Thursday, January 19, 2023

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast January 19, 2023

Mainstreeter Online Weekly Blast

The sunrise this morning with the various shades of orange and pink peeking over the horizon and the sliver of a white moon just above that glorious line of color in the pale blue sky was a fleeting moment of glory this morning.

On hard days, with stress and busyness, or when chronic pain or a diagnosis weighs more heavily on you, it takes courage to make it through. Life is not always light and fluffy and fun. And expectations that it should be, aren't helpful. Our series this Sunday turns towards the role of humor in helping to "lighten up" life. That could mean watching a short video reel from a comedian. OR another way to think of it, is reframing what we experience and looking for fleeting moments of delight.

Moments of noticing can be helpful. Both your own noticing or noticing the noticing of others. Kate Bowler talks about a particularly hard day when her son then came home and was recounting his day at school and his noticing of how friends interacted on the playground -- and she took delight in noticing how he had noticed. It didn't even have to be a first-hand experience to give her a moment to "lighten up" her day.

My life and load has been lightened by knowing that Lisa Svenson is preaching this week and Pam Breniser will preach on Feb 5. Both have unique knowledge of the theme of the day AND because of all the time involved in preparing for a Board of Ordained Ministry Meeting over the next three weeks, it helps make ministry at these various levels possible.

May you experience a moment of noticing this week that lightens your day.

--Pastor Kelly

Click Here for Sunday's Bulletin

We are going to choose from 2 dates:

Sunday, February 26th after the service (pizza stop to be included) OR

Saturday, March 4th at 9:15 AM.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us and which day you prefer.

As the community may or may not know, Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter is now running a temporary warming shelter at 2 Quincy Street. It is open 24 hours during cold and inclement weather, so they are going through a LOT of warming drinks, and are serving more folks at breakfast. There is an immediate need for the following items:

Click Here to Follow the NSKS
Click Here for Wish List

The Trustees are requesting for someone to attend this session on grant money available for sacred places. This session will be informative to see how MSUMC might qualify for funding to repair our stained glass windows.

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