Thursday, June 16, 2022

Mainstreeter Blast June 16, 2022

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 1:33 PM Office <> wrote:
Get your Flat Wesley right here!!

https://mcusercontent.comflat wesley.jpg

Click here for the June 19th  2022  Bulletin 

A Message from Pastor Kelly
One of the joys to belonging to a church long term is you get to share in each other's major life events – like Confirmation, graduation (both of high school and graduate degrees), births (we anointed baby Micah Weir on Sunday), anniversaries, and deaths. In the span of 10 days, we did it all.

On Tuesday, we buried Bill & Ella Gosselin at Woodlawn on what would have been the 54 wedding anniversary – a photo of their wedding in our sanctuary sat beside the urn where their ashes were mingled. Church was important to the Gosselins and they passed their love of faith down to their children and grandchildren.

We celebrate and remember all those who are part of the great cloud of witnesses and are grateful for the ways we get to be a part of their journeys throughout life.

- Pastor Kelly

 Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship

Be sure to join us for our Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship Time following the 9:30 am service. 
We look forward to seeing you there!


I ran into Pastor Rich Cullen at Annual Conference last week and he asked that I send you greeting!!
He's doing well in Maine and is happy to report that Irene and Jay recently landed in his area and church -- so they're doing well also!
--Rev Kelly

We send our condolences to Al James on the death of his mother Geraldine. Stop by the office to read up on the remarkable life of this woman who worked so hard for voter rights, who marked the history of her church, whose dedicated efforts  fought against discrimination and made the Air Force a better place for women. It is a beautiful tribute to her spiritual legacy and life.

Juneteenth Information
As we enter into Juneteenth and a time of reflection and celebration, it is important to have accurate information from which we can learn and grow.  Thank you to Al James for providing this resource to us.


Janice Holland, sister of Ginny Lamb and brother-in-law Roy Lamb, passed away on Memorial Day after a fall and battle with COVID.

Janice's sister,  Virginia Lamb  passed away in April of 2021. The two sisters attended church regularly until Ginny became ill and then Janice attended church and sat with friends like Sally Curtis. Roy Lamb, her brother-in-law and husband of Ginny, saw to it that Janice got very good care. 

She loved getting visits from the church Nurture team and loved telling stories.  Nurture was happy when Janice came to Nashua Crossings where we could visit her. She loved visitors and Roy visited her there most every day. Janice was happy to have other Mainstreeters there like Raejean Lester and the Thompsons. 

She was active on funeral luncheons with Carol Riley and also was a pie cutter, also with Carol for the ham and bean suppers. I especially remember her enormous pasta salad with pepperoni, cheeses, olives and other goodies. We so appreciated her Nurture activities as she had such a great attitude. 

There will not be any services per Janice's wishes. Janice will be missed by our church. 

Submitted by Nancy Long
Let's kickoff the summer in a MSUMC way!!!  Contact the Main Office to sign up or for questions:

VBS 2022 Food Truck Party!!!

Get ready for some Food Truck Party fun, August 8th-12th!!

Register here:

Save the Date
 August 15th-17th when Main Streeters who are interested in shaping our worship series for the next year will come together online with those at Church of the Resurrection to prayerfully discern our series for the coming year. Come as you can and get inspired for worship. This year's retreat also features information for those interested in learning how to take our online presence to the next level!!

Watch the video link for more information:

Pastor's Sabbath Days:
Pastor Kelly: Tuesday
Pastor Kristy: Friday

Days to Reach Pastors
Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Mainstreet United Methodist Church · PO Box 1517 · Nashua, NH 03061-1517 · USA

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