remind me again today that
you are Love;
that Loving is always expressed in action
not beliefs.
Remind me again today
that your love was made visible
in creation,
in Jesus,
in the Church, the body of Christ.
Remind me again today
that it is through love, not
right vs wrong,
good vs evil, that
we are saved.
Remind me again today that you
gather us all,
love us all,
sanctify us all,
call us all,
to be one —
in Christ,
with each other,
in ministry to
all the world.
Bishop Sudarshana Devedhar, Bishop of the New England Conference of the UMC
In the gospel reading for Sunday we witness how Jesus lives out this understanding of inclusive love in his interaction with the Samaritan woman. When Jesus asks her for a drink of water she expresses astonishment that Jesus, being a Jewish male, would speak in public to her, a woman from Samaria. In doing so Jesus violated two unspoken rules of social etiquette that were prevalent in first century Palestine- he spoke to a woman in public and he interacted with a Samaritan at a time when the animosity between Jews and Samaritans was still prevalent. With four simple words, "give me a drink", Jesus broke down age old barriers and showed a better way for people to live in relation to one another- based on love rather than on tribal expectations that divided people one from another.
As we seek, during this Lenten season, to embrace this same love in our lives let us ask ourselves what are the walls- both literal and figurative- that we need to tear down in order to be "in ministry to all the world." Let us break down the barriers that still exist between men and women; gay and straight; immigrants and native born; Christian and non-Christian, and let us live in love towards one another in both word and deed. This is the way of Christ and the way that we are called to follow, not just during Lent, but each and every day of our lives.
3/15 The Third Sunday in Lent
Bell Choir playing
Anthem- by the choir
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42
Theme: Give Me Something to Drink!- Both the Hebrew people during the wilderness wandering and Jesus on his way to Galilee experience thirst and demand that they be given something to drink. What can we learn from these stories about our own thirst both literal and figurative? In each instance God does provide, but in interesting and informative ways.
Our Sympathies
Our love, prayers, and sympathy are extended to Stacie Laughton following the death of Lisa Laughton on Sunday, March 1st. A memorial service will take place here at the church with the date yet to be decided. If you would like to send a card or note to Stacie please send it to her home address: 80 Elm Street, Apt. 1, Nashua, NH 03060.
Our sanctuary choir rehearses Thursday nights from 7:30-8:30 pm. You are welcome to come to any rehearsal with no pressure to perform or come back! Kelly and Irene are always happy to help people find their musical strengths. Please come and visit with us and share one of the greatest joys we have as Christians; praising God in a loving community!
The Rev. Kelly Turney and her husband, Steve Hilbun will be our guests for the weekend of March 21st and 22nd. They will be attending the youth and family potluck dinner on Saturday and experiencing both the 8:15am and 10:30am worship services on the 22nd before joining the new member luncheon at noon. You will want to make sure to take this opportunity to meet Pastor Turney and Steve as they begin the transition from her current appointment in East Longmeadow, MA to the Main Street UMC.
Today we are observing "Wanakee" Sunday as a way of highlighting the summer programs that take place at Camp Wanakee. There will be a special offering to help provide scholarship money so that any youth who wants to attend a camp can. Also, during today's fellowship time you will have the opportunity to purchase a "Wankee" Sundae also in support of camp scholarships. Thank you in advance for your support.
UMCOR Sunday
On March 22, we will celebrate UMCOR Sunday. This is a crucial Sunday for United Methodist Churches because it is the day we come together to empower our disaster relief arm of Global Ministries, UMCOR, for an entire year. This Special Sunday covers the operating costs of UMCOR, which allows the relief agency to be where it needs to be, when it needs to be there, for as long as it needs to be there. It allows UMCOR to funnel earmarked donations directly to the designated project.
Our collaboration with Jane Cormier and the offering of a "salon" series of operatic concerts will resume this month. Here is the schedule for the winter and spring: March 28. Presenting the Coffee and Peasant Cantatas by Bach. All concerts take place in our sanctuary at 7:00pm. There is a cost of $12.00 per person or $10.00 for senior citizens with children and youth free. A portion of each ticket supports the church's organ fund.
On Friday, March 20th you are invited to attend an organ recital at the First Church UCC, at One Concord Street, Nashua. Recital begins at 12:15pm. Our organist, Emily Adams, will be performing a lent-themed repertoire by Brahms and Rheinberger. There is no charge for this weekly concert.
With the retirement of Pam Axtell, our Administrative Assistant for the last 12 years, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee proposed the creation of two new positions, that of an Administrative Assistant and that of a Receptionist. We are pleased to say that after receiving hundreds of inquiries regarding these two positions and doing numerous interviews we were able to hire two extremely capable individuals to fill the positions.
Debra Zagaeski began as Administrative Assistant on Wednesday, February 19th and as of March 2nd she has been on her own in the office. Debra has worked in various capacities in numerous churches over the years and brings a wealth of experience to the job. Debra's hours are 10am-3pm, Monday-Friday.
Tina Preston began as our receptionist on Monday, March 2nd. Tina also brings a lot of church experience with her although hers has been mostly as a volunteer. Tina will be in the 1st floor lobby from 9:00am-noon, Monday-Friday and will also answer the phone during these hours.
Please be sure to extend a warm welcome to each of these individuals as they settle in as staff members. We are thrilled to have them on board.
One is All - Wednesday Morning Lenten Class
March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 10:30 AM – Noon, Vestry
Come join us on a Lenten Journey using the spirituality of nature as we broaden our perspective and move from All is One to One is All. There will not be a class book, but rather we will use sacred texts and poetry from a variety of faiths. We will spend class time in small group conversation, sing hymns and have creative experiences. Child care will be provided email Pam Breniser (class facilitator) at pjbreniser@gmail.com.
We are blessed here at MSUMC with members and guests from a wonderful variety of backgrounds and cultures. .With the goal of truly being a loving and welcoming community of faith in mind and heart, we'd like to create a database of members that have a fluency in other languages. If you would be willing to share your gift with us please email Paul Pederzani at: pped@comcast.net and type MSUMC in the subject line. Thank you for your continued support of our church and church family.
Heifer Project Easter Tree of Life
Heifer International's mission is to end hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth using gifts of livestock, seeds, trees and training in sustainable agriculture community development projects to help millions of people become self-reliant. Since 1944, Heifer has helped transform the lives of more than 30 million families by giving them gifts of cows, goats and other livestock. Look for our Easter Tree of Life, and honor someone with the gift of an animal. Fill up our tree! We offer vegetarian options.
Display of Crosses and Easter Symbols
Our display of various crosses and other Easter symbols is now set up in the cabinet that Roger Hall made in the Ladies Parlor. Take the short ramp from the first floor lobby. Come and enjoy! The display will be up through Easter. Thanks to everyone who donated items
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial United Methodist Women's Offering
Years ago our United Methodist Women (UMW) would have a retreat and take up a collection for the annual Call to Prayer and Self-denial. While we are not planning a time away from church and home this year, you have the opportunity on your own to make an offering to important missions for women and children in the United States and around the world. Add to your envelope all during the season of Lent or write one check made out to MSUMW, with "Call to Prayer" in the memo line. One hundred percent of your donation will go directly to these missions. Envelopes and more information about the program and the missions supported are on the bulletin board in the lower lobby. Envelopes may be turned in to UMW Treasurer, Erica Borroto, or put in the Sunday offering plate by Easter.
United Methodist Women-March 18, 7 PM Church Vestry
Come join a great group of women for our March meeting. We start with a devotion and intercessory prayers, then wonderful fellowship and snacks. We actually get a little work done too. This month we are finishing up the layette kits we started in February. We will also begin work on the ornaments we give out to children at the Christmas Eve service.
For Sale: Retired Church tables 30" wide X 8 foot long. $50 each or buy 2 get one free.
Contact Donna Swanson (603) 759-5088
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