Thursday, February 6, 2025

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast February 6, 2025

Annual Reports Now Available - click here to download an electronic copy.

A limited amount of hard copy reports are available in the Office.

Our Current Worship Series

Sundays:  January 5 - March 2

In person & Live Streaming

Bitter cold temperatures, stomach bugs, and an icy snow storm impacted the turnout at the January and February ham & bean suppers. Attendance was lower at these suppers than in previous months, but those who did attend had a great evening of food and fellowship.


In January, 70 people attended and purchased 30 take-out items to enjoy at home. Sales on Saturday night and sales of leftovers on Sunday morning generated $779.00 for the church budget. 


In February, 68 people attended the supper, purchased 34 take-out items, and generated $651.00 for the church budget from sales on Saturday and Sunday.


We started advertising take-out options in the 2024/2025 supper season. Every month, we have noticed that take-out sales remain the same or increase, even when supper attendance is down from the previous month. People enjoy our food and want to enjoy it at home, too!


2024/2025 supper season to date


Here are the numbers from the suppers held so far this supper season:



Tickets sold

Take-out sales

Total sales



$   89.00

$ 938.24



$   89.00

$ 864.30



$   93.00

$ 779.00



$ 105.00

$ 651.00


Want to be part of this fellowship opportunity?


We'd love to have you be a part of this fellowship opportunity, held the first Saturday of most months from October through May. Bring your family and try the food that so many people take home with them! Then, if you want to be part of this fun fellowship opportunity, whether working behind the scenes or helping out at a supper, reach out to Susan McDonald, or watch for sign-up sheets after worship.

March 1 is the next supper.  Please join us!

Washington, D.C. – Multiple denominational leaders are set to gather for a webinar to discuss the United Methodist response to immigrant justice and United Methodists across the connection. All interested parties are invited to join the conversation. "Solidarity with the Sojourner: Understanding U.S. Immigration and Our Call to Respond" is scheduled for 7 p.m. EST.6 p.m. CST/5 p.m. MST/4 p.m. PST Monday, Feb. 10, 2025. Due to limited space, registration is required.

"This webinar will provide an in-depth overview of the current U.S. immigration landscape and explore the challenges immigrant communities face and the policies shaping their lives," explains Rev. Kendal McBroom, General Board of Church and Society's Director of Civil Human Rights, one of the speakers for the event. "Together, we will reflect on our faith's call to action and discuss practical ways United Methodists can respond."

"As United Methodists, our Social Principles affirm our commitment to offer support and welcome immigrants, migrants and refugees into our congregations," says Bishop Julius C. Trimble, General Secretary of The Board of Church and Society, who will also speak at the webinar. "As people of faith committed to justice, compassion, and dignity for all, we strongly oppose ICE raids that harm immigrant communities, create fear, separate families, and go against our moral calling to welcome and protect the vulnerable."

In addition to McBroom and Trimble, other speakers include:

  • Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo, General Secretary of The General Commission on Religion and Race

  • Melissa Bowe and Alba Jaramillo, Immigration Law and Justice Network

  • Rev. Dr. Lydia Muñoz, El Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry of the United Methodist Church

  • Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño, COB Chair of the Immigration Taskforce

The Rev. Laura B. Kigweba, Director of Grassroots Organizing at GBCS, will moderate the webinar.

Among the topics to be discussed are:

  • How and why the church is called to stand with immigrant communities

  • Challenges and opportunities with the current national legislative landscape

  • Biblical examples that reflect solidarity and how those examples can be modeled in the local church

  • How congregations can be in solidarity with immigrant-led congregations

The webinar will include a time for questions from participants.

Organizers of the event are the General Board of Church and Society, the General Commission on Religion and RaceImmigration Law and Justice NetworkCouncil of Bishops Immigration Task Force, and El Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry.

United Methodist Communications is offering support for the event.

The webinar will be available in English, Spanish and ASL. For more information about "Solidarity with the Sojourner," go to

Active Bystander Training: Empower Yourself to Make a Difference

Join us for an interactive training session led by experienced trainers from the Granite State Organizing Project. This session will equip you with the tools and skills to be a proactive and effective bystander, fostering a culture of safety, respect, and support in our community. You'll learn how to intervene and prevent harmful behaviors in various situations, including bullying, harassment, discrimination, domestic violence, mental health crises, and more.

Examples of what this training can help with:

  • Preventing bullying or harassment in schools, workplaces, or public spaces.

  • Addressing discriminatory behaviors or comments based on race, gender, or other factors.

  • Supporting victims of domestic violence or abuse.

  • Interrupting microaggressions and promoting respect.

  • De-escalating conflicts and preventing violence.

  • Recognizing signs of mental health struggles and providing support.

  • Assisting people with disabilities and ensuring inclusive environments.

Date: February 19, 2025
Time: 5pm - 7pm 
Location: First Church Nashua Congregational U.C.C., 1 Concord St, Nashua, NH 03064

FREE to attend. Limited space available, so be sure to register!

GN's 10th year . We're just getting started!

We're going to make it social, fun, and tackle some issues along the way by…

  • Convening groups of neighbors with shared community interests read more

  • Tackling the issue of where the heck do we get news these days by creating a workgroup of residents and NH journalists. Join by clicking here.

  • Growing food with neighbors. Join us in one of our 7 community gardens - link  

  • Diverting food waste from residents homes.  Join us - link

  • Sharing extra veggies with those that have and those that need - link

Be the spark for Grow Nashua this year and in turn feel nourished by connecting with your neighbors around shared interest areas!

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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