Thursday, October 1, 2020

Mainstreeter Blast October 1, 2020

Message from the Pastor
This coming Sunday, October 4, is World Communion Sunday. Prepare to receive the sacrament at home by preparing a slice or small loaf of bread, corn tortilla, or rice cake or what is sacramental and joyful to share and a cup or small cups of juice — perhaps grape or cranberry — or wine, with or without alcohol, or coffee, or coconut water all of which are used in worship in different places.

In addition, you're invited to spend the next few days praying for a country in the world which is not your own. Often on this occasion we celebrate the "world" in a particularly generic "global" way rather than actually thinking about real places. In these days leading to World Communion Sunday choose one country to pray for – it may be in the news or may be one that you have visited or may be part of your ethnic heritage or may be one with a cuisine you find delicious or a writer or artist who inspires you. There's no right or wrong choice. Read an online article on this country – its history, its products, its religious heritage, the challenges it faces right now, certainly including how it stands in this pandemic. Learn a word in one of its languages – maybe peace or gratitude or blessing. Google translate is a helpful resource and includes an audio pronunciation feature. You might even find a recipe to make sometime this week. This too will be communion.
During the passing of the peace on Sunday,
we'll ask you to share the country you're praying for.
Click here for Sunday Bulletin, October 4, 2020

The latest option to help us all stay connected in this time of physical distancing is our "Virtual Coffee Hour" starting right after Sunday Worship (approximately 10:30am).    Stop by the Vestry and catch up with your friends (bring your own coffee and snacks).   

The virtual rooms are via Google Meet and don't require Facebook at all, and may be attended by phone, by app on iPhone/iPad/Android/or by Computer.   Access information is below.   If you need some hints at using Google Meet there are some instructions and screen shots at that might help you get acclimated.

or by phone: +1 617-675-4444 PIN: ?415 456 786 8524#

The Church is looking for a few individuals to serve as Sunday morning "Counters".  The counter comes to the Church finance office following Sunday worship at 11:45 a.m. and counts the gifts. We are seeking two counters for each Sunday. If you are interested in spending one Sunday per month in service to your Church community please contact Pastor Kelly. 

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