| | Pastor's Sabbath Days: Pastor Kelly: Tuesday Pastor Kristy: Friday
Days to Reach Pastor's Pastor Kelly: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Pastor Kristy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday |

| A Message from Pastor Kelly Psalm 111 from last Sunday celebrated a whole heart hallelujah and folks loved hearing your examples. We had a hallelujah in the office this week, our new Office Administrator, Natasha Drew, began. In less than optimal covid circumstances, with a snow storm interruption, and with the annual statistical reports looming on the horizon, she joined our team. And we couldn't be happier. Hallelujah!
She'll need a few weeks to get her sea legs and I know y'all will welcome her, help her along, and be gracious to her as she creates new ways to organize, direct, and support our ministries.
We've heard from some of you that you haven't been getting the newsletter and blast or information about events consistently and eventually Natasha will be working to update our database to ensure everyone is included and informed. In the meantime, why not drop her an email and introduce yourself (name, when you came to MainStreet, your best contact information and even a picture would be nice).

This Sunday, we turn our attention to Psalm 147, "God heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds." So share your experiences of staying firm in the faith, those moments of hope in our hurting and we'll all be encouraged in the sharing.

| Join Conference-wide Lenten Bible Study 'Roll Down, Justice'You are invited to participate in a New England Conference-wide Bible study for Lent. This study, titled "Roll Down, Justice," was written by the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). Study sessions will be held from 7 to 8:30 pm on Sundays from Feb. 14 to March 21, 2021 via Zoom. The study will be led by Rev. Megan Stowe, Commonwealth West District Superintendent. Using biblical passages and Mark Miller's amazing hymns, this study will offer guidance to us as Christians and as United Methodists on how to be an anti-racist and inclusive church. The study is part of the Conference and Commonwealth West District's renewed commitment to engage in anti-racism work that was reinforced by the 2020 discovery of KKK materials in the historic cornerstone of the former Fairlawn Methodist Episcopal Church. Registration is required; the registration deadline is noon on Feb. 12, 2021. You will be sent the Zoom link when you sign up. You only need to register once to attend all the sessions. Register |
Ash Wednesday Information In consultation with other local Protestant congregations, national safety advice, and state-wide health regulations, we're planning an on-line only Ash Wednesday service with Arlington Street UMC. You can check out the guidelines that have determined there is no safe way to impose ashes this year beyond your own household group. We will, however, still have a ritual to mark our brokenness and mortality as we begin our Lenten journey together. For the service, you're invited to gather a candle, a small amount of sand or dirt, a small glass of water, and if possible, a piece of sea glass. Please contact Pastor Kelly if you have questions or need help in assembling any of these items. We can help!
We've posted the guidance developed by an ecumenical panel with the CDC input on our Facebook page. |
Dear Main Street family,
As you are aware, the Trustees and the Safety Committee have been working to create as safe an environment as possible for us to worship in when we are able to be together again. The iWave systems have been installed to clean the air of allergens, mold, pathogens and any other "germy things" that might be in the air. There are three mobile units to take care of cleansing the air in Pastor Kelly's office, the admin office and the office that will soon be Kristy's. In addition to those systems, hand sanitizer and "COVID killer" cleaning spray is available throughout the building. Screening is done upon entry and masks are required to be worn. The pews have been measured and marked to allow for social distancing, hymnals and Bibles have been removed from the pew racks. We have done everything possible to make Main Street UMC a safer place to be when the bishop gives us the green light to return to in person worship.
The next thing on our list and perhaps even more critical, is the purchase of two Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). The State of New Hampshire has a contract with several vendors to purchase the units at an extremely reduced price. The AEDs being considered are $917.00 each. The UMM group has generously committed to funding the purchase of one unit. If 46 of us could donate $20.00 each, we would have enough to purchase the second unit. I know you are wondering where these AEDs would be located. One will be in the first floor lobby area and the second outside of the sanctuary in the second floor lobby area. This is a purchase that could truly be the difference between life and death for someone experiencing a cardiac event. Please consider making that $20,00 contribution. You may mail your check to the church, PO Box 1517, Nashua, 03061, and make a note on the check that it is for the AED procurement. If you have any questions, please contact me. I thank you in advance for making this life saving addition possible.
Donna Swanson Chair, MSUMC Board of Trustees 603-759-5088 |

| Recorded prayer services inspired by Taizé You are invited into a simple, meditative prayer service with Taizé chants as part of your Lenten journey. The pre-recorded services will be available each Wednesday from Feb. 24 to March 31, 2021. The services will be 30-35 minutes. Author, educator and spiritual director Kate Young Wilder will be our host. The services will be posted on the website at https://www.neumc.org/Taizé_Lent |

| Are You Able? Are You Willing? A member of Main St. UMC has made a $2200 anonymous donation to the church to pay 10% of the cost of the air purifiers installed in the church. The purifiers are currently being used in the sanctuary and in the office areas and have allowed our filming crew to stream worship from the sanctuary when other congregations are still zooming from parsonages, they've allowed prayer vigils, drop-off missions, pastoral counseling in the office and more peace of mind for counters, staff and financial personnel. If others help, we can pay this bill without dipping into invested funds. Donations in any amount are welcome. It would be wonderful to receive enough to pay the $19,420 balance. For more information on the units, please contact Donna Swanson (nhk9kids@aol.com). If you would like to notify us in advance of your donation, you may contact Phyllis Bowden (wlbowden@aol.com), Paul Curtis (paul.curtis@mainstreet-umc.org), Donna Swanson or Pastor Kelly (kelly.turney@mainstreet-umc.org). Please mark your donation "Air Purification" and mail them to Main St. UMC, Attn.: Financial Secretary, P.O. Box 1517, Nashua, NH 03061. Stock donations are also welcome. We can do this and thank you to this donor and others who help. |
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