Thursday, May 5, 2022

Mainstreeter Blast May 5, 2022

Click here for the May 8th  2022  Bulletin  

 Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship

Be sure to join us for our Virtual Coffee Hour and Fellowship Time following the 10:30 am service. 
We look forward to seeing you there!

Missions News

The National Association of Letter Carriers will hold its "Stamp Out Hunger" Food Drive on Saturday, May 14.  You may have received a reminder postcard in your mailbox!  Please leave your bag of nonperishable food  near your mailbox so that your letter carrier can take it on the 14th.  Since Main Street's Third Sunday Food Pantry is May 15, from 2 to 4, there may be food for us to sort or put on shelves that day from the food drive.


And if you forget to put the food out for your letter carrier, you can always put the bag in the Food Pantry bin in the lobby.  Thank you! 

 Missions Work Area

A Message from the Conference


We are preparing to celebrate Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar's retirement and honor his ministry and mission with the New England Conference these past 10 years on the evening of June 10 at our Annual Conference in Manchester, NH. We hope that you will join us for the festivities and help support a gift in his honor that reflects his steadfast care and concern for our conference, especially in light of his having postponed his retirement twice already due to COVID-19.
Since Bishop Suda's arrival in 2012, he has raised awareness of the need for clergy support and therefore envisioned the creation of the "Pastors Respite Fund."  As a gift to Bishop Devadhar upon his retirement, we invite everyone to prayerfully consider making a special donation to this fund.

Donations to the "Pastors Respite Fund" will be a wonderful gift to honor Bishop Devadhar as he retires, while at the same time, carrying on his legacy of concern for the welfare of all clergy in our conference. Please complete and include
 this form with your gift payable to: UMFNE, Attn: Pastors Respite Fund, and mail it to:
           34 Route 111, Suite 102
           Derry, NH 03038

If you wish to donate online, visit
Thank you for your generosity in making the Bishop's dream come to fruition!
Committee on Episcopacy
New England Annual Conference


Women in Faith & Philanthropy



Did you know that 86% of women have yet to seek advice as they create a legacy of personal meaning? Only 14% of women have spoken to a financial advisor about charitable gift planning strategies. The history and role of women and their giving, both in the nonprofit and secular arenas, has been very different than men. Fortunately, those trends are rapidly changing.

 Making an impact means understanding what is important to you and why you want to have an influence. Women are nurturing and tend to feel compelled in many directions. Which directions are most important? Finding your own personal mission will help guide your financial decisions.

 This forum will:

  • Look at the facts as they pertain to women
  • Help you think strategically about your own giving
  • Provide tools to evaluate your personal mission
  • Create an action plan
  • Most importantly, "Amplify Your Impact".

Participants will receive a questionnaire prior to the presentation to assist with the mission evaluation process.

For more information, please use the following link:
Golfer's Wanted
Team in Individual Sign-Up must contact Mark Morrissey

We can use additional support in the following ways:

Personal Hole Sponsors @ $50.00/sign
Corporate Hole Sponsors @ $75.00/sign
Each sign is 8-1/2 x 11 laminated and attached to a sign board.


For more information, call of email:
Mark Morrissey (603) 244-0738

DO NOT miss out on our 2nd Annual MSUMC at the Silver Knights Outing!!  We have our own section of seats.  Emily will be singing, we will enjoy a game and fireworks together, as well as snacks, conversation and laughter.  

Contact the Main Office for more information or to get your name and number of tickets on the list.  Friends and family are welcome.  Let's spend some time together before summer plans scatter us.

March 2022 Finance Snapshot
General Fund (GF)
Total GF Revenue Available 3/31/2022 YTD:           $135,078.07
Total GF Revenue Budgeted through 3/31/2022:   $117,473.22
Total GF Expenses Paid through 3/31/2022:            $107,570.34
Total GF Expenses Budgeted through 3/31/2022:  $122,895.33
Notes on General Fund
Except for Conference mission shares (world and New England missions), we are current on payments due in March.  In March we used a $300 donation given for missions and expect to pay $10,000 more using a bequest from Bill Hebel in April or May.  We continue to be cautious in spending to ensure we can meet expenses on time.   
Heart of Nashua 1 & 2 (GiF) & HON Cont. (Capital Campaign/Elevator, Connector, Renovations) 
-  Balance due on HON Loan as of 3/31/2022:  $129,080.31 (Loan was $358,343.45)
-  In March the monthly payment of $883 was paid as well as $500 on the principal.  HON Cont. funds on hand 3/31/2022:  $10,703.16.
-  Loan pay off date is 2/8/2039.
-  Total Paid (including interest) Using HON 1, 2 & Continued as of 3/31/2022:  $1,909,849.89 
Funding for the Future, 100 for $150 (Endowment) – Received this year as of 3/31/2022:  $1110
    Anyone can be one of 100 people or families giving $150 (or any amount) each year to grow our endowment for the future of this church.
   Parsonage MortgageAs of 3/31/2022 we owed approximately $61,000 on the parsonage.  The parsonage mortgage will be paid off on 1/23/29.  At the end of March, we received a $200 donation toward paying down the parsonage principal.  This will be used when we make the April payment.
Thank You 
Thanks to all who support this congregation by their prayers, service, participation and financial donations.   Thank you to David Quimby for training and testing our members in food service at no charge to the church except for the tests which had to be purchased.  In March, another pledge was paid in full for the year.  Work has been started on the organ.  Donations from members and from the Bill Hebel estate will pay for the organ repairs.
Recent and Current Expenses
Our church has seen recent electrical work (exit signs) and plumbing (back flow).  The organ and piano were tuned.  Printed mailing envelopes were purchased.  Utility and other regular bills continue to arrive.  


Pastor's Sabbath Days:
Pastor Kelly: Tuesday
Pastor Kristy: Friday

Days to Reach Pastors
Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Mainstreet United Methodist Church · PO Box 1517 · Nashua, NH 03061-1517 · USA

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