Over the next several weeks, we invite you to explore what it means to have "a place to call home" in your spiritual lives. April 16 - June 18 | |
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Celebrate Juneteenth on Monday, June 19th. Watch the short video link below from the United Methodists Communication Team. The office will also be closed on Monday, June 19th in celebration of this day. |
Thank you from Pastor Kristy:
I am back in the office officially this week, after two weeks of medical leave and three of working remotely. I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to drive across the city and pull up at the church to work with and in this community that I so dearly love.
I want to thank you for the myriad of blessings that came to me during my time apart. While I have been prayed-for many times and in many situations, this time was different--I literally felt drenched in prayer from before the procedure through my recovery. I have never experienced anything like it before! Thank you for praying for me!
In addition, thank you for the calls, emails, cards, text messages and social media check-ins, the flowers, the food and the expressions of care. I deeply appreciate all of it, and am so happy to be back with you again.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Kristy
Please also take some time to visit our small library in the Vestry and see if you are interested in taking one home or sharing with someone. |
Sympathy cards may be sent to the following address: Carol Howe, 491 Mammoth Rd. #10 Londonderry, NH 03053. If you'd like to greet the family, they will be at the wake. Burial service will be in TX next to her husband's grave. |
Our church photo directory is almost done! It looks great, but it's not complete. We want your photo to be included. Please email your photo or upload it by this Sunday, June 18th. The directory will be put to print next week and this is the FINAL CALL! |
United Methodist Women Next Meeting, June 21 at 7:00 PM Speaker - Peggy Drew on Green Church Movement In Person - Church Vestry OR Via GoogleMeets |
Please join us on Wed. June 21 at 7 PM to hear all about the Green Church Movement that will formally be set in motion later in the month. This is one of the top priorities for United Women in Faith worldwide. The meeting will now be hybrid.
All are welcome! |
THANK YOU's are in order! To Jerry Harrow and all the volunteers that came out and represented MSUMC at the Taste of Nashua event on Wednesday, June 7th! |
Thank you also to the Education Team for a great year in teaching our littlest disciples and to Karrie and the Youth Group. A special thanks to all that were crayons for our theatrical enactment of the book "The Day the Crayons Came Home". If you weren't able to attend last week's worship service, a link is below. Definitely worth watching. |
Asphalt Meeting June 15th - Nashua City Hall Visibility at 6:00 Meeting at 7:00
As you feel led, please come out to City Hall to support the neighbors of the proposed asphalt plant in Nashua. We will meet outside at 6:00 p.m., and continue our tradition of being positive and supportive while also clearly stating that there is no place for an asphalt plant on Temple Street.
Just before 7:00 p.m., those of us who are able will go to the City Hall auditorium for the Planning Board meeting, where a decision is expected this time. We hope to fill the room.
Here is the meeting agenda link and the zoom link, should you choose to attend remotely.
Agenda: https://www.nashuanh.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_06152023-6609?html=true
ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88279359803?pwd=WGRUa3M3b1N2aW1wKy9oS1psZ0pvZz09
Access Code: 882 7935 9803 Password: 709888
Each year, United Women in Faith members prepare for faithful living and action by engaging in transformative educational experiences at Mission u events. Mission U is a cooperative program of the Annual Conference and the United Women in Faith for the spiritual growth for all ages; school children, youth, men, women, laity and clergy.
This year it will be held from Fri 7/21 to Sun 7/23 at the Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester.
The following is the link with more information and registration form can be downloaded. Registration deadline is June 30th. |
On Saturday, June 24th, the United Methodist Men will host their 21st Annual Golf Scramble & Fundraiser at Amherst Country Club. This is our major fundraiser of the year and provides money to fund Scholarships for our Youth to Wanakee Summer Camp, Snow Removal from church facilities, and other maintenance and replacements that are not in our church annual budget.
Since the tournament is only TWO weeks away, we encourage church members and friends to support this fundraiser in one of several ways: Register to play golf or host a foursome for the tournament if you aren't a golfer. Purchase Hole Sponsorships for your business or family. Or simply donate some money to support the tournament and our fundraising causes.
Costs: Trophies will be awarded to the winners of the tournament and there will be prizes or gifts for each foursome who participates. This day has always been a great way to enjoy fun and fellowship for all who participate and ALL are welcome.
Please contact Mark Morissey, 603-244-0738, Kent Swanson, 603-880-6289, or the church office, 603-882-3361 to participate and forward your money to Paul Curtis at the church office as soon as possible. We really need your participation to make this event successful. God Bless You and thank you for your support!
Kent Swanson, President, United Methodist Men |
RSVP FOR BASEBALL NIGHT BY SUNDAY, JUNE 18TH Once you RSVP below, send $8 per ticket to the Church Office and write "Baseball" on memo line of check. Tickets will be held in your name at "Will Call" the evening of the game. You must RSVP in order to attend and have tickets waiting for you at the game. |
VOLUNTEER SIGN UP BELOW We've had a great response to volunteers for the Ham & Bean Suppers that we are planning to bring back this Fall. We are still looking for some positions, please let us know if you can help out! |
The new slate of Officers will be considered at the Council Meeting on June 26th and we will celebrate our leaders in worship on July 9th. |
Summer keynote event: The Seven Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism: A Call to Action.
At Unitarian Universalist Church, Concord, NH We are SO excited to welcome the Rev. Dr. Carter Hayward to New Hampshire on August 29th. In a time of rising hate activity across our state, Rev. Dr. Heyward is going to talk with us about her book, the Seven Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism. Together, we will learn about action steps we can take in our own churches and communities as we grow our muscles in this work together.
There will be opportunity to spend time together in both small and large groups, and to connect with other voices of faith from across the state who are also interested in doing this work. Registration, and more details about our book group accompanying this event coming next week!
Thanks to our partners at the NH Conference of the UCC, and Episcopal Diocese of NH who are working with us. We hope you will save-the-date, and join us. |
Current and immediate needs for the NSKS are Tuna and Cereal. If you are able, please drop off donations at the shelter on Quincy Street between 11:00 and 2 daily OR drop off in the bin in the Connector Lobby. |
This summer, we're BLASTING OFF! To Mars and Beyond... we'll learn how God can empower us to GO BEYOND with faith, boldness, kindness, thankfulness, and hope. We're on a mission, and we'd love to have you voyage with us!
Monday, July 31st through Friday, August 4th 9:00AM until 12:00PM (Ages 3 years through 6th Grade)
Register your space below.
Interested in helping us out? There are a variety of ways to volunteer your hands, time, and heart! Click below to fill out the volunteer form or contact Andrea Weir to find your perfect fit! |
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