Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mainstreeter Online August 5, 2018

August 5, 2018 
A Word from the Fill-in Guy

I have found that sometimes getting down to basics is a good way to gain some clarification on basics. A grace I got from somewhere (of course I can't remember where) goes like this: "God, this day there are people without food; there are people without appetite. We have both and for that we give great thanks. Amen."

That prayer gets me back to the great gifts of food and appetite. When we think we should have a better home, do we remember to give thanks that we have a home? It is a good basic if my car runs. My legs are not functioning as well as they have in the past. Do I cry at this point? Or do I go with the basic that I'm still moving, even if not very fast?

God has gifted us with much. Do we lose sight of that as we look for more, and in so doing miss the gifts God has placed before us today?

Grace and peace,
Worship Ahead

August 12 
First Testament - II Samuel 11:27-12:1-7 - Nathan the Prophet Confronts King David
The Epistle - Ephesians 4:25-5:2 - Paul gives instructions for practical Christian living
The Modern Word - "You're the Man!"
When we have messed up, how do we react as people of faith? 

Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. 

~John Wesley
   Cafe Agape Update
From: Shuman Frank []
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 1:39 PM
Subject: A Message To Those Running Cafe Agape
     My name is Frank Shuman and I come to the Agape Cafe on many mornings.  Since I will not be there on Monday, I just wanted to let the ladies who run the program know that last Thursday I was able to help that gentleman named Francis (nicknamed Franco).  He was able to get a few pairs of underwear from the Salvation Army Thrift Store, and at another time in the future, I'll be glad to take him some other place to buy some brand new ones. But he's OK for now.  It's a true blessing that a church like yours opens up their hearts & even their place of worship to help the unfortunate, the lonely, the homeless, the down on their luck (whatever their problem may be) -- no questions asked.  I notice how you folks help people all the time, so I was more than happy to be able to help that gentleman myself in some small way.
     God Bless Your Kindness & Compassion.  
Café Agape is closed for the month of August, but a couple of weeks ago, we received the above email at the church office.
The next time I saw Frank, I asked if he'd let me interview him. He agreed, but our conversation started with him asking me questions. "Why are you doing these interviews? Are you trying to understand us? What's the purpose?"
I wasn't able to answer him adequately at the time. After thinking about it later, this is what I wish I had said.
While getting to know individuals at Café Agapé through conversation and interaction, I've heard many interesting stories. Most of them are heart-rending. Some made me cry. I am constantly amazed by people's willingness to share personal details. I've learned that people want to be heard no matter how self-degrading their stories.
If we here at MSUMC are serious about wanting to learn about our neighbors, we need to listen. From personal experience I can say that listening leads to better understanding, which leads to empathy and caring.
That's why I have these conversations—so I can learn more about our neighbors and share their stories with you.
-submitted by Mary Marchese
Note: Conversations with both Francis, who is mentioned in the email, and Frank will be in future Mainstreeters.

Looking for Historical Highlights 1982 to 2018

We have a timeline of noteworthy events for our church from 1868 to 1981, which we will make available as we approach our 150th birthday. But milestone events for the years 1982 to the present day are lacking, especially the early years.

If you know something significant that occurred during those years, for example, when the first ham and bean suppers started, send it along to

Thank you!
Historic Tidbit

With the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebration in September, the Anniversary Committee has gathered historic quotes to share, taken from Methodism in Nashua, 1831-1982, by J. Lawrence Hall. We will include one with each Mainstreeter Online.
"Reverend C.W, Rowley PhD, pastor of the Main Street Methodist Church, secured rooms on Gillis Street for regular weekly and Sunday worship services. As the interest grew, Revered Jesse M. Durell of Main Street, was an assistant to this new activity, and in April 1897 Reverend C.C. Garland began his pastoral work here. In 1898 the Arlington Street Church was organized as a separate charge with Reverend C.C. Garland as pastor."
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