Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast August 15, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Church office closed - Friday, August 16

  • Worship Design Retreat - Join us or give feedback!

  • Nashua Soup Kitchen MSUMC Sunday - August 18th

  • Volunteer Needed - Treasurer

  • Green Team Root Veggies Drive

As we prepare for this upcoming weekend of worship planning for the next year, the office will be closed on Friday, August 16.  If you would like to attend any or all of the planning sessions, please let the office know.

Friday - 6:30 - 8PM

Saturday - 11AM - 7PM

Thank you!

The Worship team is in retreat this week designing MM good worship (meaningful and memorable). We appreciate your input on the themes that interest you as we pray and plan our spiritual journey in worship for the year ahead.

Here are some series we're considering. Let us know what interests you. And if you want to join the Worship Design Retreat in the Vestry Friday 6:30-8 and Saturday 11-7, let the office know TODAY.



United Women in Faith News

Thanks for all who attended our craft workshops last weekend, whether to craft or pop in and offer moral support. Creative juices were flowing as you can see by the photo. These lovely pressed flower pictures will be for sale at our fair on Sat. Nov. 9

A warm welcome to two New Hampshire advocates that will be using space in our church to continue their work locally.

Marina Vaz (left) who you will remember was a guest preacher here at MSUMC in the Spring and works for Conservation Law Foundation, and Victoria (Tori) Markiewicz (right) who works for GSOP.

You may see them using space in the church from time to time.


Congrats to Katie & Evan McElreath (the Camp Wanakee Exec Dir who preached here just 2 weeks ago) on the birth of Rosie Lou McElreath!

Born on Monday afternoon weighing 8lb 10oz and is 21in long. 

The New England Conference Creation Care Ministry presents a four-part webinar series for the 2024 Season of Creation titled: 
Creation Care | Creation Justice
Building Elemental Change in a Rapidly Changing Time

The series will focus on a new topic every Wednesday in September.

All sessions begin at 7 pm EDT.

R is for Rollercoaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg.  

The blue coaster is called Griffon.

And the blue and orange coaster is called Tempesto.

Church SUMMER office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 12:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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