New in this Issue:Prayer vigil for GC - sign up now - thru May 3rd! UMW Meeting - May 15th - UMCOR and Feminine Hygiene Kits Baseball game on June 30th - buy tickets now. Safe Sanctuaries Online Training - Register Now Granite State Ringers Concert - Ticket Link Annual Golf Tournament - sign up now!
 | Resurrection Stories - Unlock Yours! Beginning Sunday, March 31st | |
In response to the Earth Day service that began with birdsong and included parrots in the sermon, a member sent in this story from the Center for Action and Contemplation: Many years ago, I needed serious surgery while working as an English teacher in China. I spent weeks recovering and I was alone except for one clergy member who left meals at my door. My mother, 87, called me each day from her retirement community. She always ended her call with one question: "Do you hear the birds?" At first, I softly laughed, and ignored her question. Finally, after one of our calls, I cracked the window open by my bed. And I was shocked to find—I could hear the birds singing brightly outside. I felt soothed and comforted by the sound. It even made me feel less alone. For those weeks of recovery, my mother and I ended our calls by affirming that we both heard the birds outside. Today, when my children are discouraged, I ask, "Do you hear the birds?" For our family, it has become a way of reminding ourselves that Nature's healing presence is always just outside. —Donnalee B., Story from the Community
Bishop Peggy Johnson invites you to join our prayer vigil for the General Conference. We need folks to sign up for ½ hour slots from 8 am to 6 pm each day from Tuesday, April 23, through Friday, May 3, 2024. Your prayers are appreciated any time, even if that slot is not available.
Blessings, Pastor Kelly |
Purchase tickets for the MSUMC outing on June 30th at Silver Knights. All are enouraged to attend, especially those that were volunteers, attendees and families at VBC!
Group Password: USM |
Don't wait, get your tickets now for the Granite State Ringers concert here at MSUMC on May 18th at 2:30 PM. |
This month's UMM Meeting has been postponed until Saturday, April 20th. The usual hot breakfast will be served at 8:30 am with the meeting beginning at 9:00. Please plan to attend as we will have a guest speaker to review the possibility of solar here at MSUMC. Your support, questions, comments and attendance is greatly appreciated.
Please RSVP to Kent Swanson if you plan on attending so we can coordinate food for all. |
Register now for Safer Sanctuaries Online trainingWhile we have a safe sanctuary policy in place, this new information will help you to expand your understanding of how to keep everyone safe in a new era – both digital and in person. You can attend any one of the following sessions, even if it is not being held for our district: May 4 Granite District 9 am to noon May 6 Many Waters District 5-9 pm (includes breaks) May 7 Seacoast District 6-9 pm May 8 Green Mountain District 6-9 pm May 18 Commonwealth East District 1-4 pm May 20 Commonwealth West District 6-9 pm |
UMW (United Women of Faith) Next Meeting: May 15, 7 PM - Church Vestry
United Women in Faith (UMW) are sponsoring a collection of items for Feminine Hygiene kits and a clean up bucket for UMCOR. Kits will be assembled at our next meeting on Wed. May 15. You do not need to be a member of the women's group to participate. If you would like to contribute items, click "view the sign up" bar below to access the list of items and see what is still needed. Check off what you would like to purchase and bring to the meeting or drop off ahead of time in a marked barrel in the back entry of the church. You do not need to create a log-in or password, you just enter your name and email address for confirmation. There are options for monetary donations which may be cash or a check made out to "Main Street UMW" with UMCOR kits in memo line.
If you have any problems with this signup, please contact Pam Breniser at pjbreniser@gmail.com or Kathy Romano at bkromano@comcast.net.
Thanks so much for participating in this mission project on behalf of United Women in Faith.
Thank you, Pam |
The UU church in Milford is hosting a showing of a travelling exhibition of the George Floyd quilts this week. It is truly powerful and very well done, and highly recommended. You can find the times below. |
Springtime Tea St. James UMC, Merrimack, NH May 11 at 2:00 PM $12/per person |
Reserve Tickets: 603-424-7459 OR email bsdulong@gmail.com |
Third Act Faith's next General Meeting, on Tuesday, May 7 at8 pm EDT/5 pm PDT, will feature a panel of religious leaders discussing"The Sacred Right to Vote."
TAF member Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, who has written two essays onthe importance of this year's elections, will be joined by Rev. Carol L Devine,Rabbi Stephanie Kolin and Mubarak Elamin. |
Church office hours: Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00 Closed on Tuesdays. |
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