| A Message From Pastor Kelly I've been meeting with a lot of people, in-person, on the phone, visiting homes. And I'm hearing a common refrain– people are anxious, stressed, stretched. We can all name some of those stressors, a rise in COVID infections even as the travel and schools open up. Conflict, disasters (as Nonny puts it: "natural & man-made") and human suffering in Haiti, Afghanistan, Cuba. We have church members who continue to recover from COVID and who are grieving family and friends who have died in the pandemic. Andrea Weir has lead our youngest disciples in Compassion Camp last week. Because of copyright issues, we're unable to post things generally to our website or Facebook page but they're out there on the Compassion Camp group (members can request access). Last Sunday in worship, she taught us the Compassion Camp prayer. I SEE YOUR HURT. I FEEL YOUR HURT. I HELP EASE YOUR HURT. I wonder how much hurt we see in others; what hurt we allow others to see in ourselves. Can we see the hurt of those who are completely overworked because of the backlog created by the shutdown? Those whose relationships, families, and mental health are stretched because they're working so many hours? Can we see the weight on those caring for the mental and physical health of others in these trying times? Can we see those struggling to work from home with little ones underfoot? Can we see those who are sandwiched caring for both older and younger generations simultaneously? Can we see those struggling to make hard decisions to keep their families safe from infection? Can we see those who lost their jobs to the pandemic environment and remain unemployed or underemployed or just unable to do the job they love and trained for? Can we see those more isolated than ever–those without cars or the ability to log on to worship, those in assisted living facilities with restricted visitor policies? Can we see those who struggle without their regular interactions with groups like AA, choir, prodigals? Can we see the concern of those on the School Board and Public Health departments struggling to make the right decisions to care for our community who are so attacked by those who disagree and by white nationalists who have shown up at their meetings shouting their racist rhetoric or unveiled racist flags at city hall? What hurt do you see? What hurt can you feel? What can you do to ease the hurt? The Lay leadership/nominations team has been doing good work to discern leaders for the church, to fill the openings in ministry settings, but with all the calls they've been making this summer, they've encountered a lot of hurt, anxiety, stress. And while there are lots of folks who are excited about belonging to Main Street UMC and our mission, they don't feel able to lead in this moment of uncertainty and anxiety in their lives. Let's offer grace and encouragement to everyone. Those who can't serve now but will at some future time. Those who are serving now who may feel guilty they didn't do more this last year. Grace abounds. Sunday school is a good example. We want it, our kids want it, but the Education Team has determined it's just not possible right now in the ways it's been done before. Parents aren't comfortable bringing their kids, there's not enough willing teachers and trustees don't have ways to keep indoor spaces as safe as they'd like. It's a national issues. So there's a group trying to think creatively about to offer monthly outdoor faith formation experiences. Please talk with Mavis if you can help coordinate such activities. Cards and letters or calls to random members. I just met with a member who hasn't been in the building since 2014 but was appreciative of the random call she got from Pam Breniser last year to check in on her during the pandemic. I'll end with this tweet from Bishop Karen Oliveto who serves the Western part of our country suffering greatly from climate change: "I can't put out wildfires, stop the massive suffering around the world, heal political divisions or stop the hate and violence. But I can love—fully, deeply—each person who crosses my path today. I can touch this earth as gently as I can. I can speak with tenderness, even when calling out wrongs." We see your hurt. We feel your hurt. We will do what we can to ease your hurt. Peace, Pastor Kelly | | Join us for Sunday Worship!!! We welcome you to worship with us in the sanctuary whenever you feel comfortable. We continue to wear masks, physical distance and filter the air to mitigate the risk of indoor gatherings. You can just show up on Sunday morning if you like (or register in advance if you prefer). Services are still live-streamed at 9:35 am. We ask that all in-person attendees arrive no later than 9:15 am so that they can be seated by 9:30 am. If you have any questions or need assistance in registering, please contact the main office at (603) 882-3361 or office@mainstreet-umc.org Sunday August 29th Worship Link | | Faith after Doubt, Book Discussions with Brian McLaren At the 2021 New England Annual Conference, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar recommended that we read Brian McLaren's latest book, Faith after Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What To Do About It. There will be 4 live book discussions with McLaren this fall on Mondays Sept. 13, 20, 27, and Oct 4. Each session is from 8-9 p.m. Reserve those dates, read the book, and register by Thursday, Sept 9th! This series is for everyone - clergy and laity. Pastors and church members are encouraged to participate together | | Saturday, August 28, 2021 Summertime Conversation & Connection with Bishop Devadhar 2-4 pm - Wanakee - 75 Upper New Hampton Rd., Meredith, NH This in-person gathering will be an informal time for all in the Granite District to gather with the Bishop. We will be joined by Commonwealth West District Superintendent, Rev. Megan Stowe. Please bring a lawn chair as we hope to gather outside. Light refreshments will be served. | | Joys and Sorrows Congratulations to the Swanson Family!! Left to Right.-Angela Landry, Cortney Bean, Meagan Swanson Clements, Jennifer Domico and Kennedy Swanson-Clements married 14 August 2021 LaBelle Winery, Amherst, NH  Happy Anniversary to David and Phyllis Appler, celebrating 52 years of marriage on August 23rd!!  William Gordon Machell, a nuclear physicist, Mensa member and longtime resident of Nashua, NH passed away peacefully on August 20, 2021, at the age of 93. He was born in Lunenburg, Essex, VT on September 26, 1927. He was the son of Arthur Raymond Machell and Lillian May McIntyre. William was a supportive husband, brother, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He was married on April 13, 1949 to Lura Mae Bixby (deceased). He was proud of his two brothers, Arthur Raymond Machell, Jr. and David Norman Machell, both deceased. He is survived by his three children: Linda Stockdale and her husband Alan of Providence, RI, Sandra Walsh of Sarasota, FL, and Dr. John Machell and his wife Sandy of Hollis, NH. He is also survived by his grandchildren: Evan Sicuranza and his wife Katy Westport, Jenna Sicuranza, Shan Patterson, Colin Walsh and his wife Sarah Walsh, Cameron Machell and Colton Machell. He had four great grandchildren: Chandler Patterson, Reese Patterson, Michele Perkins, and Finley Walsh. William was known by my many names, Mike, Bill, Gordon, Uncle Gordie, and Grandpa. After serving in the US Army, he graduated from UNH with a degree in Physics. He then served in the US Airforce at the Wright Air Development Center in Ohio, as a Weapons System Engineer and 1st Lieutenant. William continued his education in Physics at Ohio State. He began his career with GE in Schenectady, NY in 1953. His GE career took him to many places including Argentina, Vermont and Philadelphia and introduced him to a variety of engineering assignments including the GE Atomic Power Equipment Department, the GE International Co., the GE Rocket Engine Section, the GE Missile and Space Department and the GE Missile and Armament Department. He obtained his Masters in Physics from Union College. In 1968 he moved to Nashua NH where he continued his engineering career at GE then Raytheon and the Federal Government. Dad was an avid skier and raced into his 80's and finished third in the Park City Senior Olympics. He loved hunting and fishing. He was a lifelong learner and studied Russian, Spanish, Opera, and any type of Science and Math. He had a great sense of humor and was always grateful for his life. If something was broken, he fixed it. He enjoyed working on his Model A Ford, building his own telescope, spending family time camping and hiking with his brother Dave, and traveling with Mom. It was important for Dad to record the events of our family life. He was a master photographer and videographer and boasted one day of shooting enough film to stretch across the state of New Hampshire. He will be remembered fondly and missed immensely. He now rests in peace. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August 28 at 10am at Woodlawn Cemetery, 101 Kinsley Street, Nashua, NH 03060. Donations in his name may be made to a charity of your choice.  | | Kids Corner Our final consider the birds week is about the raven. Here is coloring page link for you to decorate and display: Be sure to share photos with the office office@mainstreet-umc.org | | Tasteful Treats (Youth Group) | | Thank You Project Water Walk | | CROP HUNGER WALK RETURNS LIVE IN 2021 This year's Greater Nashua Crop Hunger Walk will return on Sunday October 24, rain or shine. The walk begins at 1:30 pm with registration and kick-off preceding at 12:30-1:30 pm. We will be outside for walk and celebration. If it rains, we'll find a safe option for the celebration. To register as a walker and/or raise money go to: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2021/event/nashuanh We're keeping a close eye on the Delta-variant COVID situation locally and will adjust and advise accordingly. Masks are always a good idea and will certainly be required for the registration and kick off programs if they are indoors. For those at high risk or uncomfortable with the group walk, we invite you to walk with a small group of family or friends throughout the month of October and raise your monies in that way. | | July 2021 Finance Snapshot: General Fund (GF) Total GF Income Received as of 7/31/2021: $246,321.81* Total GF Income Budgeted through 7/31/2021: $255,433.00 Total GF Expenses Paid through 7/31/2021: $223,011.84 Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 7/31/2021: $258,326.15 * Includes $11,479 designated for Heart of Nashua Continued and CARES Act PPP Draw 2 Funds of $41,352.00 received and used for GF expenses. Notes on General Fund - We did not pay World and New England Mission Shares in July except for using a donation given for it. This leaves us almost four months behind on each ($7605.04 on both). - Current on other expenses as of 7/31/2021. (In the summer we are not billed for property insurance but must make a large payment at a new rate in September to make up for the period.) - July income was considerably less than July 2020. Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) & HON Cont. (Capital Campaign/Elevator, Connector, Renovations) - Balance Due on HON Loan as of 7/31/2021: $139,352.23 (Loan was $358,343.45) - In July the $1,769.53 monthly payment was paid. HON Cont. funds on hand 7/31/2021 ($6376.86) will cover payments for about months. - Total Paid (including interest) Using HON 1, 2 & Continued as of 7/31/2021: $1,896,966.51 Funding for the Future, 100 for $150 (Endowment) – Received this year as of 7/31/2021: $1935 Anyone can be one of 100 people or families giving $150 each year (or donate any amount) to grow our endowment for our future. Parsonage Mortgage – As of 6/30/2021 we owed $66,194.44 on the parsonage. We are paying $896.22 per month. At the present rate, the parsonage will be paid off on 1/23/29. Extra Mile Giving Opportunities - You'll see river rock has replaced the bark mulch in the church garden borders. To date, we have received $1000 to help pay this $2750 expense. Donations toward this $2750 expense are welcome. - We received $882 in August from a matching grant from the New England Conference Together for Tomorrow program to help pay for A/V upgrades and equipment for church services. Many churches applied for the grant and we are grateful to receive this amount to help with the upgrades. Jerry, thanks for preparing the application and coordinating the A/V services. - The flooring in Kristy's office has been replaced at a cost of about $275. Thanks to the trustees for installing the floor themselves. Donations can be marked flooring. Thank you to all who support this congregation. Your financial gifts, service and prayers are appreciated and needed. In September, property insurance payments will resume with a double payment due. We need to make up World and New England Missions as well and continue to pay routine church expenses, such as utilities, supplies and payroll. | | Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | | | | | |
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