank you very much. This was a huge help!
- Donation of $500 received toward Missions was used in April. Thank you so much.
- Cash from 2018 and a generous early pledge helped pay bills YTD along with designated maintenance money (adjusted out of figures above). Regular donors helped tremendously as well.
- While the budget is made to balance for the year, it does not balance each month due to expenses and income.
- Thanks to everyone for giving to support local and conference expenses and programs
Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) (Capital Campaign)
Total Received (2013-5/12/19): $1,779,111.05
Total Paid Out Using HON Funds: (2013-5/12/19): $1,760,189.55
Loan Received in 2018 for HON Construction: $358,343.45
Balance Due on HON Loan: approximately $258,640 (as of 5/12/19)
In April we paid down $6000 on the principal beyond our monthly payment of $1,769.53.
We have money to pay against the principal in May as well as the monthly payment--thanks to those who continue to pay into this capital fund.
Continuing Support Needed
We need your continued financial support to the general fund keep up on our bills. We provide a place to worship as well as space for others to meet as part of our ministry. This church is used every day for church groups and other groups. Your support in other ways is much appreciated—your presence, prayers, assistance in reducing expenses, sponsoring or participating in fundraisers, volunteering, etc. Thank you.
New Expenses/Giving Opportunities:
The Trustees want to get a shed to house the lawn mower and other yard tools and equipment. Please speak to Donna Swanson if you are interested in assisting with this.
Needed electrical work will be done soon. Items have been ordered. Work includes: kitchen ($4750 to replace 3-phase panelboard, new breakers), boiler room ($1050 for breaker box, additional circuits for sump pump and CO detection) and upstairs Narthex hallway ($725 to rework load center to be code compliant) and vestry ($500 to rework switch from 3-way to 4-way). Some of this will be covered by Designated Maintenance funds and a donation to cover the vestry switch. Thank you to those who have donated. Additional donations are welcome.
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