Saturday, September 8, 2018

August 19, 2018 Mainstreeter Online

August 19, 2018 
A Word from the Fill-in Guy

Do you ever feel like you are too connected? When I served as a district superintendent, it was part of the job to stay connected and to be available at all times. That was when I discovered the joy of taking a cruise. Back then (not long in time, but long in terms of technology) it was harder to stay connected on board a ship. It gave Linda and me a time to "disconnect," even if at times it made us "itchy." It has been seriously suggested, that there are times when we need to disconnect, if we are to do "deep thinking." This is true for our spiritual journeys. We need to step back and, in alone time or in a reflective group, do the reflected thinking that needs to be done so we can examine our individual and corporate faith journeys.There is an old hymn that has the line "take time to be holy." In these days of being connected, perhaps that time is needed more than ever.

Grace and peace,

Worship Ahead

Scriptures for August 26  -  14th Sunday after Pentecost

The First Testament - Joshua 24;1-2A, 14-22 - The Shechem Covenant between Joshua and the people of Israel.

The Epistle - Galatians 3:1- 6 - The apostle Paul writes to the churches of Galatia, expressing his fear that they have lost the focus of their faith.

A Modern Word - "Penalty Clause"

There are effects to our going off the track.

Playground Set Donated to MSUMC
A sturdy, school-quality playground set has been donated to MSUMC and hopefully will be an added attraction for neighboring families. It will be set up in a fenced area on the far side of the Wesley Building after the grass seed has taken hold.

There is, however, a cost. A required chain link fence must go around the set and a cushioning mulch placed under it. If you'd like to contribute to these costs, specify "playground" on the envelope you place in the Sunday offering. If you'd like to help assemble it, let Donna Swanson know. Thanks to those who have already donated enough to pay for the mulch.

We look forward to having the playground draw children and their parents to our welcoming church.
A Conversation with Ian Clarke-Pounder

We all know Ian, who gives the best hugs of anyone in the congregation. Most of us also know that because of a donation from Ian in memory of his wife Brenda, our sanctuary was brought into the 21st century with larger than life audio-visual screens that display announcements, prayers, scripture readings, and the words to hymns as we sing them.

But did you know that Ian was a Brylcreem Boy back in Britain? Although deferred when drafted during WW II, he later served in the RAF. Apparently members of the Royal Air Force were called Brylcreem Boys after the British hair styling cream that had the jingle, "A Little Dab'll Do Ya!" And how about the fact that he and Brenda have five children, seventeen grandchildren, and seventeen great grandchildren—three born this year alone?

After church one Sunday, Ian told me that Brenda was a lifelong Methodist, so when they moved to Nashua from New Jersey in 1973, she initiated their transfer from Pennington, NJ UMC to MSUMC. Their family, which was down to three children living at home, became active in the church and for about ten years, Ian was the lay member representative to the General Conference.

When I asked what changes have occurred during his time here, Ian said that a significantly higher percentage of the congregation is hugging. When he started going to Brazil for business, Ian saw how common hugging was there and recognized it as an expression of love and honor. He is solely responsible for importing the Brazilian hug to Nashua MSUMC.

Other changes he noted were that there seems to be a higher attendance at church on Sundays, but he feels we need a better system to track it than pew books. Maybe coded badges collected after service? The removal of the storefronts, although a contentious issue at the time, was a good thing. The stores "were a mess and had poor drainage" and their removal has opened up the church and the Wesley Building to Main Street.

Friendliness and outreach has improved during Ian's time here. He credits that to good leadership, noting that Pastor Rich has instigated and encouraged teams that have made great change possible—including the use of audio-visuals in our worship service. Because people are looking up at the screens now instead of down at hymnals and Bibles, the service is more "uplifting".

Ian and Brenda have been beloved members here for over forty years. We miss you, Brenda, and thank you, Ian--for all your contributions!

-submitted by Mary Marchese
Historic Tidbit

With the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebration in September, the Anniversary Committee has gathered historic quotes to share, taken from Methodism in Nashua, 1831-1982, by J. Lawrence Hall. We will include one with each Mainstreeter Online.

"[In 1876] In response to the request to the Young People's Society, they were offered the use of any part of the House [church building] that they may desire, but at a fixed price. It was also voted to renovate the south Vestry for the Young People and the Ladies Society; the Trustees agreeing to remove the furnace, but the room was not to be used in a common manner. In raising funds and procuring estimates for the improvements of the Vestry, the subscription and collection amounted to $68.61."
"The following year the committee on musick reported that Brother Otis will blow the organ [operate bellows] for $25.00 and Mrs. Walton will play for the sum of $125.00 for the year. The Musick Committee was instructed to employ some suitable person to make repairs to the organ provided the expense did not exceed $20.00."

Looking for Catnip
Is there anyone out there who raises catnip and would be able to donate some for making of catnip toys for the Yuletide fair?  I would be willing to dry it and strip if off the stems. Please contact me at or 603-566-2632.

Thank you, Pam Breniser 
Thank you for your Donations!

Main Street United Methodist Church has received a $53.27 donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between April 1 and June 30, 2018. Thank you all for your participation. Please continue shopping at  

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