New in this Issue:Funeral for George Mazaiwana - Saturday, January 6 UMM Meeting this Saturday, January 6 at 8:30 AM UMW Meeting, Wednesday, January 17 (Hybrid) Youth News! New Sunday Vestry Class starting Sunday, January 7th Passing of Gem Anderson, funeral to be held on January 13th
 | #Faith4Earth #CreationCare HERE WE ARE Starting Sunday, January 7th | |
It's going to be a busy weekend here at MSUMC with a UMM breakfast meeting, George's funeral, and the Ham & Bean Supper all on Saturday. If you are able to attend, volunteer, greet, or just be present for your fellow MSUMC members, it would be greatly appreciated. Times like these need all hands on deck and we appreciate all.
We wish Pastor Kelly and Steve a safe return from Texas and look forward to seeing them back home in New Hampshire for Saturday.
Our new series also begins on Sunday, January 7th; Here We Are!
Blessings, Jodi
George's funeral will be held here at the church on Saturday, January 6th from 10:30 - 12. Light refreshments will be served following in the Vestry and connector lobby.
This will be a large funeral in conjunction with having another event that same evening at the church. If you are able to volunteer to help with greeting family members, cleaning, and/or setting up tables, chairs, etc., please let the office know. |
Gem Anderson, a long time Nashua resident and joined MSUMC in 1985, passed away on Christmas Eve. Her funeral will be held here at the church on Saturday, January 13th.
Obituary link is below. |
The Youth In December 2023
The Youth appreciated Pastor Kelly and the Worship Committee for allowing them to participate as Christmas Presents during the fun and creative worship services during Advent. On December 23rd, the youth had an enjoyable movie and pretzel-making evening. Thanks to Phyllis Appler for providing all the ingredients and teaching the youth to make delicious pretzels. And on December 31st, 15 youth and family members joined in the bowling games and had a great lunch and fellowship together.
We look forward to a fun 2024! |
Thank you to the Pyle's, Swanson's, and Appler's for deconstructing all of our Christmas trees and holiday decorations in order for us to get ready for the next series, season, and busy beginning of 2024. Also, a big thank you to Pam Breniser who has been hard at work readying the sanctuary for the next series! |
While cleaning out some of our holiday decorations, we found these 3 figurines. If you own these and are looking for them, please let the Office know. We'd like to give them back to their rightful owner. If not claimed, we will donate them. |
Pledges are down for 2024, please pledge today! We Need Your Help!
There are several ways this year to easily make your 2024 pledge to MSUMC: Return 2024 Pledge Card from mailer to the church via regular mail Scan the QR Code below* Click the link below*
When you fill out the form online, it will only be shared with Financial Secretary. |
Get Excited! After a month off for the holiday season, we are back in business with our Ham & Bean Suppers on Saturday, January 6th. Please join us and spread the word! Special price for all veterans, active duty, and first responders! |
We have a special meeting this Saturday for our UMM Breakfast Meeting. At the request of several of our UMM members, I have invited a special guest to discuss a Green Initiative strongly supported by our Conference, Solar Power. Though there has been no decision about the MSUMC pursuing this program, UMM is beginning to study such a feasibility for our church. Our special guest is John Rowntree, President of the Nashua Interfaith Council and the leader of the GREEN Team from Church of the Good Shepherd. John was the leader of the recent conversion of the Church of the Good Shepherd from fossil fuel power to Solar Energy for their utilities requirements. John will discuss their project, provide us with information on how they planned and executed their project, and how to raise funding to help offset a major cost of the project. He will bring some video and pictures taken of the progression of the conversion at Church of the Good Shepherd from a drone flying over their facilities and discuss with us the how and why's of the project and the benefits that they are seeing from going Solar.
I invite any of our church members who are interested in this technology or who might want to see such a project materialize for Main Street. John will also discuss how they financed the conversion project and how they applied and received sufficient funding to offset up to 40% of the cost of the total project.
Our breakfast will begin this Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. followed by John's presentation and discussion to include the planning as well as the execution of the conversion and he will be available to answer any questions that you might have. This is a chance to get an unvarnished understanding of the execution of such a project, the timeline that must be established and the entities and agencies that contributed to the Church of the Good Shepherd Program.
If you can come, please RSVP so that we can plan for your breakfast and seating at the tables. Or call me at 603-880-6289 to confirm your attendance.
In Christ, Kent Swanson
United Methodist Women News Next meeting Wed. Jan. 17, 2024 7 PM In person in chapel and online via google meets
Happy New Year to everyone. The next meeting of UMW is Wed. Jan. 17 at 7 PM. We will plan for an in-person meeting with virtual option on google meets, but may go totally virtual if weather is bad. Mavis Pyle will share about her experience volunteering at Stepping Stones. We will spend a good portion of the meeting setting our guideline budget for 2024 and discussing some initial plans for meetings through June. Bring your ideas along. We hope to plan some daytime winter craft workshops and Kathy Romano has an idea for a baking day at church preparing coffee hour foods to freeze. We were excited that the 30 Days of Sharing Food Box was filled and we were able to deliver to the Soup Kitchen in time for the holidays. Thanks to everyone who contributed. |
Make 2024 the Year You Advocate for a Child Children who experienced abuse or neglect are waiting for someone to advocate for their best interests. Become a CASA. To learn more click button below: |
United Way of Greater Nashua's next "Coffee and Causes" talk for older adults will focus on "Getting Back to Exercise". Speakers from the YMCA of Greater Nashua and the local Hannaford nutritionist will speak about ways to add fitness and healthy eating to your routine in the new year. The talk will take place at the YMCA of Greater Nashua at 10:30am on Friday, January 5th. This talk is geared toward older adults, but all are welcome! Register at the link below or contact United Way at (603)882-4011 or info@unitedwaynashua.org. |
Church office hours: Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00 Closed on Tuesdays. |
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