Thursday, October 5, 2023

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast October 5, 2023

New in this Issue:

  • Ham & Bean Supper - this Saturday, Oct 7 - TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!

  • An Evening around the Campfire!

  • Fall Fair Lawn signs - put up and pick up volunteers

  • Register now for the one-day Advent Creation Worshop!

  • Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter - Ways to help!

  • Nursery Volunteers Needed!  Please Help!

  • Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed

Click Here to Donate Today to MSUMC
Mainstreeter Online Weekly Blast

Fill in the blank: "I'm glad to be part of MSUMC because ______." 

I've been thinking about all the ways MSUMC makes a mark on my life and the life of the region. What kind of mark our ministries make in Nashua, what kind of blessing our building serves to others -- the 12-step groups, the community organizers and service organizations, the small groups like quartets and quilters, the tutors and shelters who use our facilities. The Housing Forum on Monday night was a beautiful example of how the ministries of this church to employ Pastor Kristy who has expertise and a passion for affordable housing, bears fruit in the community. It was powerful to hear public servants say they were appreciative of the stories that they hadn't heard before, and to learn about the housing concerns that they didn't know, and to become aware of the community needs and resources to address the problems. 

Our worship series on Mark invites us into the costly discipleship of the gospel. To understand how we can and should make a mark with our living and our ministries. So . . .  what kind of mark are you grateful MSUMC is making? Fill in the blank. 


Rev Kelly

Click Here for Sunday's Bulletin
More Info on Service Here
Sign up for the Memorial Table - Click Here
Click HERE for Amazon List

IF YOU CAN HELP PUT UP LAWN SIGNS (and remember where you put them so we can get them after the fair), please let the Office know.

We hope you'll join us in enjoying a Fall evening in the Weirs' backyard on Saturday, October 21st from 4-7pm. Bring your own lawn or camping chair and a drink. We'll see you there!

We Need You!

Can you help out in the Nursery on Sunday's during Church School and Worship?  We Need You!  Some volunteers have already stepped up, however, we need more.  Many of the current volunteers already have many "jobs" in the congregation and we'd like to get some relief.

Please contact the Church Office if you can volunteer and make a difference in the lives of our littlest disciples.

To Volunteer Click Here
Click Here to Donate or Join the CROP WALK Team!
Click Here to Donate Today to MSUMC

Church office hours are back to normal schedule.  

We will be here Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00,

closed on Tuesdays.

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