| A Message from Pastor Kelly
Thank you to those worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. It's been a great time to connect -- to breathe together, to hear scripture and the word preached, to sing, and pray and share our experiences of faith together. I encourage you to engage the community through our weekly rituals with sea glass (we still have pieces in the office if you need one), children's time (grab a blanket and feel hugged by your church family), share your prayers online in the chat on Sundays or join us online in fellowship time! During the week, we invite you to share your soup, your table graces, or participate in our ministries like the Soup Drive and Heifer animals.
If you need an in-person experience, join us on the first Sundays at 8:30 in the garden for Holy Communion. With masks, social distancing, and individually-wrapped Communion elements, it's a safe way to be together.
But most importantly, whether online or in-person, we are the body of Christ for the world. Even in, especially in challenging times, the people of faith rise to the occasion to offer hope and healing to a world in need. Please join us in that holy work. We are God's holy vessels. --Pastor Kelly
Soup for the Soul Swiss Chard and Lentil Soup
Ingredients - 4 Tbsp. olive oil
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
- 1 large carrot, cubed
- 1/2 cup lentils
- 6 cups water
- 1 small bunch Swiss chard leaves, finely chopped (8 leaves)
- 2 chicken bouillon cubes (or vegetable)
- 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
- salt and pepper to taste
Instructions- Pour the oil into a soup pot and lightly saute the garlic, onion, and carrot until they become golden.
- Add the water, chard and bouillon cubes. Cover the pot and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Add lentils and cook for an additional 20 minutes.
- Add the vinegar, salt, and pepper. Stir well and simmer the soup for about 10 minutes. Serve hot.

In a world where so many are hungry, May we eat this food with humble hearts; In a world where so many are lonely, May we share this friendship with joyful hearts. Amen. |

| UMCOR Sunday is March 14, 2021. Your sustaining gifts on UMCOR Sunday lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God's love with communities everywhere. For more than 80 years, United Methodists have faithfully given to UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing).
UMCOR would be unable to do this work without your support. Absolutely 100 percent of your gifts to UMCOR projects support mission and ministry.
Write your check to your local church with "UMCOR" on the memo line and place it in the offering. To give online or set up monthly giving, go to UMC.org/SSGive |
Special Charge Conference Announcement
Special Charge Conference according to ¶246 of The Book of Discipline (2016) to be held on Monday, March 22 at 7 pm. To approve the acceptance/receipt of the CARES Act (Paycheck Protection Program, PPP, Round 2) loan.
The Charge Conference will take place via Google Meets and will precede the Church Council Meeting. Please contact the Main Office for Google Meets information at 882-3361 or office@mainstreet-umc.org

| Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson Bishop Devadhar's Recommended Book Discussion:
Tuesday, March 23 from 7:00 - 8:30 on Google Meet
Join Pastor Kristy in discussing this important and hopeful book, as author Isabel Wilkerson examines American race relations from a new perspective. Dispensing with the charged word "racism," Ms. Wilkerson skillfully describes the history and context of an American caste system that has kept Black people and others from advancing as easily as their White counterparts in American society. The book is a page-turner and powerful in its assessment. Participants will be expected to have read or listened to the entire book before March 23, as discussion will be around the ideas in the book and not a general discussion of race in America.
Notes: This book is clearly written but will take you some time to read. If participants would like more time for discussion, extra sessions may be added to accommodate particular topics.
Join by phone: 402-751-0306 PIN: 815 888 041# |

| Recorded prayer services inspired by Taizé You are invited into a simple, meditative prayer service with Taizé chants as part of your Lenten journey. The pre-recorded services will be available each Wednesday from Feb. 24 to March 31, 2021. The services will be 30-35 minutes. Author, educator and spiritual director Kate Young Wilder will be our host. The services will be posted on the website at https://www.neumc.org/Taizé_Lent |
Music Notes Hello Main Street music lovers! Believe it or not, it's time to start working on our Palm Sunday cantata. Just like our Christmas cantata, this year, our Palm Sunday cantata will be virtual. Everyone is invited to participate! You can choose to do just one song or several, or you can volunteer to record a reading. If you are curious about how our virtual choir works, check out the tutorial posted to our choir YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmvttIxg3CA&t=1s
If you are interested in participating in some way, please email me at emilyradams10@me.com
We would love to have your join us! |
Spirituality Group: Building Relationships - Encouraging Spirits
Nonny has created a group that meets every Thursday morning from 9-10 am (over Zoom) that provides mutual support and encouragement to participants. This group provides a sense of belonging where each is heard and accepted as they are. It is a chance for people to address their spiritual health in a safe space.
For three years, Nonny has hosted this group encouraging healthy minds, bodies and spirits as a collaborative effort between MSUMC and Emmaus Institute and now Nonny need assistance by attending or hosting.
The original idea from the group came from the Cafe' Agape' ministry which made a space for all people, and now it includes anyone who is seeking a space for spiritual growth and support as well. This ministry has continued throughout the pandemic and continues to help reach people that we don't know, provides a focus on what they need and the wellbeing of the total human being.
For more information, contact Nonny or click on the link provided for the Emmaus Institute.
Nonny nonnycom@yahoo.com
Emmaus Institute http://www.emmausinstituteinc.org/index.php/spirituality |
| COVID Vaccination Information: - To register for an appointment for a vaccine in Nashua for Swahili, Kinyarwanda, French, Lingala speakers Call Abimana 603-682-5032
- To register for an appointment for a vaccine in Greater Nashua for members of Nashua's Black and African American community (Swahili) Call Nellie 603-430-0328
- To register for an appointment for a vaccine in Nashua for Spanish and Portuguese speakers call Silvia (603)682-2272
Information provided by the Nashua Intercultural Council

| Help Needed We need assistance with our Food Distributions on Thursdays at the Centro Latino. We are looking for assistance at different times which are listed below: First time slot is from 10:30am-11:30am: this is to unload boxes from the truck, heavy lifting required. Second time slot is from 12:30pm-1:30pm: this is to unload and sort out food in individual boxes. Third time slot is from 2pm-3:45pm: this is to help Iliana with serving the boxes, some heavy lifting required. Everyone will be wearing masks and gloves. A COVID-19 screen questionnaire and temperature are taken upon arrival. Can you help? Please call or text Iliana Barreto at 603-858-7452 right away if you can help! Centro Latino Location: 189 Spruce Street Manchester 30103 (the back door of St. Anne-St. Augustin) Thank you! Sarah Jane Knoy, Executive Director |

Here are some options for our Easter Tree of Life, an alternative way to honor or remember a special person in the life of your family. Any gift that you choose will help to make another family more independent, and a young animal will be passed on to a new family so that your gift will keep on giving! Fill out the form below and mail it with your check to the church office at PO Box 1517 Nashua, NH 03061. Please complete by Palm Sunday, March 28, in order to be included in the Easter Sunday bulletin. You can also donate directly to Heifer at https://www.heifer.org/gift-catalog/index.html If you do that, please email your receipt to the church office office@mainstreet-umc.org and let us know who you are honoring! Or just call the church office so that the right animals make it onto the tree and onto the list. As your emails and phone calls and checks come in, we will put your animal or water pump or tree or seeds on the Easter Tree of Life. There has been some talk of videotaping as each new addition is made! Be sure to involve your kids in this project. This link takes you to many wooly and wonderful Heifer downloadable activities! https://www.heifer.org/what-you-can-do/get-involved/schools/home-school-activities/elementary-resources.html Honeybees $30 Flock of chicks $20 Water pump $150 Flock of ducks $20 Flock of geese $20 Pig $120 Share of a pig $10 Trees $60 Share of trees $10 Seeds Any amount Heifer $500 Share of a heifer $50 Sheep $120 Share of a sheep $10 Goat $120 Share of a goat $10 Donkey $120 Share of a donkey $10 Llama $150 Share of a llama $20 Fish Fingerlings $300 Share of Fingerlings $30 Water Buffalo $250 Share of a water buffalo $25 Trio of rabbits $60 Share of a rabbit trio $10 ***************************************************************************** Animal or plant chosen___________________________ Amount_________________ From _________________________________________________ In memory of _________________________________________________ In honor of _________________________________________________ In celebration of _________________________________________________
| Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday
Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday |
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