| A Message from Pastor Kelly "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself." - Susanna Wesley What's the best way to learn about our denomination's history? I'm not sure the best way, but I know one of the fun ways is through the Wesley Bros comics. I've used their book for confirmation classes (which the youth loved perhaps because the cartoons are very adult in their humor). There's a bunch of nerdy movie references, relating the Wesley brothers to The Hobbit, The Fantastic Four, Grease, Star Wars etc. It's fun, irreverent, and educational, no really. This Sunday, we have a guest preacher, Geniese Stanford, who retired to this conference last year after serving churches in Kansas. She also taught Wesleyan heritage at the seminary there. So we're excited to welcome her this week to talk about John Wesley's life and next Sunday to talk about the Methodist movement. And we'll sprinkle in some Wesley Bros animated videos, Charles Wesley hymns and other prominent Methodist voices to make our worship heart-warming. It's Annual Conference season so there's no better time to talk heritage and where the Methodist movement is headed.... especially given the work of the right-wing Wesley Covenant Association's work to leave the UMC and divide our denomination. We'll also post some of your favorites, like Clayride (A Gallop Through Methodist History) on our social media and we hope you'll send in your favorite Methodist quotes so Natasha can include them in our worship (office@mainstreet-umc.org). And don't forget about our ongoing conversation on the post-pandemic church with daily quotes from thought leaders about the future of the church. -Pastor Kelly  | | | . | | Preparing for a controlled reopening: a message from the Re-entry team and Pastor Kristy There is so much good news these days! The number of new cases of COVID-19 in Nashua continues to fall as people are vaccinated, and the number of vaccinated people is rising as youth aged 12-15 have been cleared for vaccination. We are encouraged! In response to improving conditions in the pandemic, the Re-entry Team is relaxing some of the restrictions put in place at the beginning of the pandemic. Here's what's new: - Worship: Starting June 20th (9:30 service, Summer hours), up to 40 people will be welcome to attend the streamed worship service in the sanctuary each week. Masks, screening questions and physical distancing will still be required. Humming is okay, but singing is not yet considered to be safe in groups. Those who wish to attend will need to register in advance by calling the church office or signing up through the Eventbrite links that will be provided by Friday before the service. (This allows us to check people in quickly and do contact tracing in the case that a person tests positive for COVID-19 after the service.)
- Small groups: Groups of up to 20 people will now be permitted to use the Vestry for meetings and events. Again, masks and screening questions are still required, and group leaders must call the church office in advance to schedule the time, so that groups don't double-book. Please give the office enough notice so that the room can be set up. Groups are responsible for disinfecting the Vestry after use.
- Health screenings: Temperature checks will no longer be required, and the travel question has been expanded to ask only about international and cruise ship travel, as the CDC recommends. Domestic travel is ok. Questions about symptoms of illness are still in place.
As always, your cooperation is essential in making these changes successful. We thank you for your patience and willingness to protect the most vulnerable among us, including children and vulnerable adults who cannot yet have the vaccine. We continue to look forward to greater freedoms, as conditions allow. | | | Golfers Wanted $72.00 per golfer Team and Individual Registration is available We can use additional support with sponsors. Personal Hole Sponsors @ $50.00/sign. Corporate Hole Sponsors @ $75.00/sign. Each sign is 8-1/2 x 11, laminated and attached to a sign board. | | Umbrella Pick Up If you loaned an umbrella for the "Dare to Dance Again" display, you are welcome to stop by the office and pick up your umbrella. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm. Please call the office when you arrive and we will be glad to let you in; (603) 882-3361. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed. It was such a creative and beautiful way to share resources and celebrate our Eastertide season. | | For our summer music this year, we are once more inviting the congregation to participate! This year, summer music will be virtual, so we will be using pre-recorded videos. If you are interested in singing, playing an instrument, or reading poetry, email Emily Adams at emilyradams10@me.com. | | Cosponsored by Temple Beth Abraham, Nashua Presbyterian Church, Main Street United Methodist Church. Free and open to all. Anyone can attend on Zoom, and a limited number of in-person spaces at Temple Beth Abraham are available. Please use the following link to register: A Just Economy Registration | | April 2021 Finance Snapshot: General Fund (GF) Total GF Income Received as of 4/30/2021: $162,040.31* Total GF Income Budgeted through 4/30/2021: $147,596.00 Total GF Expenses Paid through 4/30/2021: $137,379.59 Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 4/30/2021: $154,394.92 * Includes $9453.00 designated for Heart of Nashua Continued and CARES Act PPP Draw 2 Funds of $35,547.46 received and used for GF expenses. Notes on General Fund - In April we paid one month each of World and New England Mission Shares leaving us a month behind ($1951.26). We can make this up later in the year.
- We used Cares Act PPP funds in April for payroll and some utilities and will use the rest in May for one payroll. This was an immense help in meeting our financial obligations.
- We are current on other expenses.
Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) & HON Cont. (Capital Campaign/Elevator, Connector, Renovations) - Balance Due on HON Loan as of 4/30/2021: $143,104.57 (Loan was $358,343.45)
- In April the $1,769.53 monthly payment was paid. HON Cont. funds on hand 4/30/2021 ($9659.25) will cover payments for five months.
- Total Paid (including interest) Using HON 1, 2 & Continued as of 4/30/2021: $1,891,658.12
Funding for the Future, 100 for $150 (Endowment) – Received this year as of 3/31/2021: $1705. Please be one of 100 people or families giving $150 each year (or donate any amount) to grow our endowment for our future. Parsonage Mortgage – As of 3/9/2021 we owed $68,580.37 on the parsonage. We are paying $896.22 per month. At the present rate, the parsonage will be paid off on 1/23/29. We have been using income from the Scrip's gift card fundraiser program to paydown the principal. If you wish to donate directly to reduce this balance, please mark donations for parsonage paydown. Thank You Thank you to all who support this congregation. Your financial gifts, service and prayers are all appreciated. How to Help Please continue to support us financially if you can. We will need your help to meet our obligations this year. Checks may be mailed to Main St. UMC, PO Box 1517, Nashua, NH 03061, Attn.: Financial Secretary. Donations may also be made via PayPal, Vanco or by direct deposit to our bank account. We also accept stock donations. | | The John Wesley banner in the sanctuary was designed in 2003 by Sharon Rose to commemorate the 300th anniversary of John Wesley's birth. It was assembled with the help of Sara Chambers and Melissa and Arthur Keefe at a Family Night workshop. | | Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday Days to Reach Pastors Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | | | | | |
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