Thursday, August 3, 2023

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast August 3, 2023

New in this Issue:

  • August 6th Book Study

  • Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter News

  • Green Church Initiative: August Beach Days & Water Thoughts

  • Sign-up for August 5th Ham & Bean Informational Potluck (it's this weekend!)

  • Sneak Peak at VBC (Vacation Bible Camp) Photos - more on Facebook!!

  • Next Writer's Group Meeting

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Mainstreeter Online Weekly Blast

This Sunday we're celebrating our Vacation Bible Camp experience. So many adults, teenagers and kids are together this week exploring Bible stories, science, recreation, and snacks around our theme of "To Mars and Beyond." We've been working on gathering faith, boldness, kindness, thankfulness, and hope. We have space journals that allow us to reflect on the stories we've learned and their implications for our living.

For example, in reflecting on the boldness of Queen Esther's actions, we considered the obstacles we face everyday. What are those things that make it harder for us to be bold in our faith? What are the practices we're engaged in, like prayer or Bible study, that encourage us on the way? That makes it possible to be bold or kind or hopeful?

There's growing research that shows the more time spent on social media or in mindless scrolling, the less hopeful we become. So perhaps we might also reflect on our daily activities or things we take in that work against us being faithful or bold or kind.

I hope you'll come out to support our kids and welcome their parents in worship this Sunday. We have several kids from the community for whom this is their first experience of Main Street UMC. Let's offer our best hospitality.

Pastor Kelly

Click Here for Sunday's Bulletin

Please keep the Stafford family and friends in your prayers. John passed away last Thursday and the calling hours are today, Thursday, Aug 3, with a memorial service on Friday at Arlington Street UMC.  You can read his full obituary below.

Read Obituary Here
Buy Tickets Here

Aug 5 - Intended for people interested in learning about how to become involved in the ham & bean suppers and joining our team. Also those of you who have been involved in the suppers in the past, are encouraged to attend.

  • A sign-up sheet will be put out at fellowship time after the service this Sunday.

  • A link is included below to sign up online.

Sept 9 - Church Members Family & Friends Ham & Bean Supper - This will be a trial run of our buffet format and we encourage everyone to attend and help us make improvements.  Tickets will be sold at the door.

Oct 7 - Our first Ham & Bean Supper open to the public.  We're so excited to resume this ministry in our community and look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces!  Tickets will be sold at the door.

Ham & Bean suppers will resume full schedule on the first Saturday of each month after we launch the first one on October 7th!

Click Here to Sign up for Aug 5 Potluck
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Summer keynote event: The Seven Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism: A Call to Action.

At Unitarian Universalist Church, Concord, NH

We are SO excited to welcome the Rev. Dr. Carter Hayward to New Hampshire on August 29th. In a time of rising hate activity across our state, Rev. Dr. Heyward is going to talk with us about her book, the Seven Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism. Together, we will learn about action steps we can take in our own churches and communities as we grow our muscles in this work together. 

There will be opportunity to spend time together in both small and large groups, and to connect with other voices of faith from across the state who are also interested in doing this work. Registration, and more details about our book group accompanying this event coming next week!

Thanks to our partners at the NH Conference of the UCC, and Episcopal Diocese of NH who are working with us. We hope you will save-the-date, and join us.

Read more about  Rev. Dr. Heyward
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