June 6, 2019
A Prayer for Pentecost by John Winn, in "For All Seasons", page 69
O Giver of Life,
We are the People
who have heard a word we cannot unhear;
who have felt a warmth that cannot be chilled;
even a fire that will not be quenched.
It moves among us,
connecting us to one another,
despite our different languages,
our different races,
our different loyalties,
our different religions,
our different cultures.
It is a language that cleanses
like a spring shower,
and at the same time warms our hearts
in a way that bonds us as One.
And no one can stop it from happening,
for at the heart of all Creation is a Unity
we are still discovering,
which instinctively we know will save our civilization.
Let us meet at that Center,
combining all the experiences that have made us who we are,
and sharing the many ways we have
heart that word, felt that warmth, and
been illuminated by the light from that fire.
The Day of Pentecost stands as a testament to God's desire to see all of humanity united as one in spite of our many differences. As John Winn notes in his "prayer for Pentecost" "at the heart of all Creation is a Unity we are still discovering,…". This Unity is grounded in the reality that all human beings have been created in the image and likeness of God. We have more in common with each other than we have differences. We are all God's beloved children whatever our gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, or language. We are united in the love of God that knows no boundaries.
May our experience of Pentecost be one that unites us with all of God's creation and especially with our fellow human beings, who, like us, are a reflection of the divine image. May we allow the Spirit of God to fill us with compassion, love, and kindness towards all that God has made. May we work together with the Spirit of God to create a better world.
6/9 Pentecost Sunday
Children's Sunday
Choral Choir (10:30am service only)
Organist: John Pagett
Scripture: Acts 2:1-13
Theme: Happy Birthday, Church- On this special day when we celebrate our ministry with and to our children we will also celebrate the church's birthday as a body that includes people of all ages. Bringing together Pentecost and Children's Sunday is always a delight!
At a recent Church Council meeting we talked about how we might better highlight some of the opportunities for service that are available through the church. A suggestion was made that maybe we could have an "opportunity of the week". This will now be a new feature in the weekly e-mail blast so look for these wonderful opportunities and see if there is something that sounds inviting to you.
This week's opportunity is to volunteer to share your musical talent during the 9:30am worship service during the summer months. Soloists, instrumentals, duets, you name it, all are welcome. If interested please sign up on the sheet which is located on the Worship Bulletin board on the ramp on the first floor. As of today we have openings for every Sunday, June 23rd through September 1st. Sign up now!
We're looking for folks willing to share their musical talents with us during our summer services. Now's the time to get out that old trombone from high school and dust it off! There will be two available slots on each Sunday, sign up for one or both.
A sign up sheet is posted on the music/worship bulletin board located on the first floor ramp. If you can provide your own accompaniment (either live or "tracked") or can perform without, that would be great. If you do need someone to assist, please see Julie and she'll work at finding a match for you.
If you have any questions, please check in with Julie Oliver.
Thank you so much – we so look forward to you sharing your gifts with the congregation.
The ordination/commissioning service for deacons and elders will be held on Friday, June 14th at 7:00pm at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Manchester, NH. We are excited that one of our own members, Kristy Besada, will be commissioned as a deacon at this time. The service is open to all and we hope to have a good showing of Main Street UMC members there to cheer Kristy on. The service will also be live streamed and can be accessed by going to the New England Conference website, neumc.org
The annual Tree Streets Block Party will take place on Saturday, June 15th from 2-6pm on Ash Street. Besides the usual festivities the Raggae Band, Mighty Mystic, will be playing. You need to have tickets in advance for the show though (they are free) and they can be obtained by going to the web site- downtownnashua.org/tsbp All are welcome to join in the festivities!
Beginning on Sunday, June 16th we will move to having only one Sunday morning worship service and it will be held at 9:30am. We will resume our usual schedule on Sunday, September 8th with Rally Day and our annual picnic!
The last Sunday for both children's and adult classes will be Sunday, June 9th. Classes for both will resume on Rally Day, Sunday, September 8th at the usual 9:00am time.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee has made the decision to have the church office opened Monday-Thursday, 8am-2:00pm during the months of June, July, and August. Come September the office will resume its normal, five day a week schedule.
Pastor Rich will be on vacation from Wednesday, June 19th through Friday, July 5th. We will have a guest preacher on June 23rd and our lay leaders, Susan McDonald, and Sharon Schmidt will lead the service and preach on Sunday, June 30th.
Office hours from June 12 through July 9 are 8:00 am –12pm.
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