New in this Issue:UMW District Meeting - registration forms available. Holy Week Events. Donate for a Cause - Savers Fundraiser! Annual Conference Registration - now available. Book Study Opportunities. Nora's Girl Scout Project - Volunteers wanted!
 | Gifts of the Dark Wood Beginning February 14, 2024 | |
As we enter into Holy Week and reflect on the counter-cultural message of Jesus that got him crucified, we're invited to consider the ways in which we live counter to the cultural messages of consumerism, materialism, racism, busyness, individualism. We've been journeying through the gifts of the Dark Wood, exploring the gifts of failure, emptiness, uncertainty and getting lost. This week, we're invited to appreciate the gifts of misfits; the community of faith who hold counter-cultural values together. And to reinforce that message we have a choral cantata -- nothing says the need for community like a group of voices raised in harmony! Join us this Sunday and for the meditative and stirring Maundy Thursday service next week, where we'll hear first-person narratives from the characters in the story of Jesus' last days.
There's also an opportunity for outdoor walking Stations of the Cross event in Manchester, walking along the river focusing on creation and Indigenous Peoples experience (meeting at St. Andrews Episcopal at noon on Good Friday, March 29th). And there's another one in Milford at the same day/time meeting at the Oval focused on the Black Heritage Trail.
Blessings on the Dark Wood journey, Rev Kelly
Below is our Lent Reflections submissions. |
Get your thinking caps on and your thoughts together. We will be holding a Ham & Bean Retrospective Meeting for everyone who has been involved in our first year back. The meeting will be on Saturday, May 11th and lunch will be provided.
We need everyone's feedback in order to continue to make these suppers successful. |
Donate for a Cause! Savers Fundraiser
Hello, church family! The local, faith-based moms' group I am a part of (MOPS) has partnered with Savers in Nashua for a fundraiser, and we need your help! We are collecting gently used items to donate and in turn, Savers will make a financial contribution to MOPS. As you Spring clean, please keep us in mind and let us take your items to Savers for you. I will be collecting items through Sunday, May 12th. You can bring them to church on Sunday mornings or contact me, and I can come to pick them up from you. Please note that we are not collecting furniture.
Please leave items in the small conference room off the Vestry.
Thank you, Andrea Weir |
Nora noticed that the space where she attends a theater summer camp at Wasserman Park is lacking an adequate dressing area for the campers and stage wings to hide the actors when they're not on stage. Nora also wants to update the entry to be more inviting.
Nora presented her project proposal at the Town Council meeting in December for approval to make the necessary renovations to the space.
Nora recites the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the meeting and then her presentation starts at minute mark 11:10.
Since the project approval in December, Nora has acquired the necessary funds and has started construction of the dressing area and stage wings in addition to making improvements to the entry.
Nora is hosting a Project Help Day on Saturday, April 20th from 1-4pm to paint the stage wings and dressing room walls, and create a feature wall in the entry. All volunteers are welcomed to help Nora with this community project! |
UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH (UMW) District Meeting, Saturday, April 13th Register Now - click link below!
We are hosting the District meeting here on Sat. April 13th. The registration is linked below and may be turned in to the office here rather than mailing it to the district. Think of women you can invite whether churched or unchurched, whether UM or another denomination.
All registration checks should be made out to Granite State United Methodist Women (not MSUMW).
Thank you, Pam |
It's almost spring, so you know what that means? It's time to make summer plans! Save the dates below for our Vacation Bible Camp and we will send more information in the coming weeks regarding registration, volunteers, donations, etc. |
The youth will pack and ship snacks to college students in April on behalf of MSUMC. We would appreciate donated prepackaged snacks such as granola bars, cracker sandwiches, cookies, microwave popcorn, hot cocoa, oatmeal packets, tea bags, Raman noodles, Starbucks $10 gift cards, and assorted chips, including the most popular Takis Chips. A box will be outside the office for your donations. We will also welcome monetary donations to defray the shipping & supplies costs. Please send a check payable to MSUMC and write Youth College Care on the memo line. If you know of any college students who would benefit from a Main Street Care Package, please email the name of the student, college address, year in college, and their Major to Karrie Lam, Youth Ministries Coordinator, at karrie.lam@mainstreet-umc.org. |
2024 New England Annual Conference
Annual Conference Registration is Open Early bird registration deadline is May 1. Registration closes May 22.
When: Thursday, June 20, 2024 to Saturday, June 22, 2024
Where: Hybrid / DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Boston North Shore 50 Ferncroft Road Danvers, MA 01923 |
Join United Way of Greater Nashua on April 5th at 10:30 am for an informative session at the Nashua Senior Activity Center. Discover how Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity & RSVP FixIt assist low to moderate-income homeowners with vital repairs. From safety improvements to minor fixes, learn how these programs make a difference in our community's homes. |
Church office hours: Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00 Closed on Tuesdays. |
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