Saturday, September 8, 2018

August 26 Mainstreeter Online

August 26, 2018 
A Word from the Fill-in Guy

When you receive this item, I will have one week and one Sunday left as the "Fill-In Guy." As this time comes to an end, there a couple of things I wish to communicate.

First, after being here as the substitute on a part time basis, I more than ever appreciate Pastor Rich's pastoral ministry within our church. Rich is the right pastor for this time in our church's life. Thank you, Rich!

Secondly, I have been strongly reminded again of how many wonderful ministers we have in this church. Note I wrote "ministers" not "pastors." We call Rich "Pastor" because he is the pastor of this congregation, the one and only. But so many of you are ministers involved in ministries both within the church and outside of the church. Thank you for your many ministries affecting so many lives. It is wonderful to be part of such a great congregation.

Grace and peace,

Worship Ahead

September 2, 2018
The 15th Sunday after Pentecost - Communion - Labor Day Sunday

Epistle - James 4:17-21- The primacy of Love

Communion Meditation: "The Beginning - The End"

Mission News
Main Street's next Soup Kitchen Sunday is September 16 from 2 to 4. Volunteers arrive at 1:30. This might be a good time for you to try on that blue apron and see whether volunteering at the Soup Kitchen is something that you enjoy. Whatever your schedule, there is a time at the Soup Kitchen for you. Some volunteers help to serve breakfast before they head to work. Some help distribute food during the week, and others help with the dinners each night. Donations for our food ministry at the Soup Kitchen are always welcome. Right now the needs include canned red or black beans, one pound packages of rice, canned fruit, and soup. Snacks like Ramen noodles or peanut butter crackers are also appreciated.
Roll Out the Fall Toilet Paper Collection will be held September 9 for the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Shampoo and conditioner are also needed for toiletries bags that are available to clients once a month if requested. You can put it in the Food Pantry Collection Bin in either the lobby or the vestry. 
Africa University:  We will have a special offering for Africa University on September 16. This university for all of Africa has had the support of Main St. since its beginning in the late 1980s. We have given scholarships and contributed to the ongoing needs of this special school, and this is an opportunity to continue that support. 
-submitted by Phyllis Appler
What do you know?

How good you are with important dates? For example, when was the Wesley Building purchased?
  • 1899?
  • 1945?
  • 1965?
  • 1972?
Click below for the answer. 
Outline History of MSUMC
Historic Tidbit

With the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebration in September, the Anniversary Committee has gathered historic quotes to share, taken from Methodism in Nashua, 1831-1982, by J. Lawrence Hall. We will include one with each Mainstreeter Online.

The Nashua Cemetery located directly behind the Unitarian Church on Canal Street, set aside five burial lots, one for each of the following churches: the First Congregational; the First Methodist; the Unitarian; the First Congregational Church of Dunstable, and the First Universalist Society. These lots were to have been privileged resting places for the ministers of each of the respective identities should they so desire. The Methodist lot is situated directly behind the Unitarian Church on 1 Willow Avenue…there appear to be two burials.
[In 1879] the Pastor appointed a committee consisting of a John H. Chapman and Allen Wilson, with the assigned responsibility to see to the repairing of an iron fence around a church lot situated in the Nashua Cemetery. These iron fences were approximately four feet tall with spear-like ornamental tops, usually encompassing the burial lots with one or more iron gates. This custom has since been eliminated.

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