|  | Join us SundaysEach week from Jan 8 - Feb 19th we will present a worship series to help you shine a light on the blahs! | |
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|  | We've been blessed these last few months with lots of visitors in worship each Sunday. Some have found us through online worship, some have sought refuge from less welcoming denominations, some come seeking a way to be involved or connected, and some have come not knowing what has stirred in their lives. A handful are members who haven't been active in 10-20 years. Whatever has brought them to worship with us, we are grateful. And we want to make sure they know they have a place in this community of seekers. We want them to feel connected to other members and to the work we're doing together.
Each of you has a role in welcoming and getting to know those who are around you on Sunday mornings .... helping them feel a part of this family of faith. Even if you're an introvert, you might welcome someone and admit that "being an introvert talking to others isn't my thing but I want you to know you're welcome here."
At the Council Meeting, someone suggested that those seated around visitors might offer to walk with them to "Fellowship Time" downstairs so they won't feel overwhelmed entering a room full of strangers. Of course, recognizing that some visitors are introverts and some have had horrible church experiences, they may not be interested right away. One gracious response might be "Well we're glad you came to worship, hope to see you again." OR perhaps, it's more important to just stand around and get to know someone upstairs rather than going downstairs for coffee and sweets. Listen and share from your deepest self and listen some more. If they're willing to fill out a New Member Card (in the pews or in the back behind the tech table), ask them to so we'll know who was worshiping with us (we don't put them on any mailing list). Hand them a newsletter (in the lobby outside the sanctuary or downstairs lobby by the door). Don't let them leave empty handed.
That's it! We'll be living into our first core value of WELCOME.
Pastor Kelly | | We need an Owl! Can you help?
Have you ever run a hybrid meeting? It's a little bit tricky! For almost two years, we've been running hybrid meetings by cobbling together a collection of computers, microphones, tripods and cellphones. Though we've done our best, we know that we need to improve. Better technology is available: Friends, meet the Owl! | |
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| This cute little gadget sits in the middle of a meeting space, allowing participants to see each other, AND it automatically highlights whoever is speaking, allowing us to feel more connected. Its microphone is far superior to any we have, making meetings easier for people with hearing impairments. If purchased, the Owl would be available for use in the vestry for multiple church committees.
Here's our request: an Owl costs $1049. In order to get the ball rolling, Adult Education has pledged $400 (over half of their annual budget!) toward the cost. Pastor Kelly has pledged $100, and Jenn Cardin-Smith has also pledged $100. With $600 pledged, only $449 remains toward meeting our goal. Can you help?
Please consider whether you or your committee might spare some resources to help our hybrid meetings run more smoothly and inclusively. Please reach out to the church office if you can help so that we can plan the purchase as soon as possible.
Thanks so much for stepping forward to help Main Street UMC improve its reach in the community through this vastly improved hybrid technology!
Blessings, Pastor Kristy | |  | | |  | Barry Charles Laughton Sr. died January 15, 2023. Married to Nancy for 42 years and they were part of this church for many years before their move to Derry. Please keep them in your prayers during this difficult time. | | We are deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Ann Austin today. Ann passed on Friday, January 20th after a long illness.
Her family has provided us with her obituary and her services will be held on February 18th at Smith & Heald Funeral Home, 63 Elm Street, Milford at 1:30 PM. | |
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| | Nonny passed on this Celebration of Life notice for Skip Cleaver. |  | | United MethodistWomen's News
Next Meeting, Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 PM |
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| At our January meeting we approved our working budget for 2023. Here is where our money goes locally: The pastor's discretionary funds, the Heart of Nashua campaign, Our Downtown Crossings group, Wanakee camperships and our Youth Group, Nashua Soup Kitchen (includes pantry and food baskets), Family Promise, Habitat for Humanity for local builds, Day Cafe, Harbor Homes health clinic, Stepping Stones Homeless Teen Center, Front Door Agency and Boys and Girls Clubs. Further out we contribute to: The Granite District UMW, UMCOR, and set aside some general mission money for whatever needs might arise locally or globally throughout the year.
We will be planning speakers for a couple of our upcoming meetings. Wish lists for some of the local charities we support will be posted soon. We have reserved one table at the Nashua Senior Center Flea Market scheduled for Saturday, March 11 from 9-2:00. While most vendors sell used items, we plan to sell new crafts. If you are a crafter and would like to make and donate some spring/Easter or nonseasonal crafts, they would be appreciated. They can be dropped off at the church during office hours any time, no later than Thursday March 9. We hope to host our annual Senior Fling on Sunday June 4.
Next Meeting Wed. Feb. 15 at 7 PM. There will definitely be a virtual option. We will decide closer to the time if we will also meet in person. | | Please help us update our Birthday's of the Month List! Back in the day we used to list the Birthdays of the Month in our Mainstreeter each month and we're attempting to update this list. In the Vestry, there will be a Calendar for you to enter your Birthday at the "Cupcake" table. Please join us this Sunday, January 29th for Cupcakes & Cake to celebrate the January birthdays. Going forward it will be every 3rd Sunday!
Please Note: If you update us with your Name and Birthday for the "Birthdays of the Month" it will be announced in our monthly Mainstreeter.
|  | |  | |  | We have 7 people interested so far in the Nor'ester Sunday, Feb 26 after service (noon after a quick lunch). So far we have Mercedes, Jakob, Caroline, Aidan, Kieran, Jodi and Pastor Kelly. The deadline for our team is quickly approaching, so let us know if you want to join us! It's always fun and challenging with stops along the way and exercises (and social media assignments) that relate to their ministries. OR donate to the cause of helping the United Way support all the wonderful non-profit agencies in town. Each of us needs to raise at least $50. On donations to MSUMC, mark Nor'easter or put our team name: Frosty Frogs! | |  | |  | |  | |  | As the community may or may not know, Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter is now running a temporary warming shelter at 2 Quincy Street. It is open 24 hours during cold and inclement weather, so they are going through a LOT of warming drinks, and are serving more folks at breakfast. There is an immediate need for the following items: |  | | |  | | FEBRUARY 16, 2023 DATE MOVED - AGAIN! NEXT PLANNING BOARD HEARING
Pastor Kristy and Nancy Long have continued to attend visibility events coordinated by GSOP to educate the community about the asphalt plant proposal for Temple Street. This plant will be harmful to the many neighbors near the site, who will be subjected to pollution, noise, and a significant increase in asphalt truck traffic on pedestrian routes. The Planning Board hearing has been tabled again until February 16th.
We would appreciate those who are willing to write letters to the planning board to please do so at pb@nashuanh.gov. If you are willing to speak against the plant at the next meeting (at this time both zoom and in person are available), please reach out to Pastor Kristy for more information on how to do so and what criteria are most important to the Planning Board. |  |
| |  | The Trustees are requesting for someone to attend this session on grant money available for sacred places. This session will be informative to see how MSUMC might qualify for funding to repair our stained glass windows. | | | | |  |  |  |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | | |  |  | | | | |
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