Thursday, August 22, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast August 22, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Invitation from the Green Team - starting Aug 28th

  • Volunteer Needed - Treasurer

  • Green Team Root Veggies Drive

What might the church offer to a nation that is increasingly divided from political rhetoric in this election season?

We have the golden rule. Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. This ethic, based on loving your neighbor, calls us to respect. It doesn't cover over or ignore our differences but calls us to treat one another with kindness. This national kindness campaign was developed by the UM Church of the Resurrection, a mega church in Kansas City, with many resources congregations can offer to our communities such as yard signs, billboard designs, stickers, and devotional materials.

The worship team is developing a worship series based on the kindness campaign and they would like to expand the series into the community through outreach on Main Street... but this is an unbudgeted opportunity so WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you can make a second mile gift to the "Do Unto Others" campaign, please do so in the next 2 weeks and that will allow us to engage our neighbors on Main Street in this effort to promote kindness. (And if you want a kindness yard sign, let us know.)

Pastor Kelly

An Invitation from the Green Team

In collaboration with representatives of three other organizations in the city, our Main Street green team is leading a project to plant a small native plant pollinator garden in the greater downtown Nashua area.

Project kickoff meeting - August 28

Project end - early November

There will be a variety of tasks, and no gardening experience is needed. 

If you would like to join us in this "small experiment with radical intent" for collaborative action of behalf of creation, please contact Peggy Drew before August 28.

The New England Conference Creation Care Ministry presents a four-part webinar series for the 2024 Season of Creation titled: 
Creation Care | Creation Justice
Building Elemental Change in a Rapidly Changing Time

The series will focus on a new topic every Wednesday in September.

All sessions begin at 7 pm EDT.

Church SUMMER office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 12:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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