| A Message from Pastor Kelly Dear Beloved in Christ,
We invited you to share your favorite table grace and the Youth went the extra step -- writing their own prayers for our Soup for the Soul. These table graces will be featured with our Soup for the Soul recipe.
As the pandemic restrictions continue for more than a year, it's more important than ever to practice simple, daily activities to connect with your spirit. Practicing gratitude, deep breathing, ordinary rituals and gathering for worship are critical. Even if our worship is different than usual, or not what we hoped for, it's still the way we become the body of Christ. We're grateful for the ways you interact with each other online during worship, how you offer your witness to others, and all the creative ways you find to contribute (more of that ahead during Holy Week). And I appreciate those who continue to show up on-site for our monthly in-person Holy Communion services in the front garden.
As the signs of spring begin to surface and folks get vaccinated, it's exciting to hope for the season to come. In our scripture lesson this week, Jesus enters the house of sorrows and proclaims that new life is still possible. That is good news. Let's encourage one another with that hopeful faith. Reach out to members who you may not know--call, write notes, check in. Let's get through this together.
--Pastor Kelly

| Daylight Savings time starts on Sunday, March14th. Be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour (Spring Forward) on Saturday night. |
Soup for the Soul Butternut Squash Soup (shared by Pastor Kelly)
In a clergy group years ago, District Superintendent Maria Coleman made this in her church's small kitchenette off the parlor. We celebrate her ministry; she died in February.
Two boxes of Trader Joes's butternut squash soup (OR, if you have time, roast the squash, sweet potato, onion) Add 2 cups chicken broth (4 cups if you don't use the TJ soup) Add a granny smith apple (peeled/seeded/cut into sections) Add a sweet potato (peeled/cubed) Add 1/2 cup diced onion Add 1/2 tsp each of cumin, cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ground cloves bay leaf salt and pepper to taste Bring everything to a boil, reduce heat to simmer, cover and simmer for 30 min to an hour (depending on how much time you have), as long as the veggies/apples are soft enough to smash Pour in small batches into a blender or use immersion blender (or just use a potato masher, which is what she did)
Her soup was pretty chunky...add broth for desired consistency

(Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash)
Two Table Graces, written by MSUMC Youth
Welcome to our table, Lord We have so much to thank you for Everyone you love we know Bless us with this food and help us grow. Thank you God for all this food And giving us a good mood We owe all this to you our Lord You make us all feel adored. |

| TODAY is UMCOR Sunday!!! Your sustaining gifts on UMCOR Sunday lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God's love with communities everywhere. For more than 80 years, United Methodists have faithfully given to UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing).
UMCOR would be unable to do this work without your support. Absolutely 100 percent of your gifts to UMCOR projects support mission and ministry.
Write your check to MSUMC and mail it to the Main Office; Main Street UMC P.O. Box 1517, Nashua NH 03061, please include "UMCOR" on the memo line. To give online or set up monthly giving, go to UMC.org/SSGive |
Special Charge Conference Announcement
Special Charge Conference according to ¶246 of The Book of Discipline (2016) to be held on Monday, March 22 at 7 pm. To approve the acceptance/receipt of the CARES Act (Paycheck Protection Program, PPP, Round 2) loan.
The Charge Conference will take place via Google Meets and will precede the Church Council Meeting. Please contact the Main Office for Google Meets information at 882-3361 or office@mainstreet-umc.org
ALL MSUMC members are welcome. |

| Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson Bishop Devadhar's Recommended Book Discussion:
Tuesday, March 23 from 7:00 - 8:30 on Google Meet
Join Pastor Kristy in discussing this important and hopeful book, as author Isabel Wilkerson examines American race relations from a new perspective. Dispensing with the charged word "racism," Ms. Wilkerson skillfully describes the history and context of an American caste system that has kept Black people and others from advancing as easily as their White counterparts in American society. The book is a page-turner and powerful in its assessment. Participants will be expected to have read or listened to the entire book before March 23, as discussion will be around the ideas in the book and not a general discussion of race in America.
Notes: This book is clearly written but will take you some time to read. If participants would like more time for discussion, extra sessions may be added to accommodate particular topics.
Join by phone: 402-751-0306 PIN: 815 888 041# |

| Recorded prayer services inspired by Taizé You are invited into a simple, meditative prayer service with Taizé chants as part of your Lenten journey. The pre-recorded services will be available each Wednesday from Feb. 24 to March 31, 2021. The services will be 30-35 minutes. Author, educator and spiritual director Kate Young Wilder will be our host. The services will be posted on the website at https://www.neumc.org/Taizé_Lent |

| Pastors: Equalization members, especially under 30, needed for AC 2021Conference Secretary John Blackadar reports there are 66 equalization members, selected by virtue of their office, for the 2021 Annual Conference session. An additional 20 equalization members are needed from each district. At least two of those must be between ages 12 and 17 and at least two between ages 18 and 30. The Cabinet is committed to meeting this requirement to include youth and young adults, which is outlined in our Conference Policies and Procedures as well as the Book of Discipline. Pastors are encouraged to lift up names for consideration, particularly youth and young adults and send them to the district office. Those interested in being equalization members should contact their pastor or district office.
Submission of Resolutions for consideration at Annual ConferenceResolutions are generally submitted by annual conference agencies, committees, task forces, or ad hoc groups. It is possible, however, for a resolution to be submitted by any member of the annual conference (lay or clergy) or by any local church. All resolutions are to be submitted to Annual Conference Secretary John Blackadar at secretary@neumc.org no later than April 1, 2021. Submit materials using Microsoft Word. It is also helpful to use the Calibri 11 font. If you need assistance feel free to reach out to Rev. Blackadar.
All the AC 2021 information can be found at www.neumc.org/acsessions |
Music Notes Hello Main Street music lovers! Believe it or not, it's time to start working on our Palm Sunday cantata. Just like our Christmas cantata, this year, our Palm Sunday cantata will be virtual. Everyone is invited to participate! You can choose to do just one song or several, or you can volunteer to record a reading. If you are curious about how our virtual choir works, check out the tutorial posted to our choir YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmvttIxg3CA&t=1s
If you are interested in participating in some way, please email me at emilyradams10@me.com
We would love to have your join us! |
Spirituality Group: Building Relationships - Encouraging Spirits
Nonny has created a group that meets every Thursday morning from 9-10 am (over Zoom) that provides mutual support and encouragement to participants. This group provides a sense of belonging where each is heard and accepted as they are. It is a chance for people to address their spiritual health in a safe space.
For three years, Nonny has hosted this group encouraging healthy minds, bodies and spirits as a collaborative effort between MSUMC and Emmaus Institute and now Nonny need assistance by attending or hosting.
The original idea from the group came from the Cafe' Agape' ministry which made a space for all people, and now it includes anyone who is seeking a space for spiritual growth and support as well. This ministry has continued throughout the pandemic and continues to help reach people that we don't know, provides a focus on what they need and the wellbeing of the total human being.
For more information, contact Nonny or click on the link provided for the Emmaus Institute.
Nonny nonnycom@yahoo.com
Emmaus Institute http://www.emmausinstituteinc.org/index.php/spirituality |

| Easter Flowers The Worship Committee will be offering the opportunity to purchase lilies and tulips for Easter.
White lilies come in a 7" pot with dark purple foil and are $14.00. Tulips come in a 7" pot with dark purple foil and are $14.00 (the florist delivers a variety of colors, however we are unable to specify the colors). Plants can be picked up on April 5th-8th from 9am-1pm in the church lobby.
If you would like to place an order please contact Terri Kenny at terrikenny@comcast.net or (603) 891-2526.
Please include In Memory/In Honor/In Celebration of information for the Easter bulletin. Mail payment to: Main Street UMC P.O. Box 1517 Nashua, NH 03061
Be sure to include "Easter Flowers" in the memo line.
The deadline to order is March 26th. |

| Who's Ready for an Easter House Hunt?!?!
This fun event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 3rd from 1:00-2:00 pm. There are several ways to participate: - You can sign up to be a house that MSUMC family can drive by and wave. You are welcome to decorate your house or yard, sit outside or wave from a window. Such a festive way to stay connected!
- You can participate by driving by the houses that have agreed to join in the hunt. Spread some joy and peace, and you can even decorate your car. Such a happy way to spend a little time on a Saturday!
If you are interested in being a house on the route or would like more information about the Easter House Hunt, please contact Natasha Drew at 882-3361 or office@mainstreet-umc.org The map will be shared with church participants only. |
March Missions Updates for All Food Bank Pickup help: Sometimes we need a person and vehicle to meet at the NH Food Bank in Manchester to help transport food back to the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Please reply to this email and let me know if you want to be on the "alert" list for picking up food. Your cell phone number would be helpful. The Food Bank pickups are all done out of doors now. We load our own vehicles, so some lifting is required, but someone will unload at the Soup Kitchen, and we can stay masked, distanced, and out of doors! When things are somewhat more back to normal, the Soup Kitchen truck picks up everything for us, but they are still providing lots of extra food and produce distributions around Nashua and have not been doing Food Bank runs except for the special USDA boxes that come each week. Most of the foods that we get are produce or meat, and they are a big help to the Food Pantry at the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Third Sunday Nashua Soup Kitchen March 21st: To gradually move back to our Third Sunday Food Pantry at the Soup Kitchen, we will be sorting donated food, restocking shelves, and creating boxes and bags for distribution from 2 to 4 on March 21. This month, we will not be seeing folks from the community, but as more of us are vaccinated and we learn the system, we should be able to go back to our Third Sunday if the need is there. We will be masked, have our temperatures checked, and try to distance ourselves and work in different parts of the soup kitchen. Family groups can work together if you wish. Please email Phyllis Appler, pappler@earthlink.net ,if you are able to help on March 21st.
SAVE THE DATE: March 30th Food Bank Opportunity - The NH Food Bank will bring a truckload of fresh food to distribute to families and individuals of Southern NH. Use the following link for more information: Food_Bank_Flyer.pdf . At the church! Are you aware that you can actually go into the church Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm? You can ring a doorbell or, perhaps better, call the church office at 603-882-3361. Someone will let you into the lobby. Sign in, check your temperature, answer a few questions, have your mask in place, and then, you can do these Mission related things: - Drop off Soup in the big Soup bin just inside the lobby door. Soup that does not have to be mixed with water is preferred, but any soup is welcome. Let's fill that bin for Lent!
- Pick up UMCOR Hygiene Kit instructions or drop off your completed kit. There's a box for that!
- Walk on in to the Church office, meet Natasha Drew, our new administrative assistant, and give her your Heifer choices (and check) for those folks you want to remember or honor at Easter on our currently evolving Easter Tree of Life. If you choose to donate directly to Heifer online, when the gift is acknowledged by Heifer, please forward the acknowledgement to pappler@earthlink.net and to the church office. We will fill that tree one way or another! The Heifer form is included below.
- Phyllis Appler, Missions Chair

Here are some options for our Easter Tree of Life, an alternative way to honor or remember a special person in the life of your family. Any gift that you choose will help to make another family more independent, and a young animal will be passed on to a new family so that your gift will keep on giving! Fill out the form below and mail it with your check to the church office at PO Box 1517 Nashua, NH 03061. Please complete by Palm Sunday, March 28, in order to be included in the Easter Sunday bulletin. You can also donate directly to Heifer at https://www.heifer.org/gift-catalog/index.html If you do that, please email your receipt to the church office office@mainstreet-umc.org and let us know who you are honoring! Or just call the church office so that the right animals make it onto the tree and onto the list. As your emails and phone calls and checks come in, we will put your animal or water pump or tree or seeds on the Easter Tree of Life. There has been some talk of videotaping as each new addition is made! Be sure to involve your kids in this project. This link takes you to many wooly and wonderful Heifer downloadable activities! https://www.heifer.org/what-you-can-do/get-involved/schools/home-school-activities/elementary-resources.html Honeybees $30 Flock of chicks $20 Water pump $150 Flock of ducks $20 Flock of geese $20 Pig $120 Share of a pig $10 Trees $60 Share of trees $10 Seeds Any amount Heifer $500 Share of a heifer $50 Sheep $120 Share of a sheep $10 Goat $120 Share of a goat $10 Donkey $120 Share of a donkey $10 Llama $150 Share of a llama $20 Fish Fingerlings $300 Share of Fingerlings $30 Water Buffalo $250 Share of a water buffalo $25 Trio of rabbits $60 Share of a rabbit trio $10 ***************************************************************************** Animal or plant chosen___________________________ Amount_________________ From _________________________________________________ In memory of _________________________________________________ In honor of _________________________________________________ In celebration of _________________________________________________
Let's learn from Latinx, African, Brazilian, African American, and/or other community members. Join us on Zoom to hear insider information from client and cultural perspectives. Live panelists will discuss beliefs and myths about COVID and its vaccines that are circulating in their communities. Their presentations are geared to help providers understand what types of education a) are needed, b) can build trust, and c) will help community members take advantage of vaccination.
Virtual Presenters: 3 or 4 Community Speakers per session, from diverse backgrounds, such as Latinx, African, African American, Brazilian, Muslim, and more. Moderated by Lynn Clowes, Cultural Effectiveness Trainer for Ascentria Care Alliance. Target Audience: Everyone Welcome! Registration: Email Lynn Clowes (clowes@ascentria.org) for the Zoom Link.
Click this link for more information
Funded by the Greater Nashua Integrated Delivery Network (IDN), part of NH's Medicaid Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP), funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) through the NH DHHS. This training is part of the IDN 3 Workforce Capacity Building Project. |
| Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday
Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday |
| |
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