Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mainstreeter Blast October 8, 2020

Message from the Pastor
I've seen some unique ministries throughout my years. Things specific to a person's gifts and resources, where someone has figured out how their singular skill set might be useful to others.

There was the former contractor who shared their tools and equipment so no one ever had to buy something for a singular job. There was the knitter with a heart for the city's children who, every year, knitted her age in hats (when she got past ninety and couldn't keep up she enlisted others to help). There was the nurse who became the parish nurse and coordinated first-aid. There was the parent of a trans kid who started a support group for parents to educate and encourage. There was the non-church goer who coordinated a "re-creation" program of hiking and hockey games.

And then there's Carolyn Elke and Prince who together offer "creature prayer support" through Her mystical sense of creation and care for all its creatures radiates and encourages. Her ministry was evident at the Blessing of the Animals service where photos were shared of her work through the years. And it was clear how much your pets have enriched your lives through the stories and photos you sent in this last week. Thanks for encouraging one another in this time.

We are all better for it when folks find their passion and share it to benefit others.
--pastor Kelly 
Click Here for Sunday Bulletin October 11, 2020

The latest option to help us all stay connected in this time of physical distancing is our "Virtual Coffee Hour" starting right after Sunday Worship (approximately 10:30am).    Stop by the Vestry and catch up with your friends (bring your own coffee and snacks).   

The virtual rooms are via Google Meet and don't require Facebook at all, and may be attended by phone, by app on iPhone/iPad/Android/or by Computer.   Access information is below.   If you need some hints at using Google Meet there are some instructions and screen shots at that might help you get acclimated.

or by phone: +1 617-675-4444 PIN: ?415 456 786 8524#

If you want to sign up for our CROP walk team, here's the link

You can find a group of like minded folks with whom to walk, and you can walk anywhere you want or on a special route in Milford, but you must complete your walk by October 25.  If you just want to support our team, please follow the link and donate!  You can also donate by designating CROP Walk on your check when you send in your offering.

Thank you for your support! And thank you for your beans!
Missions Work Area

Calling All Crafters
UMW Virtual Fair

United Methodist Women are still having our annual fall fair this year but it will be virtual!  Details are to be worked out. However, we are already gathering photos of crafts to be donated for our sale.  Our photo deadline has been extended to Tues. Oct. 14.  If you will be finishing up crafts after that you will still be able to submit them.  Photos should be submitted to Phyllis Appler at Please include a note in the photo listing the Area: Christmas, Harvest, Non-seasonal crafts, or Grandma's attic; what the item is; a description such as dimensions, or materials it is made of, if applicable; and price.  Note: we will not be selling baked goods or other food items this year.  Keep watching for future updates.

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