| A Message From Pastor Kelly Blessed are the curious, for their curiosity honors reality. Blessed are the uncertain and those with second thoughts, for their minds are still open. Blessed are the wonderers, for they shall find what is wonderful. Blessed are those who question their answers, for their horizon will expand forever. Blessed are those who often feel foolish, for they are wiser than those who always think themselves wise. Blessed are those who are solded, suspected, and labeled as heretics by the gatekeepers, for the prophets and mystics were treated in the same way by the gatekeepers of their day. Blessed are those who know their unknowing, for they shall have the last laugh. Blessed are the perplexed, for they have reached the frontiers of contemplation. Blessed are they who become cynical about their cynicism and suspicious of their suspicion, for they will enter the second innocence. Blessed are the doubters, for they shall see through false gods. Blessed are the lovers, for they shall see God everywhere. In Brian McClaren's new book Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It, Brian champions doubt as a necessary agent of change and growth. He, like many other authors we've been using in our reflections for these trying times, sees this moment as a turning point where the church might experience the kind of urgency needed to motivate deeper reflection on our spirituality and institutions. He, and many others, have studied how the church, in general, is declining and wrinkling and the kind of opportunity this awareness offers us for becoming the transformative community Christ beckons us to. I invite you to join the author (and our Bishop) in the study of this book. --Pastor Kelly | | Tonight's fellowship gathering is still on but be aware that the chances of rain are increasing meaning we MIGHT have to move indoors. This is a warehouse facility with oversize garage doors that they tend to leave open in light rain. There are photos of the location on their website and facebook page so you can decide whether you feel comfortable moving indoors. If not, we'll see you Sunday at Greeley Park at 10:30. | | Faith after Doubt, Book Discussions with Brian McLaren At the 2021 New England Annual Conference, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar recommended that we read Brian McLaren's latest book, Faith after Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What To Do About It. There will be 4 live book discussions with McLaren this fall on Mondays Sept. 13, 20, 27, and Oct 4. Each session is from 8-9 p.m. Reserve those dates, read the book, and register by Thursday, Sept 9th! This series is for everyone - clergy and laity. Pastors and church members are encouraged to participate together. DON"T MISS OUT - space is limited. | | This Sunday, September 12th, we will worship at Greeley Park Gazebo, Nashua NH at 10:30 am (please note the time change). We look forward to being together, outdoors, celebrating the start of a new church year together! Masks are optional, social distancing is recommended. Be sure to bring a chair/blanket, backpack for blessing, and a bag lunch to enjoy following the service. If you have mobility concerns, you may be dropped off at the gazebo, all cars must park on Concord St. | | Volunteer Needed We need a volunteer to go pick up 4 boxes of masks at Law Warehouses, 59 Daniel Webster highway in Merrimack on Wednesday, Sep. 15th between 9-5 from The United Way. If you are available and willing, please contact the Main Office at office@mainstreet-umc.org or call (603) 882-3361. Thank you! | | Looking for Liturgists We need liturgists for the following Sundays: - Sept. 26th
- Oct. 3rd (World Communion Sunday)
- Oct. 10th (Columbus Day weekend)
You may read in person, in the sanctuary, arriving at 10 am on Sunday. If you prefer to worship online, you may film your scripture reading from where you are. For more information, please contact the Main Office at: (603) 882-3361 or office@mainstreet-umc.org  | | Prayer Beyond Borders Prayer is universal; it knows no boundaries. Prayer melds people, places, and projects; it unifies across time, space, and cultures. Since United Methodist Women is a global outreach ministry putting faith into loving action, one of the ways UMW at MSUMC supports global ministries is in prayer. And we invite you to join us in prayer in vibrant support of our missionaries. Birthday Prayer Party! How will this work? Each month we will hold in prayer all the missionaries whose birthdays occur during that month. Why are their names not listed? In case the listing is not up-to-date, we choose to focus on birthdays in each month of all who are in mission, knowing that Spirit fulfills our intention perfectly to encourage each one for the gift that person is. Since parties are held in a location, the place, or mission field, where a missionary serves is also included in prayer. Place is significant for it shapes the people who live there, how they live their daily lives, and the development of their culture. Why are the locations unnamed? Areas and territories can change depending on local circumstances and conditions while the mission itself remains intact. By including person(s) and place(s), all aspects of creation—human, creature, geographic locale and its natural environment—are honored as equal participants with the Universal Christ. What is meant by the phrase "Universal Christ"? As Richard Rohr writes "Christ is everywhere. In Christ every kind of life has a meaning and a solid connection." (from The Universal Christ introduction) Use the prayer form or expression that is most meaningful to you; whether that is verbal, thought, visualization, meditation, contemplation, swimming, walking, running, hiking, dancing, singing or expressive arts. The point is to focus your intention, attention and energy on celebrating the birth of people into Creation and the places in Creation where they shine—"You are the light of the world", MT 5:14. | |  The Nashua Public Library is sponsoring the following online event: Ask a Muslim Anything Description: This year we observe the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, an event that fomented animosity toward Islam in the U.S. These attitudes inspired Arab American Robert Azzi to travel throughout New England, meeting with the community and facilitating dialog about his adopted faith. Bring your questions: No topic is off the table. Time: Sep 11, 2021 03:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Please click here to register and for more information. | | "Shards of Truth" Film Series Church of the Good Shepherd has invited us to participate in their upcoming Race in America online film series. Their Racial Reconciliation Taskforce is sponsoring a series of documentaries this fall that look at different pieces of race in America, from a truth and reconciliation commission examining the impact of Maine's child welfare system on Native American children, to the development of today's prison system, to a look at the Harlem Cultural Festival. Streaming via Zoom with conversation to follow. -
Link to register: Shards of Truth -
Tuesday, Sept 14th at 6pm: Dawnland -
Tuesday, Oct 12th at 6pm: 13th -
Tuesday, Nov 9th at 6pm: Summer of Soul  | | Thank You Project Water Walk | | CROP HUNGER WALK RETURNS LIVE IN 2021 This year's Greater Nashua Crop Hunger Walk will return on Sunday October 24, rain or shine. The walk begins at 1:30 pm with registration and kick-off preceding at 12:30-1:30 pm. We will be outside for walk and celebration. If it rains, we'll find a safe option for the celebration. To register as a walker and/or raise money go to: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2021/event/nashuanh We're keeping a close eye on the Delta-variant COVID situation locally and will adjust and advise accordingly. Masks are always a good idea and will certainly be required for the registration and kick off programs if they are indoors. For those at high risk or uncomfortable with the group walk, we invite you to walk with a small group of family or friends throughout the month of October and raise your monies in that way. | | Streams of Creativity Two new and exciting opportunities for small groups and individuals- Any adult is inclusively welcome to participate. Contact the church office at office@mainstreet-umc.org or 603-882-3361 for more information or to sign up. Covenants regarding confidentiality and methods of communicating and meeting will be set by the groups. Church COVID safety procedures will be followed for any in-person activities. Reading Program   You may participate as an individual or if several read the same book you may choose to have a discussion. Books can be borrowed from local libraries, read online when available, or purchased at book stores. Theme categories are: Education for Mission, Leadership & Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. There are fiction and nonfiction, youth books, children's books, Response Magazine, podcasts and movies: a lot to choose from and great topics. Please contact the office for a reading program catalog: office@mainstreet-umc.org Writers' Circle  This will be a casual group of folks interested in writing. Whether you very seldom write or have found your niche, come join us in trying something new: from poetry, to journaling as a spiritual discipline, writing devotionals or recording stories about your childhood memories. The intent is to offer support and encouragement, maybe share an inspirational photo, scripture or writing prompt. No experience required! Groups are sponsored by United Methodist Women (UMW) | | DO YOU SHOP ON AMAZON.com? How about taking advantage of Amazon's great deals AND support the church at the SAME TIME. MSUMC is a verified charity on AmazonSmile and invites supporters to order through smile.amazon.com. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the church. On your first visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com, you need to select MSUMC from the list of charitable organizations. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation. You can still log in as usual, pay as usual, but you are now supporting the church.  | | Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | | | | | |
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