Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mainstreeter Weekly Blast September 19, 2024

New in this Issue:

  • Safety Policy Reminder

  • Granite District Youth Event - UMCOR Kit Donations Needed!

  • Ham & Bean Suppers

I like movies. Even better at the theater with the oversized screen and sound you can feel as well as hear and the community of viewers having a shared experience. 

But next Tuesday, I'm headed to a movie theater in Concord for a film screening I'd rather not see. The documentary is award-winning and powerful, but it's a subject matter that's beyond troubling. It traces how a portion of our Christian faith community (White Nationalism) has strayed so far from a faith concerned with loving neighbor and caring for the marginalized. And yet, understanding the roots of such movements falls on all our shoulders and so I'll make the journey. The NH Council of Churches and GSOP are sponsoring the screening so it's free to you.  Register Below!

Together we face where our faith institutions have failed and participate meaningfully in making the church a beautiful home for everyone. 


Rev Kelly

The Nurture team had a productive conversation this week about how to respond to incidents that make someone feel unsafe inside or around our building. We want to offer compassionate care to those who are struggling with homelessness and sobriety and we want members to be safe. If the incident happens in worship, you're invited to involve the ushers to help resolve the matter. If there are no others around, you are always able to call 911 if you feel threatened or unsafe. Chief Kevin Rourke, Nashua's Chief of Police, has asked that we provide the operator with as much information as possible, especially if it involves one of the people who is experiencing homelessness. A mental health trained officer can be requested. Here is the Safety Incident policy as a reminder and the Safety Incident Report forms can be found in the Safety Folder by the office. A report should be completed following an incident. Thanks. 

UMCOR Kits with Other Local UMC Churches

for District Youth Event!

We are collecting items for UMCOR cleaning kits, which aid those whose homes and lives are devastated by fires, floods, or other emergencies like the recent flooding in

Vermont. In collaboration with the other UMCs, our goal is to provide 100 buckets. Click Link Below to see a list of needed items on Signup Genius. There is also a link from the same page to Amazon to see the items and purchase them directly. Any item donations, bring them into the Church Office and we will coordinate getting them to Manchester for the District Youth Event!

Thank you!

Do you know how to use e-commerce to sell higher-end items?  We are looking for a volunteer who can help for the Holiday Fair in selling higher end items online.  Please contact Kathy Romano or the Office if you can help us out.

If you would like to attend the Granite State Jubilee, please let the Office know, and we will register you. or 603-882-3361.

Church office hours:  

Mon - Weds - Thurs - Fri from 9:00 - 2:00

Closed on Tuesdays.

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