Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 23, 2018 Mainstreeter Online

September 16, 2018 
A Word from the Pastor

Last Sunday we threw a "block" party on our new front plaza as a way of saying "thank you" to the community of which we have been privileged to be a part for the last 150 years.
It was a truly wonderful occasion as we welcomed young and old alike to enjoy free food and beverage and to engage in simple games and fun activities. I am grateful for all of those who had a part in making this a success--master griller, Paul Pederzani; Jerry Harrow; Pam Breniser; Laura Graudons; Mike and Marcia Brown; Kelly Rose; Mark Morrissey and many others. I believe it marked a new era in the life of our congregation moving us from being a "back" door church to a "front" door church. Our new space in the front of the church is allowing us to be more visible, accessible, and welcoming.
Today marks the beginning of a week of celebration of our anniversary which will include some very special activities (Please note the events listed below). Once again we will welcome both church members and community members to enjoy a very special concert on Saturday afternoon. I am grateful for Emily Adam's willingness to offer this special event and to include other musicians in sharing their gifts as well. Saturday will conclude with the anniversary banquet at the Nashua Senior Center. What a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the company of church members, former pastors, and friends. I am grateful to Marcia Brown and the Banquet Committee for all of their planning and preparation for this occasion. 

Finally, on Sunday morning we will come together in one service, at 10:30am, to give thanks to God for our long history as a church in downtown Nashua. Former pastors, District Superintendent, Rev. Jim McPhee along with Bishop Devadhar will lead us in worship. The choir will sing two anthems one of which was written specially for this occasion by Andrew Morrissey, son of Mark and Cindy, who grew up in the church. The Indian Choir will also grace us with their music as a special gift to our bishop who is our Indian ancestry.
I hope that you will make it a point to participate in all of these special activities as we give thanks for the past, celebrate in the present and move forward into a bright future. It is an exciting time to be a part of the Main Street United Methodist Church and I am confident that the God who has guided our past will continue to guide us into the future. 

Celebrating Together,
Pastor Rich
Worship Ahead

 9/30        The 19th Sunday after Pentecost
                150th Anniversary Service
                Choir anthem and special anthem written by Andrew Morrissey
                Guest preacher: Bishop Sudashanar Devadhar
Other participants: Rev. David Svenson; Rev. Susan Job; Rev. Gwen Purshotham; Rev. Jim McPhee; and Rev. Richard Cullen
150th Anniversary Schedule of Activities

Saturday, September 29th         
2:00pm      Organ Concert featuring Emily Adams, Dale McDonald and others
6:00pm      Banquet - gathering starts at 5:00pm at the Nashua Senior Center
Sunday, September 30th             
     Anniversary Celebration Worship Service including Bishop Sudashanar Devadhar; District Superintendent, Rev. Jim McPhee; former pastors, Rev. David Svenson, Rev. Sue Job, and Rev. Gwen Purshotham along with special music provided by Andrew Morrissey and the choir.
Thank you from the Finance Committee

We recently received a substantial gift to cover our shortfall in our mission shares. I am very thankful! We received many such gifts this past year (and previous years). This included gifts for urgent repairs and maintenance items, computers, furniture, playground installation, A/V upgrades, steeple loan payoff, and other big ticket items. Our congregants continue to fund our daily operations and community service. 

Your continued giving will help us reach our general fund obligations this year, and I thank you very much. We will remain open to show you how we are doing, and if we are running short.

For the Heart of Nashua capital campaign, we continue to receive your donations to help pay off our remaining debt. For all of this I have to give a resounding Thank You. I will need your generosity beyond your initial pledges to pay off our debt and focus on our ministries and missions.

Folks are giving for the right reasons, in line with Matthew chapter 6 where people give for their genuine love for God and the missions in which they have strong beliefs. We continue with our ministries, missions, and community outreach because of your donations.

As always, we extend our welcome to anyone who wants to worship in Christ's church, regardless of their perceived ability to contribute. We reach out into the community the way Jesus Christ intended. Whether you are able to give a lot, can only give a little, or are so destitute that you can't give at all, you are welcome to worship and serve. Please continue to welcome our first-time visitors and new congregants into our Christian family.

Once again – Thank You!     
Joe Dechene

What do you know?

How good are you with important facts? For example, when did the church vote to remain and serve the downtown area of Nashua?
  • 1975 and 2013?
  • 1980?
  • 1982 and 2014?
  • 2012?
Click below for the answer. 
Outline History of MSUMC
Historic Tidbit
With the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebration in September, the Anniversary Committee has gathered historic quotes to share, taken from Methodism in Nashua, 1831-1982, by J. Lawrence Hall. We will include one with each Mainstreeter Online.

"It was during [Reverend Edward A. Durham's] pastorship that major renovations were made to our church.These changes were under the responsibility of D.F. Holt and Sons, who were not only outstanding in the building trade, but were dedicated members of the Main Street Church. Plans were submitted in February 1917 for the Trustees' approval, and construction soon followed.
The customary double entrance to the church was eliminated, and a single entrance opening to the vestibule was made; a new coal-burning heating plant was installed, the auditorium redecorated, and eighteen new stained glass windows were installed, plus a fire escape, became a part of the $16,000.00 expenditure which was said to have been the cost of these renovations, which at that time was a staggering expenditure."
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